Any | Backport Request | Very Low | Medium | [iceowl] package request | Closed | |
Task Description
Or if you know a more libre calendar addon that is easy to use/reliable, feel free!
This is my only other package needed besides ublock origin/enigmail. :)
Any | Backport Request | Very Low | Medium | [icedove-uxp] backport mail merge | Closed | |
Task Description
What I miss very much is “mail merge”. For example, I had to send 102 personalized emails to my students, as the term is beginning. The only way to do that was to revert to the previous non-uxp icedove.
But but immediately after that, I reinstalled icedove-uxp, of course!
Any | Backport Request | Very Low | Medium | [icedove-uxp] backport cardbook | Closed | |
Task Description
Another very useful addon is cardbook (or any equivalent) as it allows to work with remote calendars and contacts.
Actually, I don’t like to work with remote calendars or contacts. But some of my colleagues do. The only condition I set is to work with trustworthy providers using free software exclusively. But they do exist.
Stable | Backport Request | Very Low | Medium | Request for addon used by Iceweasel-UXP: uMatrix | Closed | |
Task Description
Hello, would it be possible to have the addon uMatrix ported to be used within the UXP-platform? The addon is complete open and can be found here https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix
I’ve tried to install different versions and it seems to be incompatible with the concurrent version of Iceweasel-UXP from the repositoy.
Any | Backport Request | Very Low | Medium | Random Agent Spoofer for Iceape | Closed | |
Task Description
random_agent_spoofer- is the version I desire, can you implement it?
Any | Backport Request | Very Low | Medium | Greasemonkey For Iceape | Closed | |
Task Description
greasemonkey-3.31.4 version desired. I would love to see it implemented for Iceape
Any | Backport Request | Very Low | Low | Self Destructing Cookies for Iceape | Closed | |
Task Description
I would like this to be available for Iceape as well V4.13
Any | Backport Request | Very Low | Medium | No Resource Url Leak for Iceape | Closed | |
Task Description
1.2.4 version would be nice for Iceape.
Any | Backport Request | Very Low | Low | Ublock Origin for Iceape | Closed | |
Task Description
The version I desire is this:
Any | Backport Request | Very Low | Very Low | Icetray for Iceape-uxp | Closed | |
Task Description
This already works for it, but I just thought I would request it to be put in.
Any | Backport Request | Very Low | Low | elogind package | Closed | |
Task Description
Description: Was wondering if there is any issue in terms of freedom andor privacy for the inclusion of elogind? Feedback will be apreciated Cheers.
this was recently implemented in gentoo.
source: https://libregit.org/i3_relativism/elogind
references: https://blogs.gentoo.org/leio/2019/03/26/gnome-3-30/#comment-9555 https://forums.gentoo.org/viewtopic-t-1094796.html
contact gentoo developer for help in implementation: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/User:Leio/TODO
Any | Backport Request | Low | Medium | [docker] package request | Closed | |
Task Description
Please, package and backport the docker CE for Hyperbola Milky Way.
For reference, see the package docker in the Parabola.
Stable | Backport Request | Medium | Medium | [icedove-uxp] Lightning for Icedove-UXP | Closed | |
Task Description
Description: Thanks for the actual release of Icedove in combination with UXP. But for now support for Lightning / Iceowl is missing. Could you please add this package again, either within Icedove-UXP itself or as another addon compatible with UXP?
Any | Backport Request | Very High | High | [gegl] update package to 0.4.2 backport | Closed | |
Task Description
Update package to 0.4.2 backport version
Note: Is needed by GIMP 2.10.2 backport or update [gegl] to 0.3.34
Update the [babl] package
Additional info:
gegl 0.3.26-2.hyperbola1
$ pacman -Si gegl
Repository : extra
Name : gegl
Version : 0.3.26-2.hyperbola1
Description : Graph based image processing framework
Architecture : x86_64
URL : http://www.gegl.org/
Licenses : GPL3 LGPL3
Groups : None
Provides : None
Depends On : babl libspiro json-glib
Optional Deps : libraw: raw plugin
openexr: openexr plugin
ffmpeg: ffmpeg plugin
suitesparse: matting-levin plugin
librsvg: svg plugin
jasper: jasper plugin
libtiff: tiff plugin
lua: lua plugin
lensfun: lens-correct plugin
Conflicts With : gegl02
Replaces : gegl02
Download Size : 1347.15 KiB
Installed Size : 6823.00 KiB
Packager : André Silva <emulatorman@hyperbola.info>
Build Date : Sun 31 Dec 2017 05:37:41 AM -03
Validated By : MD5 Sum SHA-256 Sum Signature
Steps to reproduce:
Any | Backport Request | Very High | High | [gimp] update package to 2.10.2 backport | Closed | |
Task Description
Update package to 2.10.2 backport version
Note: Needs [gegl] 0.4.2 and [babl] 0.1.50
or update [gegl] 0.3.34 only
Update the [babl] package
Additional info:
gimp 2.8.22-1.hyperbola1
Repository : extra
Name : gimp
Version : 2.8.22-1.hyperbola1
Description : GNU Image Manipulation Program, with gegl and libxslt support
Architecture : x86_64
URL : https://www.gimp.org/
Licenses : GPL LGPL
Groups : None
Provides : None
Depends On : pygtk lcms libxpm libwmf libxmu librsvg libmng dbus-glib libexif gegl jasper desktop-file-utils hicolor-icon-theme babl openexr
Optional Deps : gutenprint: for sophisticated printing only as gimp has built-in cups print support
poppler-glib: for pdf support
alsa-lib: for MIDI event controller module
curl: for URI support
ghostscript: for postscript support
Conflicts With : gimp-devel
Replaces : None
Download Size : 12.12 MiB
Installed Size : 67.73 MiB
Packager : André Silva <emulatorman@hyperbola.info>
Build Date : Sun 31 Dec 2017 08:42:46 AM -03
Validated By : MD5 Sum SHA-256 Sum Signature
Steps to reproduce:
Any | Backport Request | Very High | High | [tcpreplay] update package to 4.2.6 backport | Closed | |
Task Description
Update package to 4.2.6 backport because of multiple security flaw and bugs
Additional info: * current Hyperbola package version is 4.1.0-1 from December 2014
Example of fix from 4.1.0-1:
* AFL detected security crash in fuzz feature * tcpcapinfo buffer overflow vulnerablily * Buffer overflow bug in tcpprep
Steps to reproduce:
Any | Backport Request | Very High | Critical | [netifrc] update package to 0.6.0 backport | Closed | |
Task Description
[netifrc] update package to 0.6.0 backport version
Fix security errors:
Fix errors:
Note: Please add a extra hotfix patch from git:
Additional info:
netifrc 0.5.1-3
$ pacman -Si netifrc
Repository : core
Name : netifrc
Version : 0.5.1-3
Description : Network interface management scripts
Architecture : x86_64
URL : https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/Netifrc
Licenses : BSD2
Groups : base
Provides : None
Depends On : eudev
Optional Deps : iproute2: for interface handler, VPN, bridging and tunneling support (recommended)
net-tools: for interface handler support
bridge-utils: for bridging support
linux-atm: for CLIP and RFC 2684 bridge support
wpa_supplicant: for wireless networking support (recommended)
wireless_tools: for wireless networking support
dhcpcd: for DHCP support (recommended)
dhclient: for DHCP support
busybox: for DHCP support
iputils: for APIPA support
ifenslave: for bonding interfaces
ppp: for PPP and ADSL support (recommended)
rp-pppoe: for ADSL support
macchanger: for changing MAC addresses
ifplugd: for cable in/out detection
Conflicts With : None
Replaces : None
Download Size : 62.75 KiB
Installed Size : 349.00 KiB
Packager : André Silva <emulatorman@hyperbola.info>
Build Date : Wed 24 Jan 2018 09:05:24 PM -03
Validated By : MD5 Sum SHA-256 Sum Signature
Steps to reproduce:
contains errors in 0.5.1 version
Any | Backport Request | Very High | High | [nodejs] backporting to nodejs LTS 8.11.3 | Closed | |
Task Description
Hi dear developers of Hyperbola. I work in the field of web development. I use a lot of javascript and nodejs to compile. Could they do the nodejs update?. I also mention this because Hyperbola works with LTS packages.
Additional info:
* package version(s)
$ sudo pacman -Si nodejs
Repositorio : community
Nombre : nodejs
Versión : 7.10.0-1
Descripción : Evented I/O for V8 javascript
Arquitectura : x86_64
URL : http://nodejs.org/
Licencias : MIT
Grupos : Nada
Provee : Nada
Depende de : openssl-1.0 zlib icu libuv http-parser c-ares
Dependencias opcionales : npm: nodejs package manager
En conflicto con : Nada
Remplaza a : Nada
Tamaño de la descarga : 4,55 MiB
Tamaño de la instalación : 18,49 MiB
Encargado : Felix Yan <felixonmars@archlinux.org>
Fecha de creación : mié 03 may 2017 09:50:26 -05
Validado por : Suma MD5 Suma SHA-256 Firma
$ sudo pacman -Si npm
Repositorio : community
Nombre : npm
Versión : 4.5.0-1
Descripción : A package manager for javascript
Arquitectura : any
URL : https://www.npmjs.com/
Licencias : custom:Artistic
Grupos : Nada
Provee : nodejs-node-gyp
Depende de : nodejs semver
Dependencias opcionales : python2: for node-gyp
En conflicto con : Nada
Remplaza a : Nada
Tamaño de la descarga : 2,72 MiB
Tamaño de la instalación : 13,98 MiB
Encargado : Felix Yan <felixonmars@archlinux.org>
Fecha de creación : mié 12 abr 2017 22:08:06 -05
Validado por : Suma MD5 Suma SHA-256 Firma
- NodeJS LTS (includes npm 5.6.0):
* https://nodejs.org/dist/v8.11.3/node-v8.11.3.tar.gz
* https://nodejs.org/dist/v8.11.3/SHASUMS256.txt.asc
Some errors that I suffer when compiling: - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46476741/nodejs-util-promisify-is-not-a-function