Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [freehdl] vague terminology "Open Source" in descriptio ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/freehdl 0.0.8-8
An open-source (C++ generating) VHDL simulator
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free-software (C++ generating) VHDL simulator
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [freevo] vague terminology "Open Source" in description ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/freevo 1.9.0-14
An open-source home theatre PC platform
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free-software home theatre PC platform
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [gerbv] vague terminology "Open Source" in description ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/gerbv 2.6.1-4
An open source Gerber file (RS-274X only) viewer
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free software Gerber file (RS-274X only) viewer
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [glfw-wayland] vague terminology "Open Source" in descr ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/glfw-wayland 3.2.1-1
A free, open source, portable framework for graphical application development (wayland)
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free software, portable framework for graphical application development (wayland)
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [glfw-x11] vague terminology "Open Source" in descripti ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/glfw-x11 3.2.1-1
A free, open source, portable framework for graphical application development (x11)
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free software, portable framework for graphical application development (x11)
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [goaccess] vague terminology "Open Source" in descripti ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/goaccess 1.2-1
An open source real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free software real-time web log analyzer and interactive viewer
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [gocr] vague terminology "Open Source" in description o ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/gocr 0.50-2
Open-source character recognition (OCR)
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
Free-software character recognition (OCR)
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [hyperion] vague terminology "Open Source" in descripti ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/hyperion 1.03.2-9
An opensource 'AmbiLight' implementation
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free software 'AmbiLight' implementation
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [inn] vague terminology "Open Source" in description of ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/inn 2.6.1-1
Complete open source Usenet system. De facto standard for handling news routing, news spool and serving the spool to customers.
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
Complete free software Usenet system. De facto standard for handling news routing, news spool and serving the spool to customers.
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [irrlicht] vague terminology "Open Source" in descripti ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/irrlicht 1.8.4-1
An open source high performance realtime 3D graphics engine.
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free software high performance realtime 3D graphics engine.
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [irrlicht-docs] vague terminology "Open Source" in desc ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/irrlicht-docs 1.8.4-1
An open source high performance realtime 3D graphics engine.
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free software high performance realtime 3D graphics engine.
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [languagetool] vague terminology "Open Source" in descr ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/languagetool 3.7-1
An open source language checker
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free software language checker
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [libasl] vague terminology "Free and Open Source hardwa ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Free and Open Source hardware”:
community/libasl 0.1.7-3
Free and open source hardware accelerated multiphysics simulation platform (Advanced Simulation Library)
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source” and “Free and Open Source hardware”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source” and “Free and Open Source hardware”.
Free-design hardware accelerated multiphysics simulation platform (Advanced Simulation Library)
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [libdlna] vague terminology "Open Source" in descriptio ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/libdlna 0.2.4-16
Open-source implementation of DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) standards
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
Free-software implementation of DLNA (Digital Living Network Alliance) standards
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [libnoise] vague terminology "Open Source" in descripti ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/libnoise 1.0.0-4
A portable, open-source, coherent noise-generating library for C++
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A portable, free-software, coherent noise-generating library for C++
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [libopenshot] vague terminology "Open Source" in descri ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/libopenshot 0.1.4-1
A high quality, open-source video editing, animation, and playback library for C++, Python, and Ruby.
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A high quality, free-software video editing, animation, and playback library for C++, Python, and Ruby.
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [love] vague terminology "Open Source" in description o ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/love 0.10.2-1 [installed]
An open-source 2D game engine which uses the versatile Lua scripting language to create dynamic gaming experiences
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free-software 2D game engine which uses the versatile Lua scripting language to create dynamic gaming experiences
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [love08] vague terminology "Open Source" in description ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/love08 0.8.0-2
An open-source 2D game engine which uses the versatile Lua scripting language to create dynamic gaming experiences
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free software 2D game engine which uses the versatile Lua scripting language to create dynamic gaming experiences
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [luminancehdr] vague terminology "Open Source" in descr ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/luminancehdr 2.5.0-2
Open source graphical user interface application that aims to provide a workflow for HDR imaging
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
Free software graphical user interface application that aims to provide a workflow for HDR imaging
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [lxlauncher] vague terminology "Open Source" in descrip ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/lxlauncher 0.2.5-2 (lxde)
Open source clone of the Asus launcher for EeePC
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
Free software clone of the Asus launcher for EeePC
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [lxlauncher-gtk3] vague terminology "Open Source" in de ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/lxlauncher-gtk3 0.2.5-2 (lxde-gtk3)
Open source clone of the Asus launcher for EeePC (GTK+ 3 version)
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
Free software clone of the Asus launcher for EeePC (GTK+ 3 version)
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [manaplus] vague terminology "Open Source" in descripti ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
Free OpenSource 2D MMORPG client for Evol Online, The mana world and similar servers
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
Free Software 2D MMORPG client for Evol Online, The mana world and similar servers
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [mathjax] vague terminology "Open Source" in descriptio ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/mathjax 2.7.1-1
An open source JavaScript display engine for mathematics that works in all modern browsers
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
A free software JavaScript display engine for mathematics that works in all modern browsers
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [mediaproxy] vague terminology "Open Source" in descrip ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/mediaproxy 2.6.1-2
Open-source media proxy for OpenSER
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
Free-software media proxy for OpenSER
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [metasploit] vague terminology "Open Source" in descrip ... | Closed | |
Task Description
This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:
community/metasploit 4.13.22-1
Advanced open-source platform for developing, testing, and using exploit code
According to: https://www.gnu.org/distros/free-system-distribution-guidelines.html
We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here: https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/words-to-avoid.html#Open
It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.
Advanced free-software platform for developing, testing, and using exploit code
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [mixxx] vague terminology "Open Source" in description ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [mongodb] vague terminology "Open Source" in descriptio ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [mosquitto] vague terminology "Open Source" in descript ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [obs-studio] vague terminology "Open Source" in descrip ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [ode] vague terminology "Open Source" in description of ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [opendkim] vague terminology "Open Source" in descripti ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [opendmarc] vague terminology "Open Source" in descript ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [openra] vague terminology "Open Source" in description ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [openscenegraph] vague terminology "Open Source" in des ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [opensips] vague terminology "Open Source" in descripti ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [opensubdiv] vague terminology "Open Source" in descrip ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [pdfsam] vague terminology "Open Source" in description ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [pokerth] vague terminology "Open Source" in descriptio ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [polymake] vague terminology "Open Source" in descripti ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [portaudio] vague terminology "Open Source" in descript ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [pymol] vague terminology "Open Source" in description ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [python-scipy] vague terminology "Open Source" in descr ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [python-tornado] vague terminology "Open Source" in des ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [python2-scipy] vague terminology "Open Source" in desc ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [python2-tornado] vague terminology "Open Source" in de ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [radare2] vague terminology "Open Source" in descriptio ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [rdesktop] vague terminology "Open Source" in descripti ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [repo] vague terminology "Open Source" in description o ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [simgear] vague terminology "Open Source" in descriptio ... | Closed | |
Any | Freedom Issue | Medium | Low | [slrn] vague terminology "Open Source" in description o ... | Closed | |