
Category Task Type Priority Severity Summary  desc Status Progress
StableFeature RequestMediumMedium [laptop-mode-tools] add package Closed
Task Description

I would greatly appreciate it as it really increases my computer’s battery life a lot.

AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [languagetool] vague terminology "Open Source" in descr ...Closed
Task Description

This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:

community/languagetool 3.7-1
    An open source language checker

According to:

We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here:

It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.


A free software language checker
AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow [ladspa]: referring to operating system by using kernel ...Closed
Task Description
extra/ladspa 1.13-6 [installed]
     Linux Audio Developer's Simple Plugin API (LADSPA)


Description is referring to operating system, and not to the kernel itself (Linux). It shall be amended.

TestingBug ReportHighHigh [ksystemlog] error while loading shared libraries Closed
Task Description

$ pacman -Si ksystemlog
Repository : extra
Name : ksystemlog
Version : 17.04.0-1
Description : System log viewer tool
Architecture : x86_64
URL : Licenses : GPL LGPL FDL Groups : kde-applications kdeadmin
Provides : None
Depends On : kio
Optional Deps : None
Conflicts With : kdeadmin-ksystemlog
Replaces : kdeadmin-ksystemlog
Download Size : 1896.62 KiB
Installed Size : 5492.00 KiB
Packager : Antonio Rojas Build Date : Sat 15 Apr 2017 05:50:27 PM -03
Validated By : MD5 Sum SHA-256 Sum Signature

$ /usr/bin/ksystemlog
/usr/bin/ksystemlog: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

$ ldd /usr/bin/ksystemlog > ldd_ksystemlog.txt

AnyUpdate RequestVery HighHigh [krita] update to 3.1.4 version Closed
Task Description


Update to 3.1.4 version

Additional info:

krita 3.1.3
$ pacman -Qi krita
Name            : krita
Version         : 3.1.3-1
Description     : Edit and paint images
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : LGPL
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : kio  kitemmodels  gsl  libraw  exiv2  openexr  fftw  curl  boost-libs  hicolor-icon-theme
Optional Deps   : poppler-qt5: PDF filter [installed]
                  ffmpeg: to save animations [installed]
                  opencolorio: for the LUT docker [installed]
Required By     : None
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : calligra-krita  krita-l10n
Replaces        : calligra-krita  krita-l10n
Installed Size  : 112.43 MiB
Packager        : Antonio Rojas <>
Build Date      : Fri 28 Apr 2017 07:57:59 AM -03
Install Date    : Tue 12 Sep 2017 03:28:32 AM -03
Install Reason  : Explicitly installed
Install Script  : No
Validated By    : Signature

Steps to reproduce:
contains some bugs

AnyFeature RequestHighHigh [krb5] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola P ...Closed
Task Description

Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .

AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow [kpackage]: referring to assets in description Closed
Task Description


The description of the package need to be changed to accommodate:

To refer to published works as “assets”, or “digital assets”, is even worse than calling them “content” — it presumes they have no value to society except commercial value.

extra/kpackage 5.33.0-1 (kf5)
    Framework that lets applications manage user installable packages of non-binary assets

AnyFreedom IssueVery HighCritical [kodi] contains youtube-dl which runs non-free scripts Closed
Task Description

Please replace by avideo, preferably by a release which receives updates so that it can still function within kodi (the non-LTS version).

Replace by LTS version of avideo to follow Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines.

StableBug ReportVery LowMedium [kodi-addons-visualization] addons don't work Closed
Task Description

After installation, none of the addons is present in Kodi!

AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow [kobodeluxe]: segmentation fault Closed
Task Description


Application path: ‘.’ [41] Could not get double buffered display.
[41] Shadow buffer requested; relying on SDL’s shadow buffer.
[279] audio.c: Warning: Requested 1024 samplebuffer, but got 512 samples.
[1148] Loading “Trance1”...
[1148] Copyright (C) David Olofson, 2002.
[1240] Done!
[1240] Loading “Test2”...
[1240] Copyright (C) David Olofson, 2002.
[1240] Done!
[1241] Waveform info:
[1241] ( 0: MIDI <Unknown>, 120 PPQN, 1 events)
[1241] 1: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 64000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 2: MONO16 ONESHOT, 24000 Hz, 144000 bytes (3.00 s)
[1241] 3: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 6400 bytes (0.10 s)
[1241] 4: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 12800 bytes (0.40 s)
[1241] 5: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 22400 bytes (0.70 s)
[1241] 6: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 32000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 7: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 32000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 8: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 32000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 9: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 32000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 10: MONO16 ONESHOT, 24000 Hz, 192000 bytes (4.00 s)
[1241] 11: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 48000 bytes (0.75 s)
[1241] 12: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 48000 bytes (0.75 s)
[1241] 13: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 48000 bytes (0.75 s)
[1241] 14: MONO16 ONESHOT, 24000 Hz, 48000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 16: MONO16 ONESHOT, 33488 Hz, 66976 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 30: MONO16 ONESHOT, 33488 Hz, 66976 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 32: MONO16 LOOPED, 33488 Hz, 256 bytes (0.00 s)
[1241] 50: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 64000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 55: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 64000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 58: MONO16 ONESHOT, 8000 Hz, 16000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 60: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 16000 bytes (0.25 s)
[1241] 63: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 32000 bytes (0.50 s)
[1241] 74: MONO16 LOOPED, 33488 Hz, 66976 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 84: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 256000 bytes (4.00 s)
[1241] 86: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 256000 bytes (4.00 s)
[1241] 87: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 96000 bytes (3.00 s)
[1241] 102: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 32000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 103: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 6400 bytes (0.10 s)
[1241] 104: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 1600 bytes (0.05 s)
[1241] 105: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 1600 bytes (0.05 s)
[1241] 106: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 1600 bytes (0.05 s)
[1241] 107: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 16000 bytes (0.50 s)
[1241] 108: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 32000 bytes (0.50 s)
[1241] 109: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 6400 bytes (0.10 s)
[1241] 110: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 6400 bytes (0.10 s)
[1241] 111: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 6400 bytes (0.10 s)
[1241] 112: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 1600 bytes (0.03 s)
[1241] 113: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 6400 bytes (0.10 s)
[1241] 114: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 32000 bytes (0.50 s)
[1241] 115: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 3200 bytes (0.05 s)
[1241] 116: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 12800 bytes (0.20 s)
[1241] 117: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 32000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 118: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 32000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 119: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 25600 bytes (0.80 s)
[1241] 120: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 11000 bytes (0.34 s)
[1241] 121: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 6400 bytes (0.10 s)
[1241] (122: MIDI <Unknown>, 120 PPQN, 1 events)
[1241] 123: MONO16 ONESHOT, 48000 Hz, 48000 bytes (0.50 s)
[1241] 124: MONO16 ONESHOT, 48000 Hz, 96000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1242] 125: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 64000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1242] 126: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 96000 bytes (1.50 s)
[1242] 127: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 32000 bytes (0.50 s)
[1242] Total 51 waveforms, total size: 2372184 bytes, total time: 36 s
[1881] No hiscore entries found!
Segmentation fault

AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow [knewstuff]: referring to assets in description Closed
Task Description


The description of the package need to be changed to accommodate:

To refer to published works as “assets”, or “digital assets”, is even worse than calling them “content” — it presumes they have no value to society except commercial value.

extra/knewstuff 5.33.0-1 (kf5)
    Support for downloading application assets from the network

AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow [kmymoney]: URL in description is not valid Closed
Task Description


The URL in description is not working

Repository      : community
Name            : kmymoney
Version         : 4.8.0-4
Description     : Personal finance manager for KDE which operates
                  similarly to MS-Money or Quicken
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : GPL
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : kdebase-runtime  shared-mime-info  aqbanking
                  libofx  libalkimia  boost-libs  kdepimlibs4
Optional Deps   : None
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : kmymoney2
Download Size   : 21.92 MiB
Installed Size  : 47.08 MiB
Packager        : Antonio Rojas <>
Build Date      : Fri 28 Oct 2016 12:21:04 AM CEST
Validated By    : MD5 Sum  SHA-256 Sum  Signature
AnyFeature RequestVery HighHigh [kmod] when dummy.ko is loaded, dummy0 interface is loa ...Closed
Task Description

When dummy.ko (kernel module) is loaded, dummy0 interface is loaded as “numdummies=1”.
If any dummy interface is configured in netifrc config file, dummy module loads and adds undesirable “dummy0” interface
(eg. if “dummy0” interface is configured, it generates netifrc configuration conflicts).

Please add “/usr/lib/modprobe.d/dummy.conf” file configuration to disable numdummies option by default:

options dummy numdummies=0
AnyFeature RequestVery HighHigh [kmod] add init file to load kernel modules from /etc f ...Closed
Task Description

Add init file to load kernel modules in system configuration





command_args="$(cat /etc/modules.{,d/*}conf)"

AnyFeature RequestHighHigh [kmod] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola P ...Closed
Task Description

Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .

AnyFeature RequestHighHigh [keyutils] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbo ...Closed
Task Description

Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .

AnyFeature RequestHighHigh [keyspan-pda-lts-firmware] adapt package in accordance  ...Closed
Task Description

Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .

StableFreedom IssueVery LowCritical [keybase] Complete removal of tool Closed
Task Description

There is only the source code of the client available and since years nothing more happened. With keybase joining “Zoom” nothing more seems to happen. Look also here in the forum:

AnyReplace RequestVery HighCritical [kernel-firmware] split out firmware projects from linu ...Closed
Task Description

Since Linux 4.14, the in-tree kernel firmware was dropped[0][1], and Hyperbola uses linux-libre-lts-firmware from 4.9 which still supports that firmware.

However, I’d like to request upgrading to the new libre replacement of linux-firmware.git: linux-libre-firmware[2][3].

This version has no LTS releases (well, firmwares commonly don’t have LTS versions and the in-tree firmware was always the same in post-4.9 generations), but it has the same firmwares as Linux-libre-lts plus some others.

This is the list of firmware files in linux-libre-lts-firmware and its dependencies:


And here are the firmware files of the new linux-libre-firmware:


It has openfwwf and ath9k-htc-firmware included, plus some others. If actual versions of Hyperbola don’t get the update at least consider it for future releases. You can get the new PKGBUILD[4] and its new build dependencies at Parabola’s abslibre.git libre tree[5]

The new dependencies are:

  • sh-elf-gcc (which depends on sh-elf-binutils)
  • sh-elf-newlib
  • arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc (which depends on arm-linux-gnueabi-binutils)
  • xtensa-unknown-elf-gcc (already at Hyperbola)



Updated Note:

Since Linux-libre-firmware contains a lot of independent firmware, tools and assembly projects, it should be built from its official tarball separately and create a group called kernel-firmware to follow the our packaging guidelines. Tools and assembly projects shouldn’t be included in kernel-firmware since those ones are firmware dependencies.

AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow [keepass]: steering to proprietary operating systems, u ...Closed
Task Description


community/keepass 2.35-2
     A easy-to-use password manager for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and mobile devices


AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow [keepass] mentions non-free OSes in pacman package desc ...Closed
Task Description
community/keepass 2.35-2
    A easy-to-use password manager for Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and mobile

Better to change to something like “A cross-platform password manager supporting mobile devices”.

AnyFeature RequestHighHigh [keepalived] rebuild package against libressl Closed
Task Description

Rebuild package against libressl, since it depends on openssl.

$ pacman -Si keepalived
Repository      : community
Name            : keepalived
Version         : 1.3.5-4.hyperbola2
Description     : Failover and monitoring daemon for LVS clusters, with OpenRC support
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : GPL2
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : openssl  popt  libnl1  ipset  iptables
Optional Deps   : ipset: ipset support
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 152.53 KiB
Installed Size  : 463.00 KiB
Packager        : André Silva <>
Build Date      : Mon 25 Sep 2017 11:36:15 PM -03
Validated By    : MD5 Sum  SHA-256 Sum  Signature
AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow [kdenlive]: refering to name of operating system by usi ...Closed
Task Description
extra/kdenlive 17.04.0-1 (kde-applications kdemultimedia)
     A non-linear video editor for Linux using the MLT video framework


Description is referring to operating system, and not to the kernel itself (Linux). It shall be amended.

Maybe it shall be GNU/Linux instead

AnyBug ReportLowHigh [kdenetwork-kopete] clicking to add an Jabber Account o ...Closed
Task Description


  • Clicking to add an Jabber Account opens a dialog with no fields to enter information.

Additional info:
* package version(s)

  • 17.04.0-3.hyperbola1

* config and/or log files etc.

  • N/A

Steps to reproduce:

  • Run Application
  • Clicking to add an Jabber Account
AnyBug ReportVery LowHigh [kdelibs4support] XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set Closed
Task Description


This bug only appears when logged in as root on terminal

# kf5-config --version
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'
QStandardPaths: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set, defaulting to '/tmp/runtime-root'
Qt: 5.8.0
KDE Frameworks: 5.33.0
kf5-config: 1.0

Additional info:

* package version(s)

$ pacman -Si kdelibs4support
Repositorio               : extra
Nombre                    : kdelibs4support
Versión                   : 5.33.0-1
Descripción               : Porting aid from KDELibs4
Arquitectura              : x86_64
URL                       :
Licencias                 : LGPL
Grupos                    : kf5-aids
Provee                    : Nada
Depende de                : kunitconversion  kitemmodels  kemoticons  kded  kparts
Dependencias opcionales   : Nada
En conflicto con          : kde4support
Remplaza a                : kde4support
Tamaño de la descarga     : 3,03 MiB
Tamaño de la instalación  : 17,36 MiB
Encargado                 : Felix Yan <>
Fecha de creación         : jue 13 abr 2017 14:29:47 -05
Validado por              : Suma MD5  Suma SHA-256  Firma

Steps to reproduce:

- Install KDE plasma

AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [kdegames-kigo] vague terminology "Open Source" in desc ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [kdb] vague terminology "Vendor" in description of pack ...Closed
AnyFeature RequestHighHigh [kbd] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Pa ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow [kaccounts-providers]: consider removing proprietary pr ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow [kaccounts-integration]: to reconsider mentioning or di ...Closed
AnyBug ReportLowHigh [kaccounts-integration] option to add NextCloud/OwnClou ...Closed
AnyFeature RequestHighHigh [julia] rebuild package against libressl Closed
AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow [joyutils]: using kernel name instead of operating syst ...Closed
AnyFeature RequestHighHigh [john] rebuild package against libressl Closed
AnyFeature RequestHighHigh [jfsutils] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbo ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [java-rhino] vague terminology "Open Source" in descrip ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [java-openjfx] vague terminology "Open Source" in descr ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [java-openjfx-src] vague terminology "Open Source" in d ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [java-openjfx-doc] vague terminology "Open Source" in d ...Closed
AnyFeature RequestHighHigh [iw] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Pac ...Closed
AnyFeature RequestHighHigh [isync] rebuild package against libressl Closed
AnySecurity IssueHighHigh [isync] needs update Closed
StableBug ReportVery LowHigh [ispell] require FHS Closed
AnyFeature RequestHighHigh [isci-lts-firmware] adapt package in accordance with th ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow [isatapd]: using kernel name instead of operating syste ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow [isapnptools]: using kernel name instead of operating s ...Closed
AnyFeature RequestHighHigh [irssi] rebuild package against libressl Closed
AnySecurity IssueHighCritical [irssi] IRSSI-SA-2018-02 Irssi Security Advisory Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [irrlicht] vague terminology "Open Source" in descripti ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [irrlicht-docs] vague terminology "Open Source" in desc ...Closed
Showing tasks 851 - 900 of 1517 Page 18 of 31

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