- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Update Request
- Category Stable
- Assigned To No-one
- Operating System All
- Severity Critical
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version Milky Way v0.3
- Due in Version Milky Way v0.5
Due Date
- Votes
- Private
Attached to Project: Packages
Opened by ralessi - 14/11/2019
Last edited by Emulatorman - 27/02/2020
Opened by ralessi - 14/11/2019
Last edited by Emulatorman - 27/02/2020
FS#1480 - [qt5] request for upgrade
I know that upgrading Qt is not a trivial task, but would it be possible to do this anyway? Qt 5.8 has issues that other versions do not have. See for example the discussion here about Projecteur, a very useful tool. Hyperbola seems to be the only Linux distribution unable to run it, just because of Qt 5.8:
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The issue seems to be evolving. Sorry for the noise.
We have plans to upgrade our Qt version to a LTS one → https://www.hyperbola.info/todo/qt-lts-migration/
However, since we are focusing on sndio migration and another ones first, the Qt's todo will be made for another Milky Way version.