
Category Task Type Priority Severity Summary Status  desc Progress
AnyImplementation RequestVery LowMedium [midori] please re-add new releases Closed
Task Description

The security issues regarding the package which led to the package’s removal from Hyperbola (old WebKit and Vala dependency) have apparently been resolved in recent releases, see the new comment in this bug report and the latest PKGBUILD in Arch’s repo.

AnyImplementation RequestVery LowMedium Request for automating Debian package creation Closed
Task Description

As the title says, it would be great if after

./mach build

, i could do

./mach build-deb


In the meantime: if i can install the files with


to a specified root directory, then i can build a deb package by hand. Is that possible?

AnyBug ReportVery LowMedium [ rtkit ] contains systemd unit files Closed
Task Description


The Arch version of tinc from the snapshot used by Hyperbola comes with systemd support. Since Hyperbola follows the Init Freedom Campaign , systemd unit files removal is required or add OpenRC init scripts to replace it.

Additional info:

pacman -Ql rtkit
rtkit /etc/
rtkit /etc/dbus-1/
rtkit /etc/dbus-1/system.d/
rtkit /etc/dbus-1/system.d/org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1.conf
rtkit /usr/
rtkit /usr/bin/
rtkit /usr/bin/rtkitctl
rtkit /usr/lib/
rtkit /usr/lib/rtkit/
rtkit /usr/lib/rtkit/rtkit-daemon
rtkit /usr/share/
rtkit /usr/share/dbus-1/
rtkit /usr/share/dbus-1/interfaces/
rtkit /usr/share/dbus-1/interfaces/org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1.xml
rtkit /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/
rtkit /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1.service
rtkit /usr/share/licenses/
rtkit /usr/share/licenses/rtkit/
rtkit /usr/share/licenses/rtkit/COPYING
rtkit /usr/share/licenses/rtkit/LICENSE
rtkit /usr/share/man/
rtkit /usr/share/man/man8/
rtkit /usr/share/man/man8/rtkitctl.8.gz
rtkit /usr/share/polkit-1/
rtkit /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/
rtkit /usr/share/polkit-1/actions/org.freedesktop.RealtimeKit1.policy

* package version(s)
rtkit 0.11-1.hyperbola1

* config and/or log files etc.

Jun 26 10:41:50 gnu mtp-probe: checking bus 1, device 8: “/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1a.0/usb1/1-1/1-1.4”
Jun 26 10:41:50 gnu mtp-probe: bus: 1, device: 8 was not an MTP device
Jun 26 10:44:44 gnu rtkit-daemon[3059]: Failed to look up client: No such file or directory
Jun 26 10:44:44 gnu rtkit-daemon[3059]: Failed to look up client: No such file or directory
Jun 26 10:44:44 gnu rtkit-daemon[3059]: Failed to look up client: No such file or directory
Jun 26 10:44:44 gnu rtkit-daemon[3059]: Failed to look up client: No such file or directory
Jun 26 10:44:44 gnu rtkit-daemon[3059]: Failed to look up client: No such file or directory
Jun 26 10:44:44 gnu rtkit-daemon[3059]: Failed to look up client: No such file or directory
Jun 26 10:44:44 gnu rtkit-daemon[3059]: Failed to look up client: No such file or directory
Jun 26 10:44:44 gnu rtkit-daemon[3059]: Failed to look up client: No such file or directory
Jun 26 10:44:44 gnu rtkit-daemon[3059]: Failed to look up client: No such file or directory
Jun 26 10:44:44 gnu rtkit-daemon[3059]: Failed to look up client: No such file or directory
Jun 26 10:44:44 gnu rtkit-daemon[3059]: Failed to look up client: No such file or directory
Jun 26 10:44:44 gnu pulseaudio[4401]: [pulseaudio] bluez5-util.c: GetManagedObjects() failed: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.ServiceUnknown: The name org.bluez was not provided by any .service files

Steps to reproduce:

AnyFeature RequestVery LowMedium [minidlna] remove systemd file and add openrc support Closed
Task Description


minidlna lacks openrc support and includes a systemd file

Additional info: none

Steps to reproduce:

$ sudo pacman -S minidlna
$ cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/minidlna.service

AnyImplementation RequestVery LowMedium [nnn] package request Closed
Task Description

This is a request to package nnn - a full-featured terminal file manager for low-end devices and the regular desktop.

nnn is available on Debian, Ubuntu (and family), Fedora, OpenSUSE and Arch Linux.

Homepage: License: BSD 2-Clause

I would highly appreciate if nnn can be added to the repository.

StableBug ReportVery LowMedium [arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-gcc] not working; needs prop ...Closed
Task Description

I believe the arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-gcc package to be broken as described here.

Additional info:
* package version(s) - arm-unknown-linux-gnueabi-gcc - all versions

Steps to reproduce:
I don’t think “steps to reproduce” to be relevant in this case. My forum topic linked above already contains all the necessary info on the subject :) However, one could try compiling glibc and busybox as described here. Yes, these are instructions for debian-like systems. They have to be adapted accordingly

AnyImplementation RequestVery LowMedium Support of MPTCP (Multipath TCP) on Hyperbola Closed
Task Description

Patch for 4.9 :


TestingReplace RequestVery LowMedium  replace request: NetworkManager with wpa_cute Closed
Task Description

I know there are plans to remove NetworkManager. I wondered if we could replace it in 0.4 with Wpa_Cute. seen in the above link.

I haven’t been able to compile it, but it has been updated as recent as 2018 december (stable)

or 2019 january. :)

WPA_GUI doesn’t seem to work well for me, it runs into weird errors when I start it. Long story short, I run into this issue with wpa_supplicant when i do it manually:

Password-related problems

wpa_supplicant may not work properly if directly passed via stdin particularly long or complex passphrases which include special characters. This may lead to errors such as failed 4-way WPA handshake, PSK may be wrong when launching wpa_supplicant.

In order to solve this try using here strings wpa_passphrase <MYSSID> «< “<passphrase>” or passing a file to the -c flag instead:

# wpa_supplicant -i <interface> -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/example.conf

In some instances it was found that storing the passphrase cleartext in the psk key of the wpa_supplicant.conf network block gave positive results (see [2]). However, this approach is rather insecure. Using wpa_cli to create this file instead of manually writing it gives the best results most of the time and therefore is the recommended way to proceed.
Problems with eduroam and other MSCHAPv2 connections

This is my issue with wpa_supplicant sadly... and I do not know how to workaround that without a GUI.

but Wpa_Supplicant_gui does not fix it either, it doesn’t even load properly on my other laptop.

It says it cannot get the status of wpa_supplicant when I load it.

This could be an issue if you get rid of NetworkManager for some users.

So yeah, please take a look at my request okay? Wait for 0.3 to be released to add this if possible. I know you guys are overworked, etc... and it doesn’t need to be done now anyhow. ;)

AnyBug ReportVery LowMedium [openrc] cannot load fuse at boot Closed
Task Description

I added
to /etc/conf.d/modules (and also “fuse” instead).

I looked in /var/log/rc.log and I see this line

<quote>modprobe: FATAL: Module fs-fusetun not found in directory /lib/modules/4.9.194-gnu-1-lts</quote>

It looks like modprobe added “tun” to the filename which prevents loading the module.

AnyBug ReportVery LowMedium [exfat-utils] filesystem can only be mounted manually Closed
Task Description

One can mount exfat by running commands such as “sudo modprobe fuse” and “sudo mount.exfat /dev/sdc1 /mnt/storage” but it is inconvenient.

Also, loading fuse at startup is problematic - see here:

StableBug ReportVery LowMedium [sshguard] violates Hyperbola packaging standards Closed
Task Description

The sshguard package should have its /usr/bin/sshguard executable in /usr/sbin, has systemd service files and no OpenRC init script

Additional info:
* sshguard-2.0.0-4
* when I run `sshguard`:

# sshguard
/usr/bin/sshguard: line 87: /usr/bin/journalctl: No such file or directory

* default /etc/sshguard.conf

LOGREADER="LANG=C /usr/bin/journalctl -afb -p info -n1 -t sshd -o cat"

(commenting the first line temporally solves the issue)

StableBug ReportVery LowMedium [fail2ban] uses old /usr/bin/sendmail location when it  ...Closed
Task Description


I saw errors in logs because fail2ban couldn’t find /usr/bin/sendmail, and discovered this:

[/etc/fail2ban] [0]
$ grep /usr/bin/sendmail */*
action.d/sendmail-buffered.conf:              Fail2Ban" | /usr/bin/sendmail -f <sender> <dest>
action.d/sendmail-buffered.conf:                 Fail2Ban" | /usr/bin/sendmail -f <sender> <dest>
action.d/sendmail-buffered.conf:             Fail2Ban" | /usr/bin/sendmail -f <sender> <dest>
action.d/sendmail-buffered.conf:                Fail2Ban" | /usr/bin/sendmail -f <sender> <dest>
action.d/sendmail-common.conf:              Fail2Ban" | /usr/bin/sendmail -f <sender> <dest>
action.d/sendmail-common.conf:             Fail2Ban" | /usr/bin/sendmail -f <sender> <dest>
action.d/sendmail.conf:            Fail2Ban" | /usr/bin/sendmail -f <sender> <dest>
action.d/sendmail-geoip-lines.conf:            Fail2Ban" | /usr/bin/sendmail -f <sender> <dest>
action.d/sendmail-whois.conf:            Fail2Ban" | /usr/bin/sendmail -f <sender> <dest>
action.d/sendmail-whois-ipjailmatches.conf:            Fail2Ban" | /usr/bin/sendmail -f <sender> <dest>
action.d/sendmail-whois-ipmatches.conf:            Fail2Ban" | /usr/bin/sendmail -f <sender> <dest>
action.d/sendmail-whois-lines.conf:            Fail2Ban" | /usr/bin/sendmail -f <sender> <dest>
action.d/sendmail-whois-matches.conf:            Fail2Ban" | /usr/bin/sendmail -f <sender> <dest>

Please, also check for other binaries with wrong locations

As of now, the solution is as simple as removing this line →

Additional info:
* fail2ban-0.9.6-2.hyperbola3

AnyImplementation RequestVery LowMedium [SPF][postfix] implement pypolicyd-spf and postfix-poli ...Closed
Task Description

Hyperbola has the following SPF implementations:
* libspf2
* perl-mail-spf
* perl-mail-spf-query

However, none of them work out of the box with postfix. There’s postfix-policyd-spf-perl, which uses one the current perl implementations (perl-mail-spf), takes no time to build and all the dependencies are already satisfied with Hyperbola’s packages

Here I made a PKGBUILD that’s compliant with the packaging standards:

pkgdesc='Postfix SPF policy engine, written in Perl'
arch=(i686 x86_64)
depends=(perl-mail-spf perl-netaddr-ip perl-sys-hostname-long)
validpgpkeys=(E7729BFFBE85400FEEEE23B178D7DEFB9AD59AF1) # Scott Kitterman

package() {
  cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"

  install -Dm755 "${pkgname}" "${pkgdir}/usr/libexec/postfix/${pkgname}"
  install -Dm644 CHANGES INSTALL README -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}"
  install -Dm644 LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"

in the other hand, to give users the possibility of having more options, we could add pypolicyd-spf (AUR), which depends in pyspf (AUR) and other packages that Hyperbola has. In fact, ArchWiki talks about this implementation, but this might not be relevant.

AnySecurity IssueVery LowMedium Download debian-fixes instead of relying on external so ...Closed
Task Description

It happened already with minetest and again with prosody: When trying to build own packages with makepkg there are patches downloaded from the Debian-project. But the given HTTP(S)-sources are no longer available, concrete example within prosody to be found: (not available)

Please don’t rely on those external sources when creating PKGBUILD-files or just give users the possibility for a secure and granted download. Therefore I cannot build prosody on my own now!

StableBug ReportVery LowMedium linphonec error (cli version) Closed
Task Description

linphonec is unusable because a error produce a continuous log

Additional info:
linphone 3.11.1-1.hyperbola1

Steps to reproduce:

linphonec> 2019-12-15 19:25:58:010 ortp-error-Error in connect: Network is unreachable
2019-12-15 19:26:03:012 ortp-error-Error in connect: Network is unreachable
2019-12-15 19:26:08:018 ortp-error-Error in connect: Network is unreachable
2019-12-15 19:26:13:013 ortp-error-Error in connect: Network is unreachable
2019-12-15 19:26:18:016 ortp-error-Error in connect: Network is unreachable
2019-12-15 19:26:23:014 ortp-error-Error in connect: Network is unreachable
2019-12-15 19:26:28:010 ortp-error-Error in connect: Network is unreachable
2019-12-15 19:26:33:010 ortp-error-Error in connect: Network is unreachable
2019-12-15 19:26:38:012 ortp-error-Error in connect: Network is unreachable
2019-12-15 19:26:43:015 ortp-error-Error in connect: Network is unreachable
2019-12-15 19:26:48:010 ortp-error-Error in connect: Network is unreachable
2019-12-15 19:26:53:010 ortp-error-Error in connect: Network is unreachable

StableSecurity IssueVery LowMedium [git] Multiple CVEs Closed
Task Description

CVE-2020-5260 has been fixed very recently in Debian, so I thought I would apply this patch. However, I found out that security patches have not been applied for quite a while (I could account for at least 6 CVEs).

Considering that the version in Debian stretch (2.11.0) is the nearest version with security patches released by Debian and that git project oldest supported version is 2.17, I have used patches from Debian stretch to apply on 2.12.2 currently in Milky Way.

But I have the following error on check():

 |  *** prove ***
 |  Test Summary Report
 |  -------------------
 |                              (Wstat: 256 Tests: 20 Failed: 10)
 |    Failed tests:  3-7, 15-19
 |    Non-zero exit status: 1
 |                       (Wstat: 256 Tests: 26 Failed: 16)
 |    Failed tests:  2-6, 9-11, 15-19, 21-23
 |    Non-zero exit status: 1
 |  Files=769, Tests=14137, 1101 wallclock secs ( 8.08 usr  1.12 sys + 144.48 cusr 63.42 csys = 217.10 CPU)
 |  Result: FAIL
 |  make[1]: *** [Makefile:45: prove] Error 1
 |  make[1]: Leaving directory '/build/git/src/git-2.12.2/t'
 |  make: *** [Makefile:2291: test] Error 2
 |  ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in check().
 |      Aborting...

This does not seem to be related to my change as the current version in Milky Way produces the same error (IOW the package currently in Milky Way is not rebuidable).

AnySecurity IssueVery LowMedium mount.davfs: unknown file system davfs due to paths cha ...Closed
Task Description

This is same issue as on:

The paths changed and trying to mount davfs file system defined in /etc/fstab fails with error: unknown file system davfs

To remedy, I made symlink in /sbin to mount.davfs

The transition of paths had to take that in account as many mounted remote disks failed after upgrade.

StableBug ReportVery LowMedium Untrsuted gpg key Closed
Task Description

There is an issue with Christian Rebischke key, i’ve tried to delete /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/ and repopulate it but it doesn’t fix the issue.

error: ascii: signature from “Christian Rebischke (Arch Linux Security Team-Member)” is unknown trust
File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ascii-3.15-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).

Steps to reproduce:

sudo pacman -S ascii

StableUpdate RequestVery LowMedium [varnish] Missing init script Closed
Task Description


Init script is missing for this package.

I think has some systemd dependecies.

/tmp/alpm_sYmHUS/.INSTALL: line 7: systemd-sysusers: command not found
error: command failed to execute correctly

package version: varnish-5.1.2-1

StableBug ReportVery LowMedium undefined symbol: exaDriverAlloc Closed
Task Description

Any attempt to load Nouveau in X server results in the following error: undefined symbol: exaDriverAlloc

Additional info

Steps to reproduce

  1. Stop the X server.
  2. Add a section such as the following to “/etc/X11/xorg.conf”:
    Section "Device"
      Identifier "Video card"
      Driver "nouveau"
      Option "Backlight" "nv_backlight"
  3. Start the X server.
TestingBug ReportMediumMedium [Hyperbola GNU/Linux 0.4] Problems with ALSA and sndio  ...Closed
Task Description

Description: User reporting problems with sndio. A further check with ALSA showed no active device being used. User has HDMI-sound in usage.

TestingFreedom IssueVery LowMedium What Can A Pain Clinic Offer? Closed
Task Description

Refer To A Pain Clinic?

In addition to medicines, these Pain Clinic Uk can help you manage pain with bodily, behavioral, and psychological treatment plans. In addition, they may train you about your pain, train you on the way of life changes, and offer complementary or alternative medicinal drugs.

What Conditions Qualify For Pain Management?

Pain management medical doctors most often see patients with aches within the low back, knee, head, hip, and neck. Commonplace conditions treated are those physicians consist of arthritis, fibromyalgia, migraines, sciatica, and greater.

Is Chronic Pain Syndrome Real?

Approximately 25% of people with persistent ache will cross directly to have a Chronic Pain Syndrome circumstance called continual pain syndrome (cps). It truly is whilst human beings have symptoms beyond pain on their own, like depression and anxiety, which interfere with their day-by-day lives. Cps can be tough to treat, but it is not possible.

Read more about Leva Clinic | Pain Specialist

TestingBug ReportVery LowMedium [icu] needs to rebuild that should place genccode into  ...Closed
Task Description

Here is the problem with ICU where LibreOffice has refused to build without genccode, yet an output log results like this.

makepkg -CLfs:

-- snip --
checking for genccode... no
configure: error: 'genccode' not found in $PATH, install the icu development tool 'genccode'
Error running configure at ./ line 299.
-- snip --

pacman -Ql icu:

-- snip --
icu /usr/sbin/
icu /usr/sbin/escapesrc
icu /usr/sbin/genccode
icu /usr/sbin/gencmn
icu /usr/sbin/gennorm2
-- snip --
TestingFeature RequestVery LowMedium [Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre 0.4] [xorg-xdm] Replace the  ...Closed
Task Description

Few other distros like Debian, NetBSD, and OpenBSD have some own customized login screens, while right here, the actual distro didn’t. I suggest you replacing them for the following paths on the list to come up next package release, which I have three files attached below there.


  • Xresources
  • Xsetup_0


  • hyperbola.xpm
  • xorg{,-bw}.xpm (removed as unused)
TestingBug ReportVery LowMedium warzone2100 fail Closed
Task Description

the program game crash-down when select a tank

Additional info:
* package version(s) : extra/warzone2100 3.3.0-3
* config and/or log files etc. ↓ and attach the log file

[ user | 2021-11-05 | 07:41 ]
[/home/user] [0]
$ warzone2100
which: no gdb in (/usr/bin:/usr/java/jre1.8.0/bin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/local/games:/usr/games:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/sbin:/sbin:/home/user/.hyperterm/personal/commands:/opt/chrome)
Saved dump file to ‘/home/user/.local/share/warzone2100-3.3.0//logs/warzone2100.gdmp-bspbru’ If you create a bugreport regarding this crash, please include this file.
Segmentation fault

Steps to reproduce:
after install, start a new campaing, select a tank, and the program crash

StableImplementation RequestVery LowMedium [djview] Add new package Closed
StableBug ReportVery LowMedium [yeahwm] has crashed that refused to initialize. Closed
TestingBug ReportMediumMedium [xfontsel] Problem with font handling Closed
TestingBug ReportHighHigh [gnome-shell] error while loading shared libraries Closed
AnyUpdate RequestMediumHigh Make Knock patch for Linux-libre 4.14 LTS Closed
AnyBug ReportHighHigh [gnupg] WARNING: Tor is not properly configured Closed
AnySecurity IssueVery LowHigh Iceweasel ESR request, Closed
AnyBug ReportHighHigh [openRC] cowardly refusing to concatenate a logfile int ...Closed
AnyBug ReportVery LowHigh Desite "noauto" specified in /etc/fstab all devices get ...Closed
AnyImplementation RequestVery LowHigh [glom]: should depend on libgda Closed
AnyBug ReportVery LowHigh [openrc] scripts in /etc/local.d seem ignored Closed
StableFreedom IssueVery LowHigh [iceweasel-uxp] Replace all default Firefox bookmarks f ...Closed
StableBug ReportVery LowHigh java cacerts file is empty Closed
AnyBug ReportHighHigh [firetools] doesn't show up as being sandboxed in sandb ...Closed
AnyBug ReportVery LowHigh [icedove-uxp] does not import from existing installatio ...Closed
AnyUpdate RequestVery LowHigh [proj]: please update to latest version Closed
AnySecurity IssueVery LowHigh [octopi] requires su Closed
AnyBug ReportVery LowHigh [kdelibs4support] XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set Closed
AnyBug ReportVery LowHigh [blueman] org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner Closed
AnyBug ReportVery LowHigh error: extract: not overwriting dir with file /usr/loca ...Closed
AnyBug ReportVery LowHigh tp_smapi not working with most recent libre kerne; Closed
StableBug ReportVery LowHigh problems with kdenetwork-kopete and kaccounts-intergrat ...Closed
AnyBug ReportLowHigh [kaccounts-integration] option to add NextCloud/OwnClou ...Closed
AnyBug ReportLowHigh [kdenetwork-kopete] clicking to add an Jabber Account o ...Closed
AnyBug ReportVery LowHigh mach package command crashes and fails to build the pac ...Closed
Showing tasks 1451 - 1500 of 1517 Page 30 of 31

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