Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [classpath] meantioning "replacement to proprietary cod ... | Closed | |
Task Description
The description of the package need to be changed to accommodate: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html
community/classpath 0.99-3
A free replacement for Sun's proprietary core Java class libraries.
My suggestion is to describe what software does, and to remove that it is free replacement for proprietary code, as it gives some kind of legitimacy to proprietary software.
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [mp3wrap] mentioning in description to be "alternative" ... | Closed | |
Task Description
The description of the package need to be changed to accommodate: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html
extra/mp3wrap 0.5-4
Tool for wrapping mp3 files. A free independent alternative to AlbumWrap
Description is pointing to proprietary software, it should not, it shall be changed.
It is not alternative to proprietary, and description shall be changed. It gives some kind of legitimacy to proprietary software.
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [pinta] mentioning proprietary software Paint.NET | Closed | |
Task Description
The description of the package need to be changed to accommodate: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html
community/pinta 1.6-2 [installed]
Drawing/editing program modeled after Paint.NET. It's goal is to provide a simplified alternative to GIMP for casual users
I am not quite sure what the policy is in Hyperbola on this one. I am referring to the reference to the proprietary software Paint.NET. That is for me steering users to verify what is Paint.NET – we shall not be doing it. It should be removed from description.
I am fine if authors have in documentation something explaining how they started software project. But I am not fine in descriptions which are public and accessible on Internet to have such references to illegitimate proprietary software.
Just to clarify, the word “alternative” is just fine in this description and need not be removed.
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [breeze]: referring to assets in description | Closed | |
Task Description
The description of the package need to be changed to accommodate: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html
To refer to published works as “assets”, or “digital assets”, is even worse than calling them “content” — it presumes they have no value to society except commercial value.
extra/breeze 5.9.5-1 (plasma)
Artwork, styles and assets for the Breeze visual style for the Plasma Desktop
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [knewstuff]: referring to assets in description | Closed | |
Task Description
The description of the package need to be changed to accommodate: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html
To refer to published works as “assets”, or “digital assets”, is even worse than calling them “content” — it presumes they have no value to society except commercial value.
extra/knewstuff 5.33.0-1 (kf5)
Support for downloading application assets from the network
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [kpackage]: referring to assets in description | Closed | |
Task Description
The description of the package need to be changed to accommodate: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html
To refer to published works as “assets”, or “digital assets”, is even worse than calling them “content” — it presumes they have no value to society except commercial value.
extra/kpackage 5.33.0-1 (kf5)
Framework that lets applications manage user installable packages of non-binary assets
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [openmw]: referring to assets in description | Closed | |
Task Description
The description of the package need to be changed to accommodate: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html
To refer to published works as “assets”, or “digital assets”, is even worse than calling them “content” — it presumes they have no value to society except commercial value.
community/openmw 0.41.0-3.hyperbola1
A libre engine reimplementation for Morrowind-based role-playing games, without wizard installation support to install nonfree assets from Morrowind to run Morrowind
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [retroarch-assets-xmb]: referring to assets in descript ... | Closed | |
Task Description
The description of the package need to be changed to accommodate: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html
To refer to published works as “assets”, or “digital assets”, is even worse than calling them “content” — it presumes they have no value to society except commercial value.
community/retroarch-assets-xmb 401-1 (libretro)
XMB menu assets for RetroArch
Why not use “elements” instead?
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [warsow-data]: referring to assets in description | Closed | |
Task Description
The description of the package need to be changed to accommodate: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html
To refer to published works as “assets”, or “digital assets”, is even worse than calling them “content” — it presumes they have no value to society except commercial value.
community/warsow-data 2.1.2-1.hyperbola2
Free online multiplayer competitive FPS based on the Qfusion engine (data files), without nonfree assets
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [libsmf]: referring to "BSD-licensed" in description | Closed | |
Task Description
The description of the package need to be changed to accommodate: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html
The expression “BSD-style license” leads to confusion because it lumps together licenses that have important differences. For instance, the original BSD license with the advertising clause is incompatible with the GNU General Public License, but the revised BSD license is compatible with the GPL.
To avoid confusion, it is best to name the specific license in question and avoid the vague term “BSD-style.”
community/libsmf 1.3-5
A BSD-licensed C library for handling SMF ("*.mid") files.
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [gfbgraph]: using exclusively proprietary network | Closed | |
Task Description
extra/gfbgraph 0.2.3+10+gbc03c1f-1
GLib/GObject wrapper for the Facebook Graph API
In my opinion this software is for exclusive use of proprietary network. This software shall be removed from Hyperbola.
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [kaccounts-integration]: to reconsider mentioning or di ... | Closed | |
Task Description
In my opinion, this software shall be either removed, or features disabled to access either Google or Facebook, as those are proprietary networks.
Further, using those proprietary networks is steering users towards non-free software, directly, or indirectly, as many times Javascript need to be handled that is proprietary.
extra/kaccounts-integration 17.04.0-1 (kde-applications kdenetwork)
Small system to administer web accounts for the sites and services across the KDE desktop, including: Google, Facebook, Owncloud, IMAP, Jabber and others
See: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
A free system distribution must not steer users towards obtaining any nonfree information for practical use, or encourage them to do so.
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [kaccounts-providers]: consider removing proprietary pr ... | Closed | |
Task Description
extra/kaccounts-providers 17.04.0-1 (kde-applications kdenetwork)
Small system to administer web accounts for the sites and services across the KDE desktop, including: Google, Facebook, Owncloud, IMAP, Jabber and others
I do not see why would “Google” and “Facebook” be there on the first place. This software shall be either removed, or features to access proprietary networks disabled.
Another point is that often such access would required handling the proprietary javascript. I do not know if that is the case here.
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [bogofilter]: vague mentioning of "non-commercial" in d ... | Closed | |
Task Description
extra/bogofilter 1.2.4-2.hyperbola2
A fast Bayesian spam filtering tool, without noncommercial files
That shall be clarified better in description.
See: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Commercial
Please don’t use “commercial” as a synonym for “nonfree.” That confuses two entirely different issues.
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [grilo]: using "content" in description | Closed | |
Task Description
extra/grilo 0.3.3+3+g3104a34-1
Framework that provides access to various sources of multimedia content
The description is vague.
See: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Content
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [libgpod]: using "contents" in description | Closed | |
Task Description
extra/libgpod 0.8.3-5
A shared library to access the contents of an iPod
The description is vague.
See: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Content
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [qpdf]: using "Content" in description | Closed | |
Task Description
extra/qpdf 6.0.0-2
QPDF: A Content-Preserving PDF Transformation System
The description is vague.
See: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Content
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [qt5-svg]: using "contents" in description | Closed | |
Task Description
extra/qt5-svg 5.8.0-1 (qt qt5) [installed]
Classes for displaying the contents of SVG files
The description is vague.
See: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Content
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [webkit2gtk]: using "content" in description | Closed | |
Task Description
extra/webkit2gtk 2.16.1-3.hyperbola1 [installed]
GTK+ Web content engine library, without geoclue2 support
The description is vague as it is using “content” in description. Why not say “elements” or something more descriptive.
See: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Content
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [webkitgtk]: using "content" in description | Closed | |
Task Description
extra/webkitgtk 2.4.11-6.hyperbola1
Legacy Web content engine for GTK+ 3, without geoclue2 support
The description is vague. There is not even need to use “content” here. Web engine should be very clear. “Content” alone does not make sense.
See: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Content
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [drupal]: using "content" in description | Closed | |
Task Description
community/drupal 8.3.2-1
A PHP-based content management platform
The description is vague. Content is not HTML page alone. Then even text editor could be called “content management”.
See: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Content
In most cases, that term really refers to a system for updating pages on a web site. For that, we recommend the term “web site revision system” (WRS).
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [xorg-xev]: mentioning "content" in descriptions | Closed | |
Task Description
extra/xorg-xev 1.2.2-1 (xorg-apps xorg)
Print contents of X events
Description is vague because of the word “content”. Why not say “X events information”. At least description shall be changed which is very public. For man page I am not sure.
See: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Content
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [avrdude]: using "content" in description | Closed | |
Task Description
community/avrdude 1:6.3-2
Download/upload/manipulate the ROM and EEPROM contents of AVR microcontrollers
Description is vague because of the word “content”. The word itself is fine in English language, but here it is used out of the proper context. And it is not not necessary at all. When one knows what is the abbreviation of ROM, such as Read-Only Memory, then any mentioning of contents of ROM is needless. It is enough to say: “Download/upload/manipulate the ROM and EEPROM of AVR microcontrollers”
See: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Content
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [iceweasel-no-resource-uri-leak]: using "contents" in d ... | Closed | |
Task Description
community/iceweasel-no-resource-uri-leak 1.1.0-1 (iceweasel-addons)
Deny resource:// access to Web content. Fill the hole to defend against fingerprinting.
Description is vague because of the word “content”. Does it deny to “content” or it denies to files, URLs or to what?
See: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Content
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [util-linux]: referring to kernel Linux when it should ... | Closed | |
Task Description
core/util-linux 2.29.2-2.hyperbola2 (base base-devel) [installed]
Miscellaneous system utilities for Linux, with eudev and libeudev support
See: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Linux
Description is referring to operating system, and not to the kernel itself (Linux). It shall be amended.
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [arch-install-scripts]: referring to operating system i ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [asp]: referring to operating system by using only kern ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [ibus]: using name of kernel to refer to operating syst ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [kdenlive]: refering to name of operating system by usi ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [ladspa]: referring to operating system by using kernel ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [libimobiledevice]: referring to operating system by us ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [libva]: referring to operating system by using kernel ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [nss_ldap]: referring to kernel name as operating syste ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [tomboy]: referring to kernel name when instead it shou ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [antiword]: referring to kernel name, when it should to ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [backuppc]: referring to kernel name instead of operati ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [bluez-tools]: referring to kernel name, instead to ope ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [bsd-games]: referring to kernel name, instead of opera ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [btchip-udev]: referring to kernel name, instead of ope ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [checksec]: referring to kernel name, instead of operat ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [cinnamon]: referring to kernel name, instead of operat ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [clamtk]: referring to kernel name, instead of operatin ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [cutter]: using name of kernel, when referring to opera ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [cwiid]: using kernel name instead of operating system ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [deepin-account-faces]: using kernel name instead of op ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [deepin-control-center]: using kernel name instead of o ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [deepin-notifications]: using kernel name instead of op ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [deepin-screenshot]: using kernel name instead of opera ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [ecryptfs-utils]: using kernel name instead of operatin ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Very Low | Low | [fbreader]: using kernel name instead of operating syst ... | Closed | |