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FS#1165 - [icedove-uxp] backport cardbook
Another very useful addon is cardbook (or any equivalent) as it allows to work with remote calendars and contacts.
Actually, I don’t like to work with remote calendars or contacts. But some of my colleagues do. The only condition I set is to work with trustworthy providers using free software exclusively. But they do exist.
Closed by g4jc
15.09.2018 14:48
Reason for closing: Implemented
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15.09.2018 14:48
Reason for closing: Implemented
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Backported and added to Icedove-UXP Wiki
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This one is a little more difficult. It uses providers which are neither open source or privacy respecting. I've Removed support for Google, Yahoo, QQ, Skype, as per our social contract.
Please give this a try:
It will need some thorough testing to ensure no bugs were created after removing support for those protocols. Let me know if you discover any usability bugs, if any occur, they should appear in the "Error Log" (Do note that the original addons has some existing errors/warnings without any of our patching)
Many thanks, Luke. I will run some tests right away and get back to you.
But to tell the truth this is sinister, isn't it? I must confess that I don't use remote calendars or contacts regularly, except when required by my colleagues. But I do refuse to use providers which are neither open source or privacy respecting.
I wonder if any other similar addon not using such providers can be found?
Thanks again, and more later once I have tested this one.
I cannot get it to work, not even after having renamed .mozilla/thunderbird to .mozilla/thunderbird-backup and restarted icedove-uxp. From what I can see, there is some activity in the status bar: obviously, cardbook tries to synchronize with the remote contacts that I created.
Furthermore, once any remote address book is created, it is impossible to remove or disable it. As to the error log which follows, I cannot see anything relevant:
Timestamp: 09/14/18 10:17:22
Warning: Unknown property ‘-moz-border-radius’. Declaration dropped.
Source File: chrome://compactheader-os/skin/osdef.css
Line: 89, Column: 20
Source Code:
Fri Sep 14 2018 10:17:24 GMT+0200 (CEST) CH: Current logLevel: 1
Timestamp: 09/14/18 10:17:25
Error: TypeError: this.parentNode is null
Source File: chrome://global/content/bindings/tree.xml
Line: 1258
Timestamp: 09/14/18 10:17:26
Error: TypeError: this._parentMenupopup is null
Source File: chrome://messenger/content/mailWidgets.xml
Line: 2727
Thank you for testing. I was able to reproduce the issue and found the error, some more code needed to be changed after removing the components mentioned previously.
I now have this working with a NextCloud instance I was able to test on. Please try again as I've updated the addon. It is the same url as before.
It is the same on my side (also with a NextCloud instance). I far as I can tell, Cardbook now works perfectly.
Many thanks from a grateful user! (Even though, I must confess, I use mutt. But I use Icedove (now uxp) whenever I need to do some mail merging or to connect to remote address books.)