Any | Implementation Request | Very Low | Medium | Privacy Settings for Iceape | Closed | |
Task Description
This addon works for any firefox based browser but not seamonkey based or this.
I wondered if you could implement the iceweasel one for Iceape.
Stable | Implementation Request | Medium | Critical | [strongswan] add new package | Closed | |
Task Description
Package strongSwan is missing. Can it please be added to relevant repository? The package’s presence is critical for using IKEv2 in VPN.
Additional info:
* Source: Please see added link
Steps to reproduce:
Testing | Implementation Request | Medium | Medium | linux-libre-lts-hypersec: New package with extra securi ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Description: Per a user request and to better secure the kernel, we can embed the cryptsetup and ciphers in the kernel. This would mean rather than exposed modules, they are built-in to the kernel and ready to use even without an intramfs.
To be embedded: ciphers aes, twofish, serpent; sha256, sha512 - and the necessary modules (don’t forget the block modes xts, lvm and cryptsetup …)
Additionally, we could include USB Guard and any other features that meet our social contract and security outlook.
Any | Implementation Request | Very Low | Medium | [midori] please re-add new releases | Closed | |
Task Description
The security issues regarding the package which led to the package’s removal from Hyperbola (old WebKit and Vala dependency) have apparently been resolved in recent releases, see the new comment in this bug report and the latest PKGBUILD in Arch’s repo.
Any | Implementation Request | Very Low | Low | [qarte] add package | Closed | |
Task Description
Request for :
“Allow you to browse into the archive of arte+7 & arteLiveWeb sites and to record your prefered videos.”
License : GPL3
Any | Implementation Request | Very Low | High | [icinga2] add package | Closed | |
Task Description
Description: Icinga2 is a libre host, service and network monitoring program
Without it is is very difficult to monitor (CPU/Memory/Process...) Hyperbola systems under Icinga2 Web. Arch Package & Parabola Package
I already tested theses packages on Hyperbola but Systemd + other packages versions dependencies issues.
This would made a very nice addition as Hyperbola is also designed to be installed on servers & virtual machines (my case on +10 machines).
Any | Implementation Request | Very Low | Medium | Request for automating Debian package creation | Closed | |
Task Description
As the title says, it would be great if after
./mach build
, i could do
./mach build-deb
In the meantime: if i can install the files with
to a specified root directory, then i can build a deb package by hand. Is that possible?
Any | Implementation Request | Very Low | Medium | [epson-inkjet-printer-escpr] package request | Closed | |
Task Description
solicito este paquete [printer-driver-escpr] para estar disponible en hyperbola, quizá sean necesarios los siguientes enlaces
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/epson-inkjet-printer-escpr/#comment-693540 http://www.openprinting.org/driver/epson-escpr
pd.: con este paquete es posible imprimir con impresoras epson
Any | Implementation Request | Very Low | Low | add yacy support for iceweasel-XP | Closed | |
Task Description
Searx is better in the short term than search engines like Google and DuckDuckGo in that the client-side JavaScript is free and the server-side code is free and public. However, in the long term it can never be a real replacement for non-free search engines while it relies on non-free search engines for data. At this time, the major general purpose search engines who use their own data are all controlled by corporations like Google and Microsoft. The YaCy search engine addresses this by relying on decentralized data based on p2p.
For this reason, I believe that YaCy is socially a better choice than Searx as the default search engine for Iceweasel-UXP. However, it is not at this time a practically better choice. Since YaCy relies on its users to index the web, and does not currently have many users, the search results are not very good. This creates a chicken-and-egg problem, since it will be difficult for YaCy to gain users while its search results are poor.
However, Searx supports YaCy as a source of search engine results. I don’t know of any Searx instances which have YaCy support enabled, presumably since YaCy support would only be useful to users who have YaCy installed locally and running on http://localhost:8090, but Hyperbola could run its own Searx instance, enable YaCy support plus DuckDuckGo, and make this the default search engine for Iceweasel-UXP. This way, Iceweasel-UXP users can use and contribute to YaCy, but supplement YaCy’s search results with results from DuckDuckGo until YaCy becomes strong enough to stand on its own.
Additional info:
* AUR package for YaCy: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/yacy
* Searx support for YaCy: https://github.com/asciimoo/searx/blob/master/searx/engines/yacy.py
Steps to reproduce: N/A
Any | Implementation Request | Very Low | Medium | [nnn] package request | Closed | |
Task Description
This is a request to package nnn - a full-featured terminal file manager for low-end devices and the regular desktop.
nnn is available on Debian, Ubuntu (and family), Fedora, OpenSUSE and Arch Linux.
Homepage: https://github.com/jarun/nnn License: BSD 2-Clause
I would highly appreciate if nnn can be added to the repository.
Any | Implementation Request | Very Low | Medium | Support of MPTCP (Multipath TCP) on Hyperbola | Closed | |
Task Description
Patch for 4.9 : https://multipath-tcp.org/patches/mptcp-v4.9-c88d1d56809e.patch
AUR : https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/linux-mptcp/
Any | Implementation Request | Very Low | High | Add MPTCP (MultiPath TCP) to Hyperbola | Closed | |
Task Description
Kernel Patch for 4.9 : http://multipath-tcp.org/patches/mptcp-v4.9-c88d1d56809e.patch
Compile : https://multipath-tcp.org/pmwiki.php/Users/DoItYourself
Any | Implementation Request | Low | Low | [opmsg] add new package | Closed | |
Task Description
Description: opmsg is a replacement for gpg which can encrypt/sign/verify your mails or create/verify detached signatures of local files. Even though the opmsg output looks similar, the concept is entirely different.
Additional info: https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/opmsg/
Any | Implementation Request | Very Low | Low | [xfce4-alsa-plugin] add package | Closed | |
Task Description
Please add xfce4-alsa-plugin (to get rid of pulseaudio plugin on xfce)
License: GPL3
https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/xfce4-alsa-plugin/ https://github.com/equeim/xfce4-alsa-plugin
Any | Implementation Request | High | High | [dhcpcd-ui] add package | Closed | |
Task Description
Please add dhcpcd-ui, it is very nice replacement to networkmanager (and network-manager-applet). It works fine combined with wpa_supplicant for wireless networks.
“dhcpcd Monitor in GTK+”
License : BSD
Any | Implementation Request | Very Low | Medium | [SPF][postfix] implement pypolicyd-spf and postfix-poli ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Description: Hyperbola has the following SPF implementations: * libspf2 * perl-mail-spf * perl-mail-spf-query
However, none of them work out of the box with postfix. There’s postfix-policyd-spf-perl, which uses one the current perl implementations (perl-mail-spf), takes no time to build and all the dependencies are already satisfied with Hyperbola’s packages
Here I made a PKGBUILD that’s compliant with the packaging standards:
pkgdesc='Postfix SPF policy engine, written in Perl'
arch=(i686 x86_64)
depends=(perl-mail-spf perl-netaddr-ip perl-sys-hostname-long)
validpgpkeys=(E7729BFFBE85400FEEEE23B178D7DEFB9AD59AF1) # Scott Kitterman
package() {
cd "${pkgname}-${pkgver}"
install -Dm755 "${pkgname}" "${pkgdir}/usr/libexec/postfix/${pkgname}"
install -Dm644 CHANGES INSTALL README -t "${pkgdir}/usr/share/doc/${pkgname}"
install -Dm644 LICENSE "${pkgdir}/usr/share/licenses/${pkgname}/LICENSE"
in the other hand, to give users the possibility of having more options, we could add pypolicyd-spf (AUR), which depends in pyspf (AUR) and other packages that Hyperbola has. In fact, ArchWiki talks about this implementation, but this might not be relevant.
Stable | Implementation Request | Very Low | Low | [xfe] Add Opus audio file type support | Closed | |
Task Description
A format is not known or recognized in the original code base. To add a string into at the audio section in xferc.in:
opus = "<audioplayer>,<audioplayer>,audacity;Opus Audio;mp3_32x32.png;mp3_16x16.png;;"
Stable | Implementation Request | Very Low | High | [simplescreenrecorder] Malfunctional when not removing ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Within the last commit regarding the package simplescreenrecorder the interface for pulseaudio was removed. So far, so good. But without the complete removal of pulseaudio the application is enforced to use ALSA emulation for PulseAudio on systems with libpulse installed and that usually only makes things worse.
Please undo this for version 0.3 until the removal of pulseaudio is complete.
Any | Implementation Request | Very Low | Low | [emacs-exwm] add package | Closed | |
Task Description
Some users use emacs as a tiling window manager. Please add EXWM[0]
[0]: https://github.com/ch11ng/exwm
Any | Implementation Request | Very Low | Low | [SafeEyes] add new package | Closed | |
Task Description
Safe Eyes is a program to manage breaks in front of the computer. It has many features that help us adapt it to our needs.
Stable | Implementation Request | Very Low | Medium | [gcc] Renew to version 8 or 9, including multilib | Closed | |
Task Description
As even the support for GCC 7 is now ending with the release of version 7.5 (https://gcc.gnu.org/ml/gcc/2019-11/msg00099.html) I’d like to propose a renewal of the building-stack - which I think is also needed in time. Also a renewal of the glibc would be good at all!
Stable | Implementation Request | Very Low | Low | [codelite] Adding new package | Closed | |
Task Description
The IDE codelite is an excellent development environment, continuously updated, has a clear vision and active support. Would be nice to have this one within the repositories in upcoming releases, perhaps 0.5?
Any | Implementation Request | Very Low | Medium | [chdkptp] please add package to control Canon cameras | Closed | |
Task Description
CHDKPTP is part of CHDK project - a free software firmware add-on for Canon cameras. It enables controlling Canon cameras via the computer.
Attached is a modified iup PKGBUILD (Lua 5.3 build was removed as it failed to compile) and configuration files for chdkptp.
Code is available via svn:
$ svn co http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/chdkptp/trunk chdkptp
Copy chdkptp.sh and config.mk files to source tree then compile via make. chdkptp requires root privileges to connect to a camera.
Any | Implementation Request | Very Low | Low | [chdkptp] please add package to repos | Closed | |
Task Description
CHDKPTP is part of CHDK project - a free software firmware add-on for Canon cameras. It enables controlling Canon cameras via the computer.
Attached is a modified iup PKGBUILD (Lua 5.3 build was removed as it failed to compile) and configuration files for chdkptp.
Code is available via svn:
$ svn co http://subversion.assembla.com/svn/chdkptp/trunk chdkptp
Copy chdkptp.sh and config.mk files to source tree then compile via make. Requires root privileges to connect to a camera.
Testing | Implementation Request | Very Low | Low | [Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre 0.4] [polygen{,-data}] Add p ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Is that package worth using to generate every sentence of any kind?
Package name: polygen{,-data}
Release version: 1.0.6
Release date: June 28, 2004
Author(s): Alvise Spanò
Written in: OCaml
Arch package status: Not available on the offical repository, but available on AUR.
Debian package status: Available on the official repository.
Testing | Implementation Request | Very Low | High | Hplip for printing, | Closed | |
Stable | Implementation Request | Very Low | Medium | [djview] Add new package | Closed | |
Testing | Implementation Request | High | Critical | [xlsfonts] Missing package needs to be added for xenoca ... | Closed | |
Any | Privacy Issue | High | High | [redshift] remove geoclue2 support | Closed | |
Any | Privacy Issue | High | High | [epiphany] would be more private if not for Hyperbola p ... | Closed | |
Testing | Privacy Issue | Very High | Critical | [abiword] remove AltaVista's Babel Fish translator supp ... | Closed | |
Any | Privacy Issue | Very High | Critical | [libreoffice*] contains Google API keys | Closed | |
Any | Privacy Issue | Very High | Critical | [openrc] Google in init.d and conf.d configuration (ne ... | Closed | |
Any | Privacy Issue | Very Low | Medium | [avahi] avahi publishes the hostname by default | Closed | |
Any | Privacy Issue | High | Critical | [deepin-desktop-base] Check for CNZZ Spyware | Closed | |
Any | Privacy Issue | Medium | Medium | [meta] Investigate DuckDuckGo links for privacy | Closed | |
Any | Privacy Issue | Very High | Critical | [purple-facebook] only useful with Facebook service | Closed | |
Any | Privacy Issue | Very High | Critical | [cutegram] only useful with Telegram service | Closed | |
Any | Privacy Issue | Very High | Critical | [libqtelegram-ae] only useful with Telegram service | Closed | |
Any | Privacy Issue | Very High | Critical | [telegram-qt] only useful with Telegram service | Closed | |
Any | Privacy Issue | Very High | Critical | [telegramqml] only useful with Telegram service | Closed | |
Any | Privacy Issue | Very High | Critical | [telepathy-morse] only useful with Telegram service | Closed | |
Any | Privacy Issue | Very High | Critical | [telepathy-kde-accounts-kcm] recommends Telepathy-Morse ... | Closed | |
Any | Privacy Issue | Very Low | Low | [purple-plugin-pack] Provides Napster support which is ... | Closed | |
Any | Privacy Issue | Very Low | Medium | [certbot-dns-luadns] LuaDNS service depends in non-free ... | Closed | |
Any | Privacy Issue | Very Low | Low | [github] check github-related packages | Closed | |
Any | Privacy Issue | Very Low | Critical | [bleachbit] needs to be adapted to UXP applications | Closed | |
Any | Privacy Issue | Medium | High | midori new Support for cross-browser web extensions | Closed | |
Any | Pull Request | Very Low | High | [firejail] update of 0.9.52 to 0.9.54 + support for UXP ... | Closed | |
Any | Pull Request | High | High | [firetools] update of 0.9.50 to 0.9.52 + support for UX ... | Closed | |