Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [java-openjfx-src] vague terminology "Open Source" in d ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/java-openjfx-src 8.u121-1
Java OpenJFX 8 client application platform (open-source implementation of JavaFX) - sources
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
Java OpenJFX 8 client application platform (free-software implementation of JavaFX) - sources
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [java-rhino] vague terminology "Open Source" in descrip ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
Open-source implementation of JavaScript written entirely in Java - JAR
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
Free-software implementation of JavaScript written entirely in Java - JAR
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [kdegames-kigo] vague terminology "Open Source" in desc ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/kdegames-kigo 17.04.0-1 (kde-applications kdegames)
An open-source implementation of the popular Go game
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free-software implementation of the popular Go game
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [libgdiplus] vague terminology "Open Source" in descrip ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/libgdiplus 4.2-1
An Open Source Implementation of the GDI+ API
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A Free Software Implementation of the GDI+ API
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [libical] vague terminology "Open Source" in descriptio ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/libical 2.0.0-2
An open source reference implementation of the icalendar data type and serialization format
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free software reference implementation of the icalendar data type and serialization format
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [liblouis] vague terminology "Open Source" in descripti ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/liblouis 3.0.0-2
Open-source braille translator and back-translator
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
Free-software braille translator and back-translator
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [libofa] vague terminology "Open Source" in description ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/libofa 0.9.3-6
An open-source audio fingerprint by MusicIP
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free-software audio fingerprint by MusicIP
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [libomxil-bellagio] vague terminology "Open Source" in ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/libomxil-bellagio 0.9.3-1
An opensource implementation of the OpenMAX Integration Layer API
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free software implementation of the OpenMAX Integration Layer API
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [libupnp] vague terminology "Open Source" in descriptio ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/libupnp 1.6.21-1
Portable Open Source UPnP Development Kit
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
Portable Free Software UPnP Development Kit
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [mlt] vague terminology "Open Source" in description of ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/mlt 6.4.1-6
An open source multimedia framework
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free software multimedia framework
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [mlt-python-bindings] vague terminology "Open Source" i ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/mlt-python-bindings 6.4.1-6
An open source multimedia framework
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free software multimedia framework
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [opencore-amr] vague terminology "Open Source" in descr ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/opencore-amr 0.1.5-1
Open source implementation of the Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech codec
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
extra/opencore-amr 0.1.5-1
Free software implementation of the Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) speech codec
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [openjdk7-src] vague terminology "Open Source" in descr ... | Closed | |
Task Description
no task description |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [openjdk8-src] vague terminology "Open Source" in descr ... | Closed | |
Task Description
no task description |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [openjpeg] vague terminology "Open Source" in descripti ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/openjpeg 1.5.2-1
An open source JPEG 2000 codec
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free software JPEG 2000 codec
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [openjpeg2] vague terminology "Open Source" in descript ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/openjpeg2 2.1.2-2
An open source JPEG 2000 codec, version 2.1.2
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free software JPEG 2000 codec, version 2.1.2
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [openslp] vague terminology "Open Source" in descriptio ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/openslp 2.0.0-2.hyperbola1
Open-source implementation of Service Location Protocol, with OpenRC support
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
Free-software implementation of Service Location Protocol, with OpenRC support
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [openssl-1.0] vague terminology "Open Source" in descri ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/openssl-1.0 1.0.2.k-3
The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
The Free Software toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [rhino] vague terminology "Open Source" in description ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
Open-source implementation of JavaScript written entirely in Java
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
Free-software implementation of JavaScript written entirely in Java
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [rhino-javadoc] vague terminology "Open Source" in desc ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
Open-source implementation of JavaScript written entirely in Java - Javadoc
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
Free-software implementation of JavaScript written entirely in Java - Javadoc
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [sofia-sip] vague terminology "Open Source" in descript ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/sofia-sip 1.12.11-3
An open-source SIP User-Agent library
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free-software SIP User-Agent library
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [swt] vague terminology "Open Source" in description of ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/swt 4.6.2-3
An open source widget toolkit for Java
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free software widget toolkit for Java
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [tomcat7] vague terminology "Open Source" in descriptio ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/tomcat7 7.0.76-1
Open source implementation of the Java Servlet 3.0 and JavaServer Pages 2.2 technologies
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
Free software implementation of the Java Servlet 3.0 and JavaServer Pages 2.2 technologies
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [tomcat8] vague terminology "Open Source" in descriptio ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/tomcat8 8.0.42-1
Open source implementation of the Java Servlet 3.1 and JavaServer Pages 2.3 technologies
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
Free software implementation of the Java Servlet 3.1 and JavaServer Pages 2.3 technologies
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [unixodbc] vague terminology "Open Source" in descripti ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
extra/unixodbc 2.3.4-2
ODBC is an open specification for providing application developers with a predictable API with which to access Data Sources
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
ODBC is a free specification for providing application developers with a predictable API with which to access Data Sources
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [wildmidi] vague terminology "Open Source" in descripti ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [x265] vague terminology "Open Source" in description o ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [xapian-core] vague terminology "Open Source" in descri ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [xsd] vague terminology "Open Source" in description of ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [xvidcore] vague terminology "Open Source" in descripti ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [adobe-source-han-sans-cn-fonts] vague terminology "Ope ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [adobe-source-han-sans-jp-fonts] vague terminology "Ope ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [adobe-source-han-sans-kr-fonts] vague terminology "Ope ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [adobe-source-han-sans-otc-fonts] vague terminology "Op ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [adobe-source-han-sans-tw-fonts] vague terminology "Ope ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [adobe-source-han-serif-cn-fonts] vague terminology "Op ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [adobe-source-han-serif-jp-fonts] vague terminology "Op ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [adobe-source-han-serif-kr-fonts] vague terminology "Op ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [adobe-source-han-serif-otc-fonts] vague terminology "O ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [adobe-source-han-serif-tw-fonts] vague terminology "Op ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [beignet] vague terminology "Open Source" in descriptio ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [bzrtp] vague terminology "Open Source" in description ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [cimg] vague terminology "Open Source" in description o ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [displaycal] vague terminology "Open Source" in descrip ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [dokuwiki] vague terminology "Open Source" in descripti ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [dsdp] vague terminology "Open Source" in description o ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [dspam] vague terminology "Open Source" in description ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [fcitx-mozc] vague terminology "Open Source" and "Linux ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [flightgear] vague terminology "Open Source" in descrip ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [flightgear-data] vague terminology "Open Source" in de ... | Closed | |