- Status Closed
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- Reported Version Milky Way v0.2
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FS#112 - [mesa] needs update
mesa package is outdated on version 17.0.5.
speaking with some Sway dev and trying to compile wlroots fails because it relies on mesa 17.2.3
Closed by coadde
09.11.2017 05:04
Reason for closing: Invalid
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09.11.2017 05:04
Reason for closing: Invalid
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Closed by André Silva
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Hyperbola is a long-term support (LTS) distribution; it is adapted to maintain packages in above-mentioned date (2017-05-08 for Milky Way) in our mailing lists or announcements in the main page. Exceptions are considered:
I suggest you build wlroots adapted for mesa 17.0.x series. Anyway, see Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines for further details.