
Category Task Type Priority  asc Severity Summary Status Progress
AnyFeature RequestMediumMedium [tlp] needs OpenRC init script Closed
Task Description

pacman -Si tlp
Repository : community
Name : tlp
Version : 0.9-2.hyperbola1
Description : Save battery power on laptops, without systemd support
Architecture : any
URL : Licenses : GPL2 GPL3
Groups : None
Provides : None
Depends On : hdparm iw pciutils rfkill usbutils util-linux
Optional Deps : acpi_call: ThinkPad battery functions, Sandy Bridge and newer

                bash-completion: Bash completion
                ethtool: Disable Wake On Lan
                lsb-release: Display LSB release version in tlp-stat
                smartmontools: Display S.M.A.R.T. data in tlp-stat
                tp_smapi: ThinkPad battery functions
                x86_energy_perf_policy: Set energy versus performance policy on x86 processors

Conflicts With : laptop-mode-tools pm-utils
Replaces : None
Download Size : 44.92 KiB
Installed Size : 243.00 KiB
Packager : André Silva Build Date : Wed 25 Oct 2017 07:26:10 AM CEST
Validated By : MD5 Sum SHA-256 Sum Signature

pacman -Ql tlp
tlp /etc/
tlp /etc/default/
tlp /etc/default/tlp
tlp /usr/
tlp /usr/bin/
tlp /usr/bin/bluetooth
tlp /usr/bin/run-on-ac
tlp /usr/bin/run-on-bat
tlp /usr/bin/tlp
tlp /usr/bin/tlp-pcilist
tlp /usr/bin/tlp-stat
tlp /usr/bin/tlp-usblist
tlp /usr/bin/wifi
tlp /usr/bin/wwan
tlp /usr/lib/
tlp /usr/lib/udev/
tlp /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/
tlp /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/85-tlp.rules
tlp /usr/lib/udev/tlp-usb-udev
tlp /usr/share/
tlp /usr/share/bash-completion/
tlp /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/
tlp /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/bluetooth
tlp /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/tlp
tlp /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/tlp-stat
tlp /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/wifi
tlp /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/wwan
tlp /usr/share/man/
tlp /usr/share/man/man1/
tlp /usr/share/man/man1/bluetooth.1.gz
tlp /usr/share/man/man1/run-on-ac.1.gz
tlp /usr/share/man/man1/run-on-bat.1.gz
tlp /usr/share/man/man1/wifi.1.gz
tlp /usr/share/man/man1/wwan.1.gz
tlp /usr/share/man/man8/
tlp /usr/share/man/man8/tlp-stat.8.gz
tlp /usr/share/man/man8/tlp.8.gz
tlp /usr/share/tlp-pm/
tlp /usr/share/tlp-pm/tlp-functions
tlp /usr/share/tlp-pm/tlp-rf-func
tlp /usr/share/tlp-pm/tpacpi-bat

AnyFeature RequestMediumMedium [fail2ban] needs OpenRC init script Closed
Task Description

hello to all, I request that the developers of hyperbola develop the service of ‘fail2ban’, is an application that is used to protect servers.
I hope my request is positive, I thank you in advance.

AnyImplementation RequestMediumLow Scid vs. PC – PGN Reader/ChessBase Closed
Task Description

AnyImplementation RequestMediumLow Stockfish Chess Engine Closed
Task Description

«Unlike most chess engines, Stockfish is open source (GPL license). That means you can read the code, modify it, contribute back, and even use it in your own projects.» I do not know if it is libre. If it is, together with Scid, Hyperbola is one step closer for every chess lover out there who also loves freedom!

AnyFeature RequestMediumMedium [pybitmessage] Package Request Closed
Task Description

PyBitmessage is a secure p2p e-mail alternative. It could be useful to package it. (contains a firejail profile)

AnyFeature RequestMediumMedium [chrony] needs OpenRC init script Closed
Task Description


$ pacman -Si chrony
Repository : community
Name : chrony
Version : 3.1-1
Description : Lightweight NTP client and server
Architecture : x86_64
URL : Licenses : GPL Groups : None
Provides : None
Depends On : nss readline libcap libedit
Optional Deps : None
Conflicts With : None
Replaces : None
Download Size : 167.10 KiB
Installed Size : 421.00 KiB
Packager : Sergej Pupykin <>
Build Date : Wed 01 Feb 2017 07:31:12 AM -03
Validated By : MD5 Sum SHA-256 Sum Signature

pacman -Ql chrony
chrony /etc/
chrony /etc/chrony.conf
chrony /usr/
chrony /usr/bin/
chrony /usr/bin/chronyc
chrony /usr/bin/chronyd
chrony /usr/lib/
chrony /usr/lib/systemd/
chrony /usr/lib/systemd/system/
chrony /usr/lib/systemd/system/chrony.service
chrony /usr/share/
chrony /usr/share/doc/
chrony /usr/share/doc/chrony/
chrony /usr/share/doc/chrony/chrony.conf.html
chrony /usr/share/doc/chrony/chronyc.html
chrony /usr/share/doc/chrony/chronyd.html
chrony /usr/share/doc/chrony/examples/
chrony /usr/share/doc/chrony/examples/chrony-wait.service
chrony /usr/share/doc/chrony/examples/chrony.conf.example1
chrony /usr/share/doc/chrony/examples/chrony.conf.example2
chrony /usr/share/doc/chrony/examples/chrony.conf.example3
chrony /usr/share/doc/chrony/examples/chrony.keys.example
chrony /usr/share/doc/chrony/examples/chrony.logrotate
chrony /usr/share/doc/chrony/examples/chrony.nm-dispatcher
chrony /usr/share/doc/chrony/examples/chrony.spec chrony /usr/share/doc/chrony/examples/chronyd.service
chrony /usr/share/doc/chrony/faq.html
chrony /usr/share/doc/chrony/installation.html
chrony /usr/share/man/
chrony /usr/share/man/man1/
chrony /usr/share/man/man1/chronyc.1.gz
chrony /usr/share/man/man5/
chrony /usr/share/man/man5/chrony.conf.5.gz
chrony /usr/share/man/man8/
chrony /usr/share/man/man8/chronyd.8.gz
chrony /var/
chrony /var/lib/
chrony /var/lib/chrony/

AnyUpdate RequestMediumHigh Make Knock patch for Linux-libre 4.14 LTS Closed
Task Description

The Knock patches for linux-libre maintained by you at have support up to linux-libre 4.13 only (and I think it didn’t work for it when I tried it, compilation failed) but from all of those supported versions, the newest maintained generation by the upstream is 4.9.x

However, since newer kernel generations might require reprogramming the patch, I want to request it only for the latest LTS generation which is 4.14. As you know, LTS software are supported for a long time, so it’s worth to make it for linux-libre 4.14.x

This might not be really important for Hyperbola in the short term, but you are the maintainers of the TCP Stealth implementation for Linux-libre and I and maybe other people would like to use it in their projects for newer versions.

Plus, it would be great since while 4.9 kernels can use the GRSec+Knock combination like linux-libre-lts-unofficial-grsec-knock, with support for 4.14 anyone would be able to use a combination of newer patches such as Linux-hardened+Knock (Linux-hardened supports 4.14 and 4.15 as of now) which is what I’d like to do.

AnyBug ReportMediumMedium [shadow] warning <<FAIL_DELAY>> Closed
Task Description

This message comes out when using the userdel, useradd, gpasswd.

Configuration error, unknown "FAIL_DELAY" element (report to administrator)
Possible solution

Remove specific patches for Debian

  • 429_login_FAILLOG_ENAB
  • 463_login_delay_obeys_to_PAM
AnyFeature RequestMediumMedium [DCPT500W] possible integration of drivers to cups on P ...Closed
Task Description

Hi guys, I have ever run into a Brother brand printer model DCPT500W[0], and I have seen that the source code for the drivers under GPLv3 license is available.

I also see that there is a file brother_dcpt500w_printer_en.ppd, which is important for cups, which is why it may be necessary to integrate it into the cups, as long as the drivers are Libre.


AnyFeature RequestMediumMedium [create_ap] needs OpenRC init script Closed
Task Description
pacman -Si

Dépôt                    : community
Nom                      : create_ap
Version                  : 0.4.6-1
Description              : A shell script to create a NATed/Bridged Software Access Point
Architecture             : any
URL                      :
Licences                 : BSD
Groupes                  : --
Fournit                  : --
Dépend de                : bash  hostapd  iproute2  iw  dnsmasq  iptables  util-linux  procps-ng
Dépendances opt.         : haveged: boost low entropy
Est en conflit avec      : --
Remplace                 : --
Taille du téléchargement : 17,61 KiB
Taille installée         : 63,00 KiB
Paqueteur                : NicoHood <>
Compilé le               : sam. 11 févr. 2017 10:53:08 CET
Validé par               : Somme MD5  Somme SHA-256  Signature
pacman -Ql

create_ap /etc/
create_ap /etc/create_ap.conf
create_ap /usr/
create_ap /usr/bin/
create_ap /usr/bin/create_ap
create_ap /usr/lib/
create_ap /usr/lib/systemd/
create_ap /usr/lib/systemd/system/
create_ap /usr/lib/systemd/system/create_ap.service
create_ap /usr/share/
create_ap /usr/share/bash-completion/
create_ap /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/
create_ap /usr/share/bash-completion/completions/create_ap
create_ap /usr/share/doc/
create_ap /usr/share/doc/create_ap/
create_ap /usr/share/doc/create_ap/
create_ap /usr/share/licenses/
create_ap /usr/share/licenses/create_ap/
create_ap /usr/share/licenses/create_ap/LICENSE
AnyFeature RequestMediumMedium [iperf] needs OpenRC init script Closed
Task Description
pacman -Si

Nom                      : iperf
Version                  : 2.0.9-1
Description              : A tool to measure maximum TCP bandwidth
Architecture             : x86_64
URL                      :
Licences                 : custom
Groupes                  : --
Fournit                  : --
Dépend de                : gcc-libs
Dépendances opt.         : --
Requis par               : --
Optionnel pour           : --
Est en conflit avec      : --
Remplace                 : --
Taille installée         : 88,00 KiB
Paqueteur                : Sébastien Luttringer <>
Compilé le               : dim. 09 oct. 2016 14:14:34 CEST
Installé le              : ven. 04 mai 2018 17:13:21 CEST
Motif d’installation     : Explicitement installé
Script d’installation    : Oui
Validé par               : Signature
pacman -Ql

iperf /usr/
iperf /usr/bin/
iperf /usr/bin/iperf
iperf /usr/lib/
iperf /usr/lib/systemd/
iperf /usr/lib/systemd/system/
iperf /usr/lib/systemd/system/iperf-tcp.service
iperf /usr/lib/systemd/system/iperf-udp.service
iperf /usr/share/
iperf /usr/share/licenses/
iperf /usr/share/licenses/iperf/
iperf /usr/share/licenses/iperf/LICENSE
iperf /usr/share/man/
iperf /usr/share/man/man1/
iperf /usr/share/man/man1/iperf.1.gz
AnyFeature RequestMediumMedium [gammu] needs OpenRC init script Closed
Task Description
pacman -Si

Dépôt                    : community
Nom                      : gammu
Version                  : 1.38.2-1
Description              : GNU All Mobile Management Utilities
Architecture             : x86_64
URL                      :
Licences                 : GPL
Groupes                  : --
Fournit                  : --
Dépend de                : glib2  bluez-libs  curl  libmariadbclient  postgresql-libs  libusb
Dépendances opt.         : dialog: support for the gammu-config script
                           python2: for python bindings
Est en conflit avec      : --
Remplace                 : --
Taille du téléchargement : 1167,86 KiB
Taille installée         : 4798,00 KiB
Paqueteur                : Jaroslav Lichtblau <>
Compilé le               : mar. 11 avril 2017 15:16:32 CEST
Validé par               : Somme MD5  Somme SHA-256  Signature
pacman -Ql gammu | grep /usr/lib/

gammu /usr/lib/
gammu /usr/lib/
gammu /usr/lib/
gammu /usr/lib/
gammu /usr/lib/
gammu /usr/lib/
gammu /usr/lib/
gammu /usr/lib/pkgconfig/
gammu /usr/lib/pkgconfig/gammu-smsd.pc
gammu /usr/lib/pkgconfig/gammu.pc
gammu /usr/lib/systemd/
gammu /usr/lib/systemd/system/
gammu /usr/lib/systemd/system/gammu-smsd.service
AnySecurity IssueMediumCritical [glusterfs] CVE-2018-1088: Privilege escalation via gl ...Closed
Task Description

A privilege escalation flaw was found in gluster 3.x snapshot scheduler. Any gluster client allowed to mount gluster volumes could also mount shared gluster storage volume and escalate privileges by scheduling malicious cronjob via symlink.

Upstream patches:

Fixed in:

AnyBug ReportMediumHigh [postgresql] creating directory Permission denied Closed
Task Description

In the File postgresql.install

the output is:

    ==> requires datadir /var/lib/data
    ==> run as user postgres: 'initdb -D /var/lib/data'

when it should be:

    ==> requires datadir /var/lib/postgres/data
    ==> run as user postgres: 'initdb -D /var/lib/postgres/data'

It may be necessary to change:

local datadir = "/var/lib/data"


local datadir = "/var/lib/postgres/data"

The comand for default fails:

creating directory /var/lib/data... initdb: could not create directory "/var/lib/data": Permission denied
AnyUpdate RequestMediumMedium [cups] update request Closed
Task Description

New versión v2.2.7


StableBug ReportMediumMedium [linux-libre-lts] [i915] Display freeze : hpd interrupt ...Closed
Task Description


I recently acquired a T400 Thinkpad with 1440×900 panel.
On this T400, I installed Hyperbola, just like on my x200 Thinkpad with 1280×800 panel.

Both Thinkpad are running the same Hyperbola installation :

Full disk encryption (with Libreboot) so both Thinkpad are using early KMS (MODULES=”i915” in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf)
Same kernel : linux-libre-lts (4.9.99 at the moment I’m writing this message)
video driver : modesetting
DE : xfce4 with xfwm4

On the Thinkpad x200, everything works great, no issue to report.

On the T400 though, the linux-libre-lts kernel, I’m getting random display freezes, when it happens, this message appears in dmesg :

hpd interrupt storm detected on connector hdmi-a-1

And the display (and sound) freezes for 10 seconds (sometimes more !)

As Hyperbola proposes linux-libre-lts kernel only, I installed latest linux-libre-lts (4.14.40) and linux-libre (4.16.8) from Parabola GNU/Linux repo.

Results :

With 4.14.40 : Same issue as with 4.9.99 kernel from Hyperbola repo.
With 4.16.8 : Issue is not present ! No more freeze !

I’m not sure how to proceed though. Would you be kind enough helping me to find which commit in i915 driver improved the situation ? If we find it, maybe it could be added as a patch to 4.9.x kernel series.
Or maybe it is something else.. I don’t have much experience, I can provide logs if needed.

Thanks for your help

AnyBug ReportMediumMedium [weechat] startup complains about missing guile  Closed
Task Description

Bug error:

Error: it was not possible to load the plugin "/usr/lib/weechat/plugins/": the file of the shared object can not be opened: The file or the directory does not exist

Package information

$ sudo pacman -Si weechat
Repositorio               : community
Nombre                    : weechat
Versión                   : 1.7.1-4
Descripción               : Fast, light and extensible IRC client (curses UI)
Arquitectura              : x86_64
URL                       :
Licencias                 : GPL
Grupos                    : Nada
Provee                    : Nada
Depende de                : gnutls  curl  libgcrypt
Dependencias opcionales   : perl
En conflicto con          : Nada
Remplaza a                : Nada
Tamaño de la descarga     : 1916,09 KiB
Tamaño de la instalación  : 17756,00 KiB
Encargado                 : Christian Rebischke <>
Fecha de creación         : lun 24 abr 2017 10:48:25 -05
Validado por              : Suma MD5  Suma SHA-256  Firma
sudo pacman -Ql weechat
weechat /usr/
weechat /usr/bin/
weechat /usr/bin/weechat
weechat /usr/bin/weechat-curses
weechat /usr/include/
weechat /usr/include/weechat/
weechat /usr/include/weechat/weechat-plugin.h
weechat /usr/lib/
weechat /usr/lib/pkgconfig/
weechat /usr/lib/pkgconfig/weechat.pc
weechat /usr/lib/weechat/
weechat /usr/lib/weechat/plugins/
weechat /usr/lib/weechat/plugins/
weechat /usr/lib/weechat/plugins/
weechat /usr/lib/weechat/plugins/
weechat /usr/lib/weechat/plugins/
weechat /usr/lib/weechat/plugins/
weechat /usr/lib/weechat/plugins/
weechat /usr/lib/weechat/plugins/
weechat /usr/lib/weechat/plugins/
weechat /usr/lib/weechat/plugins/
weechat /usr/lib/weechat/plugins/
weechat /usr/lib/weechat/plugins/
weechat /usr/lib/weechat/plugins/
weechat /usr/lib/weechat/plugins/
weechat /usr/lib/weechat/plugins/
weechat /usr/lib/weechat/plugins/
weechat /usr/lib/weechat/plugins/
weechat /usr/lib/weechat/plugins/
weechat /usr/share/
weechat /usr/share/doc/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/weechat_dev.en.html
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/weechat_dev.ja.html
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/weechat_faq.en.html
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/weechat_faq.ja.html
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/weechat_plugin_api.en.html
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/weechat_plugin_api.ja.html
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/weechat_quickstart.cs.html
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/weechat_quickstart.en.html
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/weechat_quickstart.ja.html
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/weechat_relay_protocol.en.html
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/weechat_relay_protocol.ja.html
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/weechat_scripting.en.html
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/weechat_scripting.ja.html
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/weechat_tester.en.html
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/weechat_tester.ja.html
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/weechat_user.en.html
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/weechat_user.ja.html
weechat /usr/share/doc/weechat/
weechat /usr/share/icons/
weechat /usr/share/icons/hicolor/
weechat /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/
weechat /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/
weechat /usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/weechat.png
weechat /usr/share/locale/
weechat /usr/share/locale/cs/
weechat /usr/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/cs/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/de/
weechat /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/de/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/es/
weechat /usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/es/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/fr/
weechat /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/hu/
weechat /usr/share/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/hu/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/it/
weechat /usr/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/it/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/ja/
weechat /usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/pl/
weechat /usr/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/pl/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/pt/
weechat /usr/share/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/pt/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/pt_BR/
weechat /usr/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/ru/
weechat /usr/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/tr/
weechat /usr/share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/locale/tr/LC_MESSAGES/
weechat /usr/share/man/
weechat /usr/share/man/cs/
weechat /usr/share/man/cs/man1/
weechat /usr/share/man/cs/man1/weechat.1.gz
weechat /usr/share/man/de/
weechat /usr/share/man/de/man1/
weechat /usr/share/man/de/man1/weechat.1.gz
weechat /usr/share/man/fr/
weechat /usr/share/man/fr/man1/
weechat /usr/share/man/fr/man1/weechat.1.gz
weechat /usr/share/man/it/
weechat /usr/share/man/it/man1/
weechat /usr/share/man/it/man1/weechat.1.gz
weechat /usr/share/man/ja/
weechat /usr/share/man/ja/man1/
weechat /usr/share/man/ja/man1/weechat.1.gz
weechat /usr/share/man/man1/
weechat /usr/share/man/man1/weechat.1.gz
weechat /usr/share/man/pl/
weechat /usr/share/man/pl/man1/
weechat /usr/share/man/pl/man1/weechat.1.gz
weechat /usr/share/man/ru/
weechat /usr/share/man/ru/man1/
weechat /usr/share/man/ru/man1/weechat.1.gz


TestingBug ReportMediumMedium [emacs] crush after sway Closed
Task Description

I have installed Hyperbola on two laptops. And I have noticed that after running sway and exiting out of sway, GNU emacs crushers on console. It is easy to repeat it:

1. Run sway
2. Exit sway or killall sway
3. Try running emacs on console, there will be crush
4. log out, log in, and emacs will work on console again

Yet it should not crush.

AnyPrivacy IssueMediumMedium [meta] Investigate DuckDuckGo links for privacy Closed
Task Description

As per a user report (, DDG is USA based search engine and is blocking Tor users (
They are also using non-free JS on the default search.

It seems the best way to solve this is to use their “html” hidden service since it conceals the user IP, doesn’t block Tor users by default, and doesn’t need JS. https://3g2upl4pq6kufc4m.onion/html/

This will affect multiple applications that are currently using DuckDuckGo. The alternative is to remove it completely, but it still is a better option than Google et. all for privacy...

AnyFeature RequestMediumMedium [glusterfs] needs OpenRC init script Closed
Task Description

Contains systemd unit files:

$ pacman -Si glusterfs
Repository      : community
Name            : glusterfs
Version         : 1:3.10.1-1
Description     : Is a cluster file-system capable of scaling to several peta-bytes.
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : GPL2  LGPL3
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : fuse  python2  libxml2  libaio  liburcu  attr  which
Optional Deps   : rpcbind: NFS
                  glib2: qemu-block
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 3.14 MiB
Installed Size  : 14.80 MiB
Packager        : Sergej Pupykin <>
Build Date      : Fri 07 Apr 2017 06:29:27 AM -03
Validated By    : MD5 Sum  SHA-256 Sum  Signature
AnyFeature RequestMediumMedium [iperf3] needs OpenRC init script Closed
Task Description
$ pacman -Si iperf3
Repository      : community
Name            : iperf3
Version         : 3.1.7-1
Description     : Internet Protocol bandwidth measuring tool
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : BSD
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : glibc
Optional Deps   : None
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 62.46 KiB
Installed Size  : 181.00 KiB
Packager        : Timothy Redaelli <>
Build Date      : Fri 10 Mar 2017 01:06:09 PM -03
Validated By    : MD5 Sum  SHA-256 Sum  Signature
$ pacman -Ql iperf3
iperf3 /usr/
iperf3 /usr/bin/
iperf3 /usr/bin/iperf3
iperf3 /usr/include/
iperf3 /usr/include/iperf_api.h
iperf3 /usr/lib/
iperf3 /usr/lib/
iperf3 /usr/lib/
iperf3 /usr/lib/
iperf3 /usr/share/
iperf3 /usr/share/licenses/
iperf3 /usr/share/licenses/iperf3/
iperf3 /usr/share/licenses/iperf3/LICENSE
iperf3 /usr/share/man/
iperf3 /usr/share/man/man1/
iperf3 /usr/share/man/man1/iperf3.1.gz
iperf3 /usr/share/man/man3/
iperf3 /usr/share/man/man3/libiperf.3.gz
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [openssl] vague terminology "Open Source" in descriptio ...Closed
Task Description

This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:

core/openssl 1.1.0.e-1
    The Open Source toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security

According to:

We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here:

It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.


The Free Software toolkit for Secure Sockets Layer and Transport Layer Security
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [aiksaurus] vague terminology "Open Source" in descript ...Closed
Task Description

This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:

extra/aiksaurus 1.2.1-5
    A cross-platform, open-source thesaurus

According to:

We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here:

It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.


A cross-platform, free-software thesaurus
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [assimp] vague terminology "Open Source" in description ...Closed
Task Description

This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:

extra/assimp 3.3.1-1
    Portable Open Source library to import various well-known 3D model formats in an uniform manner

According to:

We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here:

It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.


Portable Free Software library to import various well-known 3D model formats in an uniform manner
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [cmake] vague terminology "Open Source" in description  ...Closed
Task Description

This package contains vague terminology “Open Source”:

extra/cmake 3.8.0-1
    A cross-platform open-source make system

According to:

We shall avoid vague terminology such as “Open Source”, please see here:

It would be good example to set to have proper description of packages without using “Open Source”.


A cross-platform free-software make system
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [gstreamer] vague terminology "Open Source" in descript ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [java-openjfx] vague terminology "Open Source" in descr ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [java-openjfx-doc] vague terminology "Open Source" in d ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [java-openjfx-src] vague terminology "Open Source" in d ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [java-rhino] vague terminology "Open Source" in descrip ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [kdegames-kigo] vague terminology "Open Source" in desc ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [libgdiplus] vague terminology "Open Source" in descrip ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [libical] vague terminology "Open Source" in descriptio ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [liblouis] vague terminology "Open Source" in descripti ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [libofa] vague terminology "Open Source" in description ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [libomxil-bellagio] vague terminology "Open Source" in  ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [libupnp] vague terminology "Open Source" in descriptio ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [mlt] vague terminology "Open Source" in description of ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [mlt-python-bindings] vague terminology "Open Source" i ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [opencore-amr] vague terminology "Open Source" in descr ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [openjdk7-src] vague terminology "Open Source" in descr ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [openjdk8-src] vague terminology "Open Source" in descr ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [openjpeg] vague terminology "Open Source" in descripti ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [openjpeg2] vague terminology "Open Source" in descript ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [openslp] vague terminology "Open Source" in descriptio ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [openssl-1.0] vague terminology "Open Source" in descri ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [rhino] vague terminology "Open Source" in description  ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [rhino-javadoc] vague terminology "Open Source" in desc ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [sofia-sip] vague terminology "Open Source" in descript ...Closed
AnyFreedom IssueMediumLow [swt] vague terminology "Open Source" in description of ...Closed
Showing tasks 551 - 600 of 1517 Page 12 of 31

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