- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Freedom Issue
- Category Stable
Assigned To
Emulatorman heckyel - Operating System Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre
- Severity Critical
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version Milky Way v0.3
- Due in Version Undecided
Due Date
- Votes
- Private
Attached to Project: Packages
Opened by HarvettFox96 - 01/11/2019
Last edited by Emulatorman - 13/06/2021
Opened by HarvettFox96 - 01/11/2019
Last edited by Emulatorman - 13/06/2021
FS#1472 - [elementary-icon-theme] Contains non-FSDG compliant distro icon files
About that distro, Elementary OS is semi-libre/free, Ubuntu based, long term support, but does not comply with the GNU Free System Distributibution Guidelines (FSDG). To either rebrand or remove existing non-FSDG compliant distro icon files.
The following affected files are present in this list:
- /usr/share/icons/elementary/places/16/distributor-logo.svg
- /usr/share/icons/elementary/places/24/distributor-logo.svg
- /usr/share/icons/elementary/places/32/distributor-logo.svg
- /usr/share/icons/elementary/places/48/distributor-logo.svg
- /usr/share/icons/elementary/places/64/distributor-logo.svg
- /usr/share/icons/elementary/places/128/distributor-logo.svg
- /usr/share/icons/elementary/places/symbolic/distributor-logo-symbolic.svg
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Have you ever read a book whose opening is not attractive? People do buy things after seeing their package but if they do not like the product after the first use, they generally never use the product anymore. So, if you want to attract professors with your assignment, you have to show them some sort of spark in your writing. There should be a question at the end of the summary. Ask your assignment expert to put some interesting questions in the summary. When some reader goes through any assignment, they generally read the blurb or the summary first. If the summary is interesting, they will give the whole thing a read.
Package won't be part for future release and is removed.
Therefore issue closed!