
Category  desc Task Type Priority Severity Summary Status Progress
StableReplace RequestVery LowCritical [opendkim] includes dependencies for systemd Closed
Task Description

Description: The package opendkim has no further init-script for OpenRC and instead includes service-definitions for systemd

Additional info:
* package version(s) 2.10.3-4

StableSecurity IssueVery HighCritical [exim] CVE-2019-10149 Closed
Task Description

Description: There’s an active, ongoing campaign exploiting a widespread vulnerability in linux email servers. This attack leverages a week-old vulnerability to gain remote command execution on the target machine, search the Internet for other machines to infect, and initiates a crypto miner.

StableBug ReportMediumCritical [mkinitcpio] crc32c_generic module missing with regular ...Closed
Task Description

With latest 0.3 hyperbola, with the (simple) following partitioning :

/ (ext4)

The standard HOOK in /etc/mkinitcpio.conf

"HOOKS="base udev autodetect modconf block filesystems keyboard fsck"

fails to include crc32c_generic module, resulting in non bootable system.

The generated fallback initramfs include it though.

The issue was not present with 0.2.9, with the exact same partitioning.

StableBug ReportMediumCritical [virt-manager] Failed to initialize a valid firewall ba ...Closed
Task Description

[virt-manager] Failed to initialize a valid firewall backend

I cannot start any virtual machine with current virt-manager.
The error message is the following :

Failed to initialize a valid firewall backend

My username is in “kvm” group.

The only modification to the libvirt config files I made are in /etc/libvirt/qemu.conf

# Some examples of valid values are:
#       user = "qemu"   # A user named "qemu"
#       user = "+0"     # Super user (uid=0)
#       user = "100"    # A user named "100" or a user with uid=100
#user = "root"
user = "david"

The libvirtd service is enabled (and start without error)
Also, the optional dependencies are correctly installed :

ebtables: required for default NAT networking [installed]
dnsmasq: required for default NAT/DHCP for guests [installed]
bridge-utils: for bridged networking [installed]

This was working fine previously (with 0.2.9) so I don’t know why this isn’t working anymore. As said previously, my config hasn’t changed.

StableBug ReportVery HighCritical [iceweasel-uxp] Broken addons with latest update Closed
Task Description

Some addons are currently broken with latest iceweasel-uxp (iceweasel-uxp 52.9.20190926-1)

Save to Wayback Machine
Self-Destructing Cookies
(and probably others)

g4jc suggested to drop PGO as it could be the culprit.

Regarding addons, I'm fairly certain flipping the switch on PGO (which makes the browser faster at the expense of wrecking code) is the culprit. We were warned not to use it, and this is planned to be rolled back.

However, Hyperbot has to be scheduled to rebuild the packages and I do not set it's schedule. Will advise.
StableBug ReportMediumCritical [v4l-utils] Error in `dvbv5-scan': double free or corru ...Closed
Task Description

With : v4l-utils 1.12.3-1.hyperbola1

dvb5-scan utility currently segfaults with rtl2832

*** Error in `dvbv5-scan': double free or corruption (fasttop): 0x000000000090be90 ***
======= Backtrace: =========

This seems to have been fixed, see :

I don’t know if a patch is available for it though..

StableBug ReportMediumCritical [lynis] Unable to run audit on remote target because of ...Closed
Task Description

With lynis 2.4.8-1.hyperbola2

sudo lynis audit system remote

fails because dmidecode is not installed to /usr/sbin/ :

/usr/share/lynis/include/functions: line 1359: /usr/sbin/dmidecode: No such file or directory

With hyperbola 0.3 :

which dmidecode
StableBug ReportHighCritical  [gufw] FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] '/usr/sbin/ufw': ' ...Closed
Task Description

gufw 17.04.1-3

Impossible to start application, error message :

FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] Aucun fichier ou dossier de ce type: '/usr/sbin/ufw': '/usr/sbin/ufw'
StableBug ReportMediumCritical [torsocks] which: no getcap Closed
Task Description

Current torsocks version is broken.
It returns the following error when attempting to torify application :

which: no getcap
StableBug ReportMediumCritical [apache][modules][FHS] move external modules to new loc ...Closed
Task Description

The apache pkg has a symlink in /etc/httpd/modules which points to /usr/lib/httpd/modules, and it’s wrong because modules are now located at /usr/libexec/httpd/modules

Also, packages that have apache modules, like:

  • extra/php-apache
  • community/mod_wsgi
  • community/mod_wsgi2

have them in the old location, so they need to be rebuilt.

Additional info:

  • apache 2.4.38-1.hyperbola2
StableBug ReportHighCritical [postfix][FHS] multiple issues, need rebuilding Closed
Task Description

Postfix is a mess, first it failed to start (running ‘postfix start’) with the following:

  postfix: fatal: chdir(/usr/lib/postfix/bin): No such file or directory

Then, to solve this, I symlinked /usr/libexec/postfix to /usr/lib/postfix/bin, because there were the binaries, but then it came with the following:

  # postfix start
  /usr/lib/postfix/bin/postfix-script: line 89: /usr/bin/postconf: No such file or directory
  /usr/lib/postfix/bin/postfix-script: line 90: /usr/bin/postlog: No such file or directory

Because all the post* bins where now in /usr/sbin, so I symlinked them to /usr/bin, and it could finally run, but with many warnings

  # postfix start
  postfix/postfix-script: warning: symlink leaves directory: /usr/lib/postfix/./bin
  postfix/postfix-script: warning: not owned by group postdrop: /usr/bin/postqueue
  postfix/postfix-script: warning: not owned by group postdrop: /usr/bin/postdrop
  postfix/postfix-script: warning: not set-gid or not owner+group+world executable: /usr/bin/postqueue
  postfix/postfix-script: warning: not set-gid or not owner+group+world executable: /usr/bin/postdrop
  postfix/postfix-script: starting the Postfix mail system

Additional info:
* postfix 3.2.2-1.hyperbola6

StableBug ReportMediumCritical [roundcubemail-lts] not compatible with PHP 7.1 Closed
Task Description

After replacing roundcubemail with roundcubemail-lts, I got the following error:

  PHP Warning:  session_start(): Failed to read session data: user (path: ) in /usr/share/webapps/roundcubemail/program/lib/Roundcube/rcube_session.php on line 117

And going back to the non-lts version solved it

Additional info:
It looks like it is a problem of roundcube-lts not being fully compatible with PHP 7.1, maybe a backport could fix the issue

Steps to reproduce:
1) Install roundcube
2) open it in a web browser
3) Check /var/log/roundcubemail/errors

StableFreedom IssueVery LowCritical [elementary-icon-theme] Contains non-FSDG compliant dis ...Closed
Task Description

About that distro, Elementary OS is semi-libre/free, Ubuntu based, long term support, but does not comply with the GNU Free System Distributibution Guidelines (FSDG). To either rebrand or remove existing non-FSDG compliant distro icon files.

The following affected files are present in this list:

  • /usr/share/icons/elementary/places/16/distributor-logo.svg
  • /usr/share/icons/elementary/places/24/distributor-logo.svg
  • /usr/share/icons/elementary/places/32/distributor-logo.svg
  • /usr/share/icons/elementary/places/48/distributor-logo.svg
  • /usr/share/icons/elementary/places/64/distributor-logo.svg
  • /usr/share/icons/elementary/places/128/distributor-logo.svg
  • /usr/share/icons/elementary/places/symbolic/distributor-logo-symbolic.svg
StableDrop RequestVery LowCritical [osdbattery] Unmaintained and unsupportable Closed
Task Description

osdbattery is (probably) useless and broken so Conky did compete because It is still unmaintained and unsupported over 14 years ago (last released version 1.4 on August 23, 2005), and should be removed per anti-abandonware rule at the packaging guidelines.

Also, the default config file contains non-libre/free Microsoft font Verdana as X11 font format property in font variable.

StableUpdate RequestVery LowCritical [qt5] request for upgrade Closed
Task Description

I know that upgrading Qt is not a trivial task, but would it be possible to do this anyway? Qt 5.8 has issues that other versions do not have. See for example the discussion here about Projecteur, a very useful tool. Hyperbola seems to be the only Linux distribution unable to run it, just because of Qt 5.8:

StableFreedom IssueHighCritical [smplayer] Removal of unfree "Chromecast"-plugin Closed
Task Description

Within the current version of smplayer in the repositories a proprietary interface to Chromecast is activated and therefore a risk for privacy of the users as this hardware is the complete opposite of freedom.

StableBug ReportVery LowCritical [smartmontools] update-smart-drivedb fails to update Closed
Task Description

smartmontools 6.5-1.hyperbola1

Error while trying to update smart-drivedb :

anon@test[~] update-smart-drivedb

External Link/usr/bin/update-smart-drivedb: download from branches/RELEASE_6_5_DRIVEDB failed (curl: exit 23) /usr/bin/update-smart-drivedb: download from trunk failed (curl: exit 23)

StableSecurity IssueVery LowCritical [lts-kernel][sec] filter /dev/mem access & restrict acc ...Closed
Task Description

These two options could be enabled :

Kernel hacking → [*] Filter access to /dev/mem
[*] Filter I/O access to /dev/mem

Security options → [*] Restrict unprivileged access to the kernel syslog

StableBug ReportVery LowCritical [gtk-2] Severe problems with GTK2-applications Closed
Task Description

Description: Since the migration to xenocara there seems to be a bug with applications using GTK-2. From time to time there are crashes with assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost’.

Looking into this a little bit more deep there are also other distributions affected and this is an upstream-bug. But the concrete situation is not that easy, while it could be also part of the library libX11 itself. Looking therefore here:

Affected are for example LXDE in general, icedove, iceweasel and many more!

StableFreedom IssueVery LowCritical [keybase] Complete removal of tool Closed
Task Description

There is only the source code of the client available and since years nothing more happened. With keybase joining “Zoom” nothing more seems to happen. Look also here in the forum:

StableBug ReportHighHigh [elogind] /usr/lib/udev/rules.d/73-seat-late.rules not  ...Closed
Task Description

dmesg was showing errors about this
Apparently it is not needed and can be deleted. (No errors on my side after deletion (and reboot) and no more errors message)

See this thread :

StableBug ReportHighHigh [qemu] add missing libseccomp dependency Closed
Task Description

I cannot start qemu (2.9.0-1) on latest hyperbola stable release.

Error message : qemu-system-x86_64: error while loading shared libraries:

Thanks for your help

StableBug ReportMediumHigh [lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings] pam_authenticate failed: ...Closed
Task Description


When running lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings-pkexec as user.

==== AUTHENTICATING FOR com.ubuntu.pkexec.lightdm-gtk-greeter-settings ===
Authentication is required to run Settings editor for LightDM GTK+ Greeter
Authenticating as: root
polkit-agent-helper-1: pam_authenticate failed: Permission denied
Error executing command as another user: Not authorized

This incident has been reported.

Am I missing something ? Thanks for your help

groups for my username : sys disk wheel network video audio optical storage libvirt kvm users

StableBug ReportMediumHigh [gparted] gparted_polkit doesn't work Closed
Task Description


gparted_polkit doesn’t work, error message (polkit is installed on my system)

Error executing command as another user: No authentication agent found.

If using :

sudo gparted


gksu gparted

It works. By default with xfce, the gparted launcher uses gparted_polkit though.

Thanks for your help

StableBug ReportHighHigh [opencollada][openimageio][openshadinglanguage][ptex] s ...Closed
Task Description


I can’t install blender.

Error message :

erreur : opencollada: signature from "Márcio Silva <>" is invalid
:: Le fichier /var/cache/pacman/pkg/opencollada-1.6.45-1.hyperbola1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz est corrompu (paquet invalide ou corrompu (signature PGP)).
Voulez-vous le supprimer ? [O/n] n
erreur : ptex: signature from "Márcio Silva <>" is invalid
:: Le fichier /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ptex-2.1.28-1.hyperbola1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz est corrompu (paquet invalide ou corrompu (signature PGP)).
Voulez-vous le supprimer ? [O/n] n
erreur : openimageio: signature from "Márcio Silva <>" is invalid
:: Le fichier /var/cache/pacman/pkg/openimageio-1.6.18-1.hyperbola1-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz est corrompu (paquet invalide ou corrompu (signature PGP)).
Voulez-vous le supprimer ? [O/n] n
erreur : openshadinglanguage: signature from "Márcio Silva <>" is invalid

Already tried to refresh hyperbola keyring with :

pacman-key --populate hyperbola
pacman-key --refresh-keys
pacman -Sy hyperbola-keyring

Thanks for your help

StableBug ReportHighHigh [php-fpm] service: No such file or directory  Closed
StableBug ReportMediumHigh [gufw][firewalld] have errors Closed
StableUpdate RequestHighHigh [qt5] upgrade Qt project to the 5.6 LTS version, requir ...Closed
StableBug ReportVery LowHigh [iceweasel-uxp] 52.9.0_20180601-8 has an issue on Tabs  ...Closed
StableFreedom IssueVery LowHigh [iceweasel-uxp] Replace all default Firefox bookmarks f ...Closed
StableBug ReportVery LowHigh [lm_sensors] Fail to load it87 module at boot Closed
StableBug ReportVery LowHigh java cacerts file is empty Closed
StableFeature RequestVery HighHigh [hiawatha]: remove systemd files, provide openrc Closed
StableBug ReportMediumHigh [tp_smapi] not working with most recent libre kernel Closed
StableBug ReportVery LowHigh problems with kdenetwork-kopete and kaccounts-intergrat ...Closed
StableBug ReportVery LowHigh [devede] xorriso unsupported option '-dvd-video' Closed
StableFreedom IssueVery LowHigh GNU Privacy Assistant (GPA) Closed
StableFeature RequestVery LowHigh [youtube-viewer] Added the 'use_invidious_api' config-o ...Closed
StableBug ReportVery LowHigh [ebtables] require rebuild Closed
StableBug ReportVery LowHigh [gufw] error response to PolicyKit daemon Closed
StableBug ReportVery LowHigh [firewalld] Failed to read file "/proc/sys/net/netfilte ...Closed
StableBug ReportVery LowHigh [vlc] DVB : cache_block stream error: cannot pre fill b ...Closed
StableUpdate RequestLowHigh [pigeonhole] needs to be updated (depends on older vers ...Closed
StableBug ReportVery LowHigh [nftables] init service ERROR: nftables failed to start Closed
StableBug ReportVery LowHigh [apache][module] mod_wsgi returns "undefined symbol: Py ...Closed
StableBug ReportMediumHigh opensmtpd: permission problems Closed
StableImplementation RequestVery LowHigh [simplescreenrecorder] Malfunctional when not removing  ...Closed
StableFeature RequestMediumHigh [ntfs-3g] require FHS Closed
StableBug ReportVery LowHigh [ispell] require FHS Closed
StableFeature RequestMediumMedium [openvswitch] needs OpenRC init script Closed
Showing tasks 101 - 150 of 1517 Page 3 of 31

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