# /etc/conf.d/chroot: config file for /etc/init.d/chroot # source directory CR_SRCD=/srv/hv/mnt # name CR_NAME=name # path CR_PATH=$CR_SRCD/$CR_NAME # initial command CR_COMD=/sbin/openrc-init # network interfaces, example: CR_NINF="veh0 eth0" CR_NINF="" # wifi interfaces, example: CR_WINF="wlan0" CR_WINF="" # service dependecies, example: CR_DEPS="net.veh0 chroot.dns chroot.ntp net.eth0 net.wlan0" CR_DEPS="" # wait in seconds to run CR_COMD CR_CDWT=1 # wait in seconds to start the service CR_STWT=7 # wait in seconds to stop the service CR_SPWT=7