
Category Task Type Priority  asc Severity Summary Status Progress
TestingBug ReportMediumMedium [qtcreator] requires Closed
Task Description

Description: The currently packaged version of QtCreator is built with SystemD support, and on v0.3 no longer works.

Steps to reproduce:

  • pacman -S qtcreator
  • qtcreator
  • All plugins fail to load
  • Receive following error message:

Cannot load plugin because dependency failed to load: ProjectExplorer(4.2.2)
Reason: /usr/lib/qtcreator/plugins/ Cannot load library /usr/lib/qtcreator/plugins/
( cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)

We need to see if it is possible to build binary without or remove the package.

TestingBug ReportMediumCritical [rsyslog] wrong reference to /usr/bin/rsyslog in /etc/l ...Closed
Task Description

In `/etc/logrotate.d/rsyslog`, line 5:

/usr/bin/killall -HUP /usr/bin/rsyslogd

should now read as follows:

/usr/bin/killall -HUP /usr/sbin/rsyslogd
StableBug ReportMediumCritical [mkinitcpio] crc32c_generic module missing with regular ...Closed
Task Description

With latest 0.3 hyperbola, with the (simple) following partitioning :

/ (ext4)

The standard HOOK in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf

"HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf block filesystems keyboard fsck"

fails to include crc32c_generic module, resulting in non bootable system.

The generated fallback initramfs include it though.

The issue was not present with 0.2.9, with the exact same partitioning.

StableBug ReportMediumCritical [virt-manager] Failed to initialize a valid firewall ba ...Closed
Task Description

[virt-manager] Failed to initialize a valid firewall backend

I cannot start any virtual machine with current virt-manager.
The error message is the following :

Failed to initialize a valid firewall backend

My username is in “kvm” group.

The only modification to the libvirt config files I made are in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf

# Some examples of valid values are:
#       user = "qemu"   # A user named "qemu"
#       user = "+0"     # Super user (uid=0)
#       user = "100"    # A user named "100" or a user with uid=100
#user = "root"
user = "david"

The libvirtd service is enabled (and start without error)
Also, the optional dependencies are correctly installed :

ebtables: required for default NAT networking [installed]
dnsmasq: required for default NAT/DHCP for guests [installed]
bridge-utils: for bridged networking [installed]

This was working fine previously (with 0.2.9) so I don’t know why this isn’t working anymore. As said previously, my config hasn’t changed.

AnyBug ReportMediumMedium [sshfs] Can't mount share from desktop (FUSE2 issue) Closed
Task Description

Since 0.3 release, i’m unable to mount my sshfs share from my desktop.

For reference, my fstab entry :

sshfs#anon@server:/srv/nfs/data /mnt/data fuse noauto,user,_netdev,x-gvfs-show,x-gvfs-name=data 0 0

When I double-click on the desktop icon (xfce), it says : “Impossible to mount data”

But, I’m able to mount the share if I enter the command manually in a terminal as user.

sshfs anon@server:/srv/nfs/data /mnt/data

So, it is not a problem of writing rights on mountpoint /mnt/data
I suspect an issue with fuse2 since it is a dependency of sshfs and it is in relation with mounting share from desktop.

StableBug ReportMediumCritical [v4l-utils] Error in `dvbv5-scan': double free or corru ...Closed
Task Description

With : v4l-utils 1.12.3-1.hyperbola1

dvb5-scan utility currently segfaults with rtl2832

*** Error in `dvbv5-scan': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x000000000090be90 ***
======= Backtrace: =========

This seems to have been fixed, see :

I don’t know if a patch is available for it though..

StableBug ReportMediumCritical [lynis] Unable to run audit on remote target because of ...Closed
Task Description

With lynis 2.4.8-1.hyperbola2

sudo lynis audit system remote

fails because dmidecode is not installed to /usr/sbin/ :

/usr/share/lynis/include/functions: line 1359: /usr/sbin/dmidecode: No such file or directory

With hyperbola 0.3 :

which dmidecode
AnyBug ReportMediumHigh [cups] lp command no longer works Closed
Task Description

Probably related to this bug:

[alon@T60-hyperbola ~]$ lp -d HP_OfficeJet_Pro_8710 /home/alon/Desktop/all/testpages/clean_page.pdf
    lp: Unsupported document-format "application/pdf".
    [alon@T60-hyperbola ~]$ lp -d HP_OfficeJet_Pro_8710 /home/alon/Desktop/all/testpages/
    lp: Unsupported document-format "application/postscript".
AnyBug ReportMediumHigh [libvirt] USB device passthrough can't be used due to  ...Closed
Task Description


On a system which lacks support for either the vfio kernel module, or lacks IOMMU hardware, it is no longer possible to use host USB device assignment

Additional info:
* package version(s)

# pacman -Si libvirt
Repositorio               : community
Nombre                    : libvirt
Versión                   : 3.2.0-2.hyperbola9
Descripción               : API for controlling virtualization engines
                            (openvz,kvm,qemu,xen,etc), with eudev, libressl and OpenRC support
Arquitectura              : x86_64
URL                       :
Licencias                 : LGPL-2.1
Grupos                    : Nada
Provee                    : Nada
Depende de                : e2fsprogs  gnutls  iptables  libxml2  parted  polkit  python2
                            avahi  yajl  libpciaccess  eudev  dbus  libxau  libxdmcp  libpcap
                            libcap-ng  curl  libsasl  libgcrypt  libgpg-error  libressl
                            libxcb  gcc-libs  iproute2  libnl  libx11  numactl  gettext  ceph
                            libssh2  netcf
Dependencias opcionales   : ebtables: required for default NAT networking
                            dnsmasq: required for default NAT/DHCP for guests
                            bridge-utils: for bridged networking
                            openbsd-netcat: for remote management over ssh
En conflicto con          : Nada
Remplaza a                : Nada
Tamaño de la descarga     : 6,93 MiB
Tamaño de la instalación  : 41,21 MiB
Encargado                 : HyperBuilder <>
Fecha de creación         : vie 19 jul 2019 08:21:25 -05
Validado por              : Suma MD5  Suma SHA-256  Firma

* Patch


Steps to reproduce:

- Install package

AnyFeature RequestMediumHigh [supervisor] contains systemd unit file Closed
Task Description

The Arch version of “supervisor” from the snapshot used by Hyperbola comes with systemd support. Since Hyperbola follows the a global ruleset for INIT-freedom, systemd unit files removal is required and adding support for other init-systems (preferred OpenRC for now) to replace it.

AnyBug ReportMediumHigh [cdemu-daemon] Malfunctioning service Closed
Task Description

The daemon is not working and the following error-message occurs when trying to starting up:

cdemu: Daemon: D-Bus: failed to get proxy for 'org.freedesktop.DBus' on session bus: Cannot autolaunch D-Bus without X11 $DISPLAY!
Daemon initialization and start failed!
StableBug ReportMediumMedium [ipython2] broken Closed
Task Description

ipython2 does not work with Milky Way (it used to work with the previous release):

$ ipython2
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/ipython2", line 6, in <module>
    from pkg_resources import load_entry_point
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 3036, in <module>
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 3020, in _call_aside
    f(*args, **kwargs)   
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 3049, in _initialize_master_working_set
    working_set = WorkingSet._build_master()
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 654, in _build_master
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 968, in require 
    needed = self.resolve(parse_requirements(requirements))
  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/pkg_resources/", line 854, in resolve 
    raise DistributionNotFound(req, requirers)
pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: The 'pathlib2' distribution was not found and is required by ipython

It is because ipython2 (and also python2-pickleshare) now requires pathlib2 while Milky Way only ships pathlib (python2-pathlib package) which is deprecated upstream over pathlib2 and this package is also orphaned BTW.

python2-pathlib2 is available in Arch:

It builds fine on hyperbola and once installed, ipython2 works fine. As of other packages currently depending on the legacy python2-pathlib, I checked them one by one and:

  • python2-pickleshare: Broken as it requires pathlib2 (same as ipython2).
  • python2-pytest-benchmark: Does not use pathlib at all (neither in setuptools requires.txt nor in the source code).
StableBug ReportMediumCritical [torsocks] which: no getcap Closed
Task Description

Current torsocks version is broken.
It returns the following error when attempting to torify application :

which: no getcap
StableBug ReportMediumCritical [apache][modules][FHS] move external modules to new loc ...Closed
Task Description

The apache pkg has a symlink in /etc/httpd/modules which points to /usr/lib/httpd/modules, and it’s wrong because modules are now located at /usr/libexec/httpd/modules

Also, packages that have apache modules, like:

  • extra/php-apache
  • community/mod_wsgi
  • community/mod_wsgi2

have them in the old location, so they need to be rebuilt.

Additional info:

  • apache 2.4.38-1.hyperbola2
StableBug ReportMediumCritical [roundcubemail-lts] not compatible with PHP 7.1 Closed
Task Description

After replacing roundcubemail with roundcubemail-lts, I got the following error:

  PHP Warning:  session_start(): Failed to read session data: user (path: ) in /usr/share/webapps/roundcubemail/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_session.php on line 117

And going back to the non-lts version solved it

Additional info:
It looks like it is a problem of roundcube-lts not being fully compatible with PHP 7.1, maybe a backport could fix the issue

Steps to reproduce:
1) Install roundcube
2) open it in a web browser
3) Check /var/log/roundcubemail/errors

StableBug ReportMediumHigh opensmtpd: permission problems Closed
Task Description


cat msg | /usr/sbin/sendmail – sendmail: No such file or directorycannot create temporary file /var/spool/smtpd/offline/1572544775.XXXXIqNsFX

Additional info:
* package version: 6.4.2p1-1.hyperbola2.backports1

It is same problem as here:

I could solve it with:

sudo chmod g+s /usr/sbin/smtpctl
sudo chmod g+s /usr/sbin/smtpctl

and then

sudo rc-service smtpd start

Even though I think I should not need to start it to use only sendmail.

AnySecurity IssueMediumCritical [libjpeg-turbo] CVE-2019-2201 Closed
Task Description

In generate_jsimd_ycc_rgb_convert_neon of jsimd_arm64_neon.S, there is a possible out of bounds write due to a missing bounds check. This could lead to remote code execution in an unprivileged process with no additional execution privileges needed. User interaction is needed for exploitation


StableFeature RequestMediumHigh [ntfs-3g] require FHS Closed
Task Description


ntfs-3g needs FHS adaptation

Additional info:
* package version(s)


* config and/or log files etc.

$ pacman -Ql ntfs-3g
ntfs-3g /usr/
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/lowntfs-3g
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/mkfs.ntfs
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/mkntfs
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/mount.lowntfs-3g
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/mount.ntfs
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/mount.ntfs-3g
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/ntfs-3g
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/ntfs-3g.probe
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/ntfscat
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/ntfsclone
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/ntfscluster
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/ntfscmp
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/ntfscp
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/ntfsfix
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/ntfsinfo
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/ntfslabel
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/ntfsls
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/ntfsrecover
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/ntfsresize
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/ntfssecaudit
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/ntfstruncate
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/ntfsundelete
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/ntfsusermap
ntfs-3g /usr/bin/ntfswipe
ntfs-3g /usr/include/
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/acls.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/attrib.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/attrlist.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/bitmap.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/bootsect.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/cache.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/collate.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/compat.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/compress.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/debug.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/device.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/device_io.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/dir.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/ea.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/efs.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/endians.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/index.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/inode.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/ioctl.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/layout.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/lcnalloc.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/logfile.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/logging.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/mft.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/misc.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/mst.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/ntfstime.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/object_id.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/param.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/plugin.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/realpath.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/reparse.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/runlist.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/security.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/support.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/types.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/unistr.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/volume.h
ntfs-3g /usr/include/ntfs-3g/xattrs.h
ntfs-3g /usr/lib/
ntfs-3g /usr/lib/
ntfs-3g /usr/lib/
ntfs-3g /usr/lib/
ntfs-3g /usr/lib/ntfs-3g/
ntfs-3g /usr/lib/pkgconfig/
ntfs-3g /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libntfs-3g.pc
ntfs-3g /usr/share/
ntfs-3g /usr/share/doc/
ntfs-3g /usr/share/doc/ntfs-3g/
ntfs-3g /usr/share/doc/ntfs-3g/README
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/mkfs.ntfs.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/mkntfs.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/mount.lowntfs-3g.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/mount.ntfs-3g.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfs-3g.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfs-3g.probe.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfscat.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfsclone.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfscluster.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfscmp.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfscp.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfsdecrypt.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfsfallocate.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfsfix.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfsinfo.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfslabel.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfsls.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfsprogs.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfsrecover.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfsresize.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfssecaudit.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfstruncate.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfsundelete.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfsusermap.8.gz
ntfs-3g /usr/share/man/man8/ntfswipe.8.gz
AnyFeature RequestMediumMedium [aspell-eo] Add new package Closed
Task Description


Esperanto dictionary for aspell

Additional info:

AnyFreedom IssueMediumHigh [xdg-utils] Remove nonfree apps Closed
Task Description


xdg-utils package contains some non-free applications

Additional info:

$ pacman -Si xdg-utils
Repositorio               : extra
Nombre                    : xdg-utils
Versión                   : 1.1.1-5
Descripción               : Command line tools that assist applications with a variety of
                            desktop integration tasks
Arquitectura              : any
URL                       :
Licencias                 : MIT
Grupos                    : Nada
Provee                    : Nada
Depende de                : sh  xorg-xset
Dependencias opcionales   : kde-cli-tools: for KDE Plasma5 support in xdg-open
                            exo: for Xfce support in xdg-open
                            xorg-xprop: for Xfce support in xdg-open
                            pcmanfm: for LXDE support in xdg-open
                            perl-file-mimeinfo: for generic support in xdg-open
                            perl-net-dbus: Perl extension to dbus used in xdg-screensaver
                            perl-x11-protocol: Perl X11 protocol used in xdg-screensaver
En conflicto con          : Nada
Remplaza a                : Nada
Tamaño de la descarga     : 54,40 KiB
Tamaño de la instalación  : 303,00 KiB
Encargado                 : Andreas Radke <>
Fecha de creación         : vie 20 ene 2017 16:12:57 -05
Validado por              : Suma MD5  Suma SHA-256  Firma

Steps to reproduce:

$ cat /usr/bin/xdg-open | grep 'chromium'
AnyBug ReportMediumHigh [gstreamer] needed rebuild Closed
Task Description

(gst-plugin-scanner:17336): GStreamer-WARNING : Failed to load plugin ‘/usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0/’: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
(gst-plugin-scanner:17336): GStreamer-WARNING
: Failed to load plugin ‘/usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0/’: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Repositorio : extra
Nombre : gstreamer
Versión : 1.12.0-1
Descripción : GStreamer open-source multimedia framework core library
Arquitectura : x86_64
URL : Licencias : LGPL Grupos : Nada
Provee : Nada
Depende de : libxml2 glib2 libunwind libcap libelf
Dependencias opcionales : Nada
En conflicto con : Nada
Remplaza a : Nada
Tamaño de la descarga : 1897,45 KiB
Tamaño de la instalación : 17241,00 KiB
Encargado : Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) Fecha de creación : jue 04 may 2017 14:13:05 -05
Validado por : Suma MD5 Suma SHA-256 Firma

AnyUpdate RequestMediumHigh [php] is out of date/support Closed
Task Description


From official PHP page, our php 7.1 is out of support and security

Our package :

PHP page :

TestingBug ReportMediumMedium [Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre 0.4] - Package [xscreensaver ...Closed
Task Description

This issue affects on Lumina desktop environment on the current operating system in the testing stage of Milky Way 0.4 on QEMU.

Here’s what happened, I just tried clicking the screen saver on the preferences on the desktop menu–it happens nothing, and then I just tried searching xscreensaver-settings as an executable file on the terminal–unfortunately, it’s nothing there.

Can anyone fix and rebuild it properly?

AnyPrivacy IssueMediumHigh midori new Support for cross-browser web extensions Closed
Task Description

idk what to do with it i add the PKGBUILD but this new extension needs to be checked left or patched,

Additional info:
* package version(9.0)

important links to check:
* *

AnyFeature RequestMediumLow [Hyperbola GNU/Linux 0.4] Reactivate ALSA for all UXP-a ...Closed
Task Description

Description: As sndio has its own problems I’d propose to reactivate ALSA for all UXP-applications.

TestingBug ReportMediumMedium [Hyperbola GNU/Linux 0.4] Problems with touch- / trackp ...Closed
TestingBug ReportMediumMedium [Hyperbola GNU/Linux 0.4] Problems with ALSA and sndio  ...Closed
TestingBug ReportMediumMedium [Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre 0.4] - Package [android-file ...Closed
AnyBug ReportMediumMedium [surf-2.1-1]: Unresolved dependencies Closed
TestingBug ReportMediumMedium [xfontsel] Problem with font handling Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumMedium[filesystem] Review of permissionsUnconfirmed
TestingBug ReportHighHigh [sway] error while loading shared libraries Closed
TestingBug ReportHighHigh [sddm] error while loading shared libraries Closed
AnySecurity IssueHighHigh [npapi-sdk] remove unsecure/deprecated package Closed
AnySecurity IssueHighHigh [npapi-vlc] remove unsecured package Closed
AnySecurity IssueHighHigh [nspluginwrapper] remove unsecure/deprecated package Closed
AnySecurity IssueHighHigh [x2goplugin] remove unsecure package Closed
AnySecurity IssueHighHigh [djview] remove unsecure "" Closed
AnySecurity IssueHighHigh [icedtea-web] remove unsecure "" Closed
TestingBug ReportHighHigh [freerdp] error while loading shared libraries Closed
TestingBug ReportHighHigh [gnome-shell] error while loading shared libraries Closed
TestingBug ReportHighHigh [ksystemlog] error while loading shared libraries Closed
TestingBug ReportHighHigh [mutter] error while loading shared libraries Closed
AnyDrop RequestHighHigh [devtools] remove this package Closed
AnyPrivacy IssueHighHigh [redshift] remove geoclue2 support Closed
AnyPrivacy IssueHighHigh [epiphany] would be more private if not for Hyperbola p ...Closed
AnyBug ReportHighHigh [tlp] remove systemd support Closed
AnyBug ReportHighHigh [sway] relies on systemd libraries Closed
AnySecurity IssueHighHigh [podofo] vulnerable allows remote attackers to cause a  ...Closed
AnySecurity IssueHighHigh [isync] needs update Closed
Showing tasks 751 - 800 of 1517 Page 16 of 31

Available keyboard shortcuts


Task Details

Task Editing