
Category Task Type Priority Severity Summary Status  asc Progress
AnyFeature RequestVery LowMedium Qemu-kvm package request Closed
Task Description

1:2.8 or later, qemu-kvm

This would make qemu so much easier and faster, please support this package.

AnyDrop RequestVery LowMedium [hardening-wrapper] deprecated, not needed anymore Closed
Task Description

According to :

Wrapper scripts for building hardened executables by default (deprecated, replaced by standard Arch Linux toolchain changes)

AnyImplementation RequestVery LowLow [obmenu-generator] add package Closed
Task Description

Could it be possible to add :


A fast pipe/static menu generator for the Openbox Window Manager (with icons support)

License : GPL3


StableBug ReportVery LowHigh java cacerts file is empty Closed
Task Description

/etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts has 0 entries, resulting in ssl handshake errors in java applications.

Package versions:
* ca-certificates 20170307-1
* ca-certificates-utils 20170307-1

AnyReplace RequestVery LowMedium [youtube-dl] replace avideo-lts with youtube-dl Closed
Task Description

Please, replace avideo-lts with youtube-dl. avideo-lts haven’t seen any updates for almost a year and is probably abandoned. Also Stallman confirmed youtube-dl doesn’t execute any non-free JavaScript, so its inclusion doesn’t go against Social Contract.

AnyFeature RequestVery LowLow [dreamchess]please add package Closed
Task Description

The package appears in parabola’s pcr repository. I modified the AUR PKGBUILD to compile the last stable version (and the installation works fine). Please add this package to the official repos.

AnyBackport RequestVery LowMedium [iceowl] package request Closed
Task Description

Or if you know a more libre calendar addon that is easy to use/reliable, feel free!

This is my only other package needed besides ublock origin/enigmail. :)

AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow [erika] please add package to repos Closed
Task Description

Erika is a Python GTK+ podcast manager using webkitgtk.

Erika is released under the MIT License, with the exception of the file erika/frontend/widgets/ which is released under the GNU/GPLv3 License.

Attached is a PKGBUILD for the last stable release based on the AUR one (I moved a few of the dependencies to optdepends). It builds fine and works.

AnyFeature RequestVery LowLow [vobsub2srt] please add package Closed
Task Description

here is the description from the website

VobSub2SRT is a simple command line program to convert .idx / .sub subtitles into .srt text subtitles by using OCR. It is based on code from the MPlayer project - a really really great movie player. Some minor parts are copied from ffmpeg/avutil headers. Tesseract is used as OCR software.

vobsub2srt is released under the GPL3+ license. The MPlayer code included is GPL2+ licensed.

The quality of the OCR depends on the text in the subtitles. Currently the code does not use any preprocessing. But I’m currently looking into adding filters and scaling options to improve the OCR. You can correct mistakes in the .srt files with a text editor or a special subtitle editor.

Attached is a working PKGBUILD for the latest stable version.

AnyBug ReportVery LowHigh [icedove-uxp] does not import from existing installatio ...Closed
Task Description

It behaves like a clean installation, does not import the configurations and data from a existing installation of icedove.

The wizard import does not work too. It returns the message:

No application to import data from found.

A workaround

it copy the directory ~/.icedove to ~/.mozilla/thunderbird:

cp --recursive --verbose ~/.icedove/ ~/.mozilla/thunderbird/
StableImplementation RequestVery LowLow BitWarden, a free & open source password manager Closed
Task Description

The Bitwarden native desktop application. It seems with Iceweasel-UXP doesn’t have the Add-on available.

Additional info:
* package version(s)

AnyImplementation RequestVery LowLow [sayonara] add package Closed
Task Description


I stumbled upon this music player recently, it is very promising and fully free (GPL3)

“Sayonara is a small, clear and fast audio player for Linux written in C++, supported by the Qt framework. It uses GStreamer as audio backend. Sayonara is open source and uses the GPLv3 license. One of Sayonara’s goals is intuitive and easy usablility. Currently, it is only available for Linux and BSD.

Although Sayonara can be considered as a lightweight player, it holds a lot of features in order to organize even big music collections.”

Latest version is 1.1.1 and it is very stable on my hyperbola system. I think it would be a great addition to Hyperbola repo.

A PKGBUILD is available here :

StableBug ReportVery LowMedium PCManFM display different behavior Closed
Task Description


The problem is pcmanfm is not showing any partitions on the left side. It only show Home Folder, Desktop, Applications, Filesystem and the ext. hdd. If I include dbus-launch pcmanfm -d command, it show the other partitions on the left side of window but not ext. hdd. The drive/partitions are not encrypted.
I do have dbus, gvfs & ntfs-3g installed and active services.

Additional info:
* package version(s)
PCManFM 1.2.5 - using LibFM ver. 1.2.5

Steps to reproduce:
Original install from the livecd with LXDE but I may run Openbox standalone and get the same behavior with either environment. I do not have this issue running other distros.

AnyUpdate RequestVery LowHigh [proj]: please update to latest version Closed
Task Description


This package have valuable geodetic applications, and I intend to present Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre soon in universities and schools in East Africa.

The coordinate system there is not WGS84 and this package only in new version is providing the conversion from East African geographic coordinates to WGS84, and will be very usable in many industrial and private applications.

AnyBug ReportVery LowMedium [mate-panel] country flags for keyboard layouts are mis ...Closed
Task Description

After enabling show-flags via dconf-editor in org.mate.peripherals-keyboard-xkb.indicator the flags don’t show up. The simple workaround is to copy flags you want into ~/.icons/flags (after creating the directory) from here

and then to reboot.

It seems to be this bug:

AnyBug ReportVery LowMedium [ffmpegthumbnailer] missing support for some media form ...Closed
Task Description

ffmpegthumbnailer does not support some media formats since they do not appear in its configuration file ffmpegthumbnailer.thumbnailer which can be found in /usr/share/thumbnailers/. By editing the file ffmpegthumbnailer.thumbnailer one can add thumbnail support for embedded art in audio formats such as flac and mp3 (using the -m flag) and thumbnail support for webp (a new image format which iceweasel-uxp and gthumb support). I’m attaching my edited file (I just added a few common audio formats and webp and added the -m flag and removed the -f flag).

AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow [gpg] keyserver receive failed: Server indicated a fail ...Closed
Task Description

GPG does not receive keys from servers. Seems that connection is blocked.

Additional info:
* package version(s)

$ gpg --version 
gpg (GnuPG) 2.2.8
libgcrypt 1.7.6

* config and/or log files etc.

$ gpg --debug-all --receive-keys B00033B86FDA59BA7D75B89BB88AF90BF64827C5
gpg: reading options from '/home/asm/.gnupg/gpg.conf'
gpg: enabled debug flags: packet mpi crypto filter iobuf memory cache memstat trust hashing ipc clock lookup extprog
gpg: DBG: [not enabled in the source] start
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- # Home: /home/asm/.gnupg
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- # Config: /home/asm/.gnupg/dirmngr.conf
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- OK Dirmngr 2.2.8 at your service
gpg: DBG: connection to the dirmngr established
gpg: DBG: chan_3 -> GETINFO version
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- D 2.2.8
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- OK
gpg: DBG: chan_3 -> KS_GET -- 0xB00033B86FDA59BA7D75B89BB88AF90BF64827C5
gpg: DBG: chan_3 <- ERR 219 Server indicated a failure <Fonte não especificada>
gpg: keyserver receive failed: Server indicated a failure
gpg: DBG: chan_3 -> BYE
gpg: DBG: [not enabled in the source] stop
gpg: keydb: handles=0 locks=0 parse=0 get=0
gpg:        build=0 update=0 insert=0 delete=0
gpg:        reset=0 found=0 not=0 cache=0 not=0
gpg: kid_not_found_cache: count=0 peak=0 flushes=0
gpg: sig_cache: total=0 cached=0 good=0 bad=0
gpg: random usage: poolsize=600 mixed=0 polls=0/0 added=0/0
              outmix=0 getlvl1=0/0 getlvl2=0/0
gpg: secmem usage: 0/32768 bytes in 0 blocks

* Useful information:

Unfortunately, the workaround does not work for me. However, it indicate the arch linux package that fixes this issue.

Steps to reproduce:
Just type.

gpg --receive-keys B00033B86FDA59BA7D75B89BB88AF90BF64827C5
AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow [girara] issues critical error Closed
Task Description

Steps to reproduce:
Open from the command line any pdf file with either `zathura-pdf-poppler` or `zathura-pdf-mupdf`, then hit `q` to quit and the terminal will show the following error:

** (zathura:<PID>): CRITICAL **: girara_list_foreach: assertion 'list && list->start && callback' failed
AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow [kobodeluxe]: segmentation fault Closed
Task Description


Application path: ‘.’ [41] Could not get double buffered display.
[41] Shadow buffer requested; relying on SDL’s shadow buffer.
[279] audio.c: Warning: Requested 1024 samplebuffer, but got 512 samples.
[1148] Loading “Trance1”...
[1148] Copyright (C) David Olofson, 2002.
[1240] Done!
[1240] Loading “Test2”...
[1240] Copyright (C) David Olofson, 2002.
[1240] Done!
[1241] Waveform info:
[1241] ( 0: MIDI <Unknown>, 120 PPQN, 1 events)
[1241] 1: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 64000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 2: MONO16 ONESHOT, 24000 Hz, 144000 bytes (3.00 s)
[1241] 3: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 6400 bytes (0.10 s)
[1241] 4: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 12800 bytes (0.40 s)
[1241] 5: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 22400 bytes (0.70 s)
[1241] 6: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 32000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 7: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 32000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 8: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 32000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 9: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 32000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 10: MONO16 ONESHOT, 24000 Hz, 192000 bytes (4.00 s)
[1241] 11: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 48000 bytes (0.75 s)
[1241] 12: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 48000 bytes (0.75 s)
[1241] 13: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 48000 bytes (0.75 s)
[1241] 14: MONO16 ONESHOT, 24000 Hz, 48000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 16: MONO16 ONESHOT, 33488 Hz, 66976 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 30: MONO16 ONESHOT, 33488 Hz, 66976 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 32: MONO16 LOOPED, 33488 Hz, 256 bytes (0.00 s)
[1241] 50: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 64000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 55: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 64000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 58: MONO16 ONESHOT, 8000 Hz, 16000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 60: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 16000 bytes (0.25 s)
[1241] 63: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 32000 bytes (0.50 s)
[1241] 74: MONO16 LOOPED, 33488 Hz, 66976 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 84: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 256000 bytes (4.00 s)
[1241] 86: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 256000 bytes (4.00 s)
[1241] 87: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 96000 bytes (3.00 s)
[1241] 102: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 32000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 103: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 6400 bytes (0.10 s)
[1241] 104: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 1600 bytes (0.05 s)
[1241] 105: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 1600 bytes (0.05 s)
[1241] 106: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 1600 bytes (0.05 s)
[1241] 107: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 16000 bytes (0.50 s)
[1241] 108: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 32000 bytes (0.50 s)
[1241] 109: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 6400 bytes (0.10 s)
[1241] 110: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 6400 bytes (0.10 s)
[1241] 111: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 6400 bytes (0.10 s)
[1241] 112: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 1600 bytes (0.03 s)
[1241] 113: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 6400 bytes (0.10 s)
[1241] 114: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 32000 bytes (0.50 s)
[1241] 115: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 3200 bytes (0.05 s)
[1241] 116: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 12800 bytes (0.20 s)
[1241] 117: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 32000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 118: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 32000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1241] 119: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 25600 bytes (0.80 s)
[1241] 120: MONO16 ONESHOT, 16000 Hz, 11000 bytes (0.34 s)
[1241] 121: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 6400 bytes (0.10 s)
[1241] (122: MIDI <Unknown>, 120 PPQN, 1 events)
[1241] 123: MONO16 ONESHOT, 48000 Hz, 48000 bytes (0.50 s)
[1241] 124: MONO16 ONESHOT, 48000 Hz, 96000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1242] 125: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 64000 bytes (1.00 s)
[1242] 126: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 96000 bytes (1.50 s)
[1242] 127: MONO16 ONESHOT, 32000 Hz, 32000 bytes (0.50 s)
[1242] Total 51 waveforms, total size: 2372184 bytes, total time: 36 s
[1881] No hiscore entries found!
Segmentation fault

AnyImplementation RequestVery LowMedium [foxtrotgps] please add package to repos Closed
Task Description

Unlike other mapping software (gnome-maps, emerillon) it does not depend on geoclue/geoclue2 (or on kde packages like marble). The package was added to Arch’s official repos over a year ago. Their PKGBUILD builds fine.

AnySecurity IssueVery LowHigh [octopi] requires su Closed
Task Description

would it be possible to make it use sudo instead?

From what I know, sudo is safer. Let me know if you agree this is a problem.

AnyImplementation RequestVery LowMedium [peertube] Add new Package Closed
Task Description


Hi guys. Could they add PeerTube to Hyperbola?

It’s on AUR.

Under the AGPLv3 license

Additional info:

I see that the PeerTube help configuration with an init.d

AnyFeature RequestVery LowMedium [slim-themes] please add hyperbola branded variant Closed
Task Description

slim-themes seems to be considered free according to Parabola - they have an issue with arch branding (slim-themes::::[branding][FIXME:package] has “archlinux” theme) which they resolve be creating the package parabola-themes-slim. Perhaps this can be the basis for hyperbola branded themes.

AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow [recoll]: optional dependency: untex: for dvi support w ...Closed
Task Description

Upon installation of recoll, I can see:

optional dependency: untex: for dvi support with dvips

but untex cannot be installed

AnySecurity IssueVery LowCritical [toxcore] Memory leak bug Closed
Task Description


The bug is fixed in TokTok c-toxcore v0.2.8. The bug is also fixed in the master branch of irungentoo’s toxcore, in commit bf69b54f64003d160d759068f4816b2d9b2e1e21. As a general reminder, if you are still using irungentoo’s toxcore, we strongly encourage you to switch to using TokTok c-toxcore instead as it’s a lot more actively developed and maintained.

StableBackport RequestVery LowMedium Request for addon used by Iceweasel-UXP: uMatrix Closed
AnyUpdate RequestVery LowMedium Update addon random agent spoofer Closed
AnyFeature RequestVery LowMedium Add Trinity Desktop Closed
AnyBug ReportVery LowHigh [kdelibs4support] XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set Closed
AnyBug ReportVery LowHigh [blueman] org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner Closed
AnyImplementation RequestVery LowMedium [pagamigo] please package this Python script for PayPal ...Closed
AnyBug ReportVery LowHigh error: extract: not overwriting dir with file /usr/loca ...Closed
StableReplace RequestVery LowLow [avideo] Replace with youtube-dl Closed
AnySecurity IssueVery LowMedium [qemu] Multiple CVE Closed
AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow flatpak doesn't work/Docker doesn't work Closed
AnyImplementation RequestVery LowMedium [purple-matrix] Please add package Closed
AnyPrivacy IssueVery LowLow [purple-plugin-pack] Provides Napster support which is  ...Closed
AnyImplementation RequestVery LowLow addon request Closed
AnyBug ReportVery LowMedium addons compatible with seamonkey don't work with iceape ...Closed
AnyFeature RequestVery LowLow [newsboat] Package Request Closed
AnyBug ReportVery LowHigh tp_smapi not working with most recent libre kerne; Closed
AnyImplementation RequestVery LowLow [vidcutter] add package Closed
AnyBackport RequestVery LowMedium Random Agent Spoofer for Iceape Closed
AnyBackport RequestVery LowMedium Greasemonkey For Iceape Closed
AnyImplementation RequestVery LowMedium Privacy Settings for Iceape Closed
AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow Ssleuth for Iceape Closed
AnyBackport RequestVery LowLow Self Destructing Cookies for Iceape Closed
AnyBackport RequestVery LowMedium No Resource Url Leak for Iceape Closed
AnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow Enigmail for Iceape Closed
AnyFreedom IssueVery LowMedium [mongodb] needs OpenRC init script Closed
Showing tasks 201 - 250 of 1517 Page 5 of 31

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