- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Security Issue
- Category Any
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Emulatorman - Operating System All
- Severity High
- Priority Very High
- Reported Version Any
- Due in Version Starfix
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Attached to Project: Packages
Opened by bugmen0t - 21/06/2018
Last edited by Emulatorman - 23/06/2018
Opened by bugmen0t - 21/06/2018
Last edited by Emulatorman - 23/06/2018
FS#1027 - [gnupg] CVE-2018-12020
We are pleased to announce the availability of a new GnuPG release:
version 2.2.8. This version fixes a critical security bug and comes
with some other minor changes.
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Debian pushed a new patch (see attachment) to solve this issue in its stable version of GnuPG (2.1.18-8~deb9u2) [0] , therefore upgrade Debian patches in our package is enough to fix this issue.
I've pushed a new package called gnupg-stable that replaces gnupg, it contains the required patches to solve the issue. So, i'm closing this report, thank you for the report!