Any | Feature Request | Very High | High | [phpldapadmin] needs OpenRC init script | Closed | |
Task Description
pacman -Qi phpldapadmin Name : phpldapadmin Version : 1.2.3-8 Description : A PHP and hence web-based tool to administrate LDAP over
the WWW
Architecture : any URL : http://phpldapadmin.sourceforge.net/ Licenses : GPL Groups : None Provides : None Depends On : libldap php php-ldap Optional Deps : None Required By : None Optional For : None Conflicts With : None Replaces : None Installed Size : 3.03 MiB Packager : Sergej Pupykin <pupykin.s+arch@gmail.com> Build Date : Thu 02 Feb 2017 06:04:00 PM CET Install Date : Tue 10 Jul 2018 10:52:31 AM CEST Install Reason : Explicitly installed Install Script : No Validated By : Signature
Any | Bug Report | High | High | [firetools] doesn't show up as being sandboxed in sandb ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Firetools sandbox list shows nothing whenever I use icedove-hardened or iceweasel-uxp-hardened. or vlc, or anything at this point.
Firejail still works, but the sandbox list on the applet, shows nothing.
I don’t really know why though. may need to updated.
dunno. I can wait on this one if need be, but it is kind of annoying.
Any | Pull Request | Very Low | High | [firejail] update of 0.9.52 to 0.9.54 + support for UXP ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Hi guys, there have been minor changes in firejail, we have also published iceweasel-uxp. Given this case, here I publish the relevant updates of the files.
Any | Pull Request | High | High | [firetools] update of 0.9.50 to 0.9.52 + support for UX ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Hi guys, there have been minor changes in firetools GUI, we have also published iceweasel-uxp. Given this case, here I publish the relevant updates of the files.
Any | Security Issue | Medium | High | [toxcore] vulnerability affecting versions < 0.2.3 | Closed | |
Task Description
Per toxcore official blog, there is a security issue that affects all versions prior to 0.2.3. Users IP will leak if they have public ToxID. https://blog.tox.chat/2018/04/security-vulnerability-and-new-toxcore-release/
Any | Feature Request | Very High | High | [pkgfile] contains systemd unit files | Closed | |
Task Description
The Arch version of pkgfile from the snapshot used by Hyperbola comes with systemd support. Since Hyperbola follows the Init Freedom Campaign , systemd unit files removal is required or create a cron job (scheduled task) to replace it.
Additional info: * package version(s) * config and/or log files etc.
Repository : extra
Name : pkgfile
Version : 17-1
Description : a pacman .files metadata explorer
Architecture : x86_64
URL : http://github.com/falconindy/pkgfile
Licenses : MIT
Groups : None
Provides : None
Depends On : libarchive curl pcre pacman
Optional Deps : None
Conflicts With : None
Replaces : None
Download Size : 23.16 KiB
Installed Size : 47.00 KiB
Packager : Dave Reisner <dreisner@archlinux.org>
Build Date : Tue 18 Apr 2017 05:30:59 PM -03
Validated By : MD5 Sum SHA-256 Sum Signature
/usr/lib/systemd/system/pkgfile-update.service is owned by pkgfile 17-1
/usr/lib/systemd/system/pkgfile-update.timer is owned by pkgfile 17-1
Steps to reproduce:
Any | Bug Report | Medium | High | [qtox][toxic] rebuild package | Closed | |
Task Description
Hi guys. From → https://issues.hyperbola.info/index.php?do=details&task_id=1121
Now is necessary rebuild qtox and toxic.
Additional info:
ldd $(command -v toxic) | grep 'not found'
libtoxdns.so.1 => not found
libtoxencryptsave.so.1 => not found
libtoxav.so.1 => not found
libtoxcore.so.1 => not found
libtoxcrypto.so.1 => not found
libtoxnetwork.so.1 => not found
libtoxdht.so.1 => not found
libtoxnetcrypto.so.1 => not found
libtoxfriends.so.1 => not found
libtoxmessenger.so.1 => not found
libtoxgroup.so.1 => not found
ldd $(command -v qtox) | grep 'not found'
libtoxcore.so.1 => not found
libtoxav.so.1 => not found
libtoxencryptsave.so.1 => not found
Any | Bug Report | High | High | [firetools] doesn't show up as being sandboxed in sandb ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Neither iceweasel-uxp, nor icedove nor hexchat, nor vlc show up as being sandboxed in sandbox list.
I also check and see that firejail isn’t running also.
I think it might be wise to upgrade firetools. and also to make sure hardened packages such as icedove-hardened/iceweasel-uxp-hardened work properly.
This should be considered a high level priority due to firetools being a security application. Wouldn’t you say?
Any | Backport Request | Very High | High | [nodejs] backporting to nodejs LTS 8.11.3 | Closed | |
Task Description
Hi dear developers of Hyperbola. I work in the field of web development. I use a lot of javascript and nodejs to compile. Could they do the nodejs update?. I also mention this because Hyperbola works with LTS packages.
Additional info:
* package version(s)
$ sudo pacman -Si nodejs
Repositorio : community
Nombre : nodejs
Versión : 7.10.0-1
Descripción : Evented I/O for V8 javascript
Arquitectura : x86_64
URL : http://nodejs.org/
Licencias : MIT
Grupos : Nada
Provee : Nada
Depende de : openssl-1.0 zlib icu libuv http-parser c-ares
Dependencias opcionales : npm: nodejs package manager
En conflicto con : Nada
Remplaza a : Nada
Tamaño de la descarga : 4,55 MiB
Tamaño de la instalación : 18,49 MiB
Encargado : Felix Yan <felixonmars@archlinux.org>
Fecha de creación : mié 03 may 2017 09:50:26 -05
Validado por : Suma MD5 Suma SHA-256 Firma
$ sudo pacman -Si npm
Repositorio : community
Nombre : npm
Versión : 4.5.0-1
Descripción : A package manager for javascript
Arquitectura : any
URL : https://www.npmjs.com/
Licencias : custom:Artistic
Grupos : Nada
Provee : nodejs-node-gyp
Depende de : nodejs semver
Dependencias opcionales : python2: for node-gyp
En conflicto con : Nada
Remplaza a : Nada
Tamaño de la descarga : 2,72 MiB
Tamaño de la instalación : 13,98 MiB
Encargado : Felix Yan <felixonmars@archlinux.org>
Fecha de creación : mié 12 abr 2017 22:08:06 -05
Validado por : Suma MD5 Suma SHA-256 Firma
- NodeJS LTS (includes npm 5.6.0):
* https://nodejs.org/dist/v8.11.3/node-v8.11.3.tar.gz
* https://nodejs.org/dist/v8.11.3/SHASUMS256.txt.asc
Some errors that I suffer when compiling: - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46476741/nodejs-util-promisify-is-not-a-function
Any | Bug Report | Very Low | High | [icedove-uxp] does not import from existing installatio ... | Closed | |
Task Description
It behaves like a clean installation, does not import the configurations and data from a existing installation of icedove.
The wizard import does not work too. It returns the message:
No application to import data from found.
A workaround
it copy the directory ~/.icedove to ~/.mozilla/thunderbird:
cp --recursive --verbose ~/.icedove/ ~/.mozilla/thunderbird/
Any | Feature Request | Very High | High | [netdata] contains systemd unit files | Closed | |
Task Description
The Arch version of tinc from the snapshot used by Hyperbola comes with systemd support. Since Hyperbola follows the Init Freedom Campaign , systemd unit files removal is required or add OpenRC init scripts to replace it.
Additional info: * package version(s) * config and/or log files etc.
Repositorio : community
Nombre : netdata
Versión : 1.6.0-3
Descripción : Real-time performance monitoring, in the greatest possible detail, over the web.
Arquitectura : x86_64
URL : https://github.com/firehol/netdata/wiki
Licencias : GPL
Grupos : Nada
Provee : Nada
Depende de : libmnl libnetfilter_acct zlib
Dependencias opcionales : nodejs: Webbox plugin
lm_sensors: sensors module
En conflicto con : Nada
Remplaza a : Nada
Tamaño de la descarga : 1778,98 KiB
Tamaño de la instalación : 6515,00 KiB
Encargado : Sven-Hendrik Haase <sh@lutzhaase.com>
Fecha de creación : dom 23 abr 2017 16:24:38 -05
Validado por : Suma MD5 Suma SHA-256 Firma
community/netdata /usr/lib/systemd/
community/netdata /usr/lib/systemd/system/
community/netdata /usr/lib/systemd/system/netdata.service
Steps to reproduce:
Any | Feature Request | Very High | High | [backuppc]: contains systemd files | Closed | |
Task Description
Since Hyperbola follows the Init Freedom Campaign, systemd unit files removal is required or add OpenRC init scripts to replace it.
Additional info: * package version(s)
community/backuppc 4.1.2-1 [installed]
Enterprise-grade system for backing up Linux, Windows and MacOS PCs
* config and/or log files etc.
Additional info:
Steps to reproduce: install it
Any | Feature Request | Very High | High | [gpsd]: contains systemd files | Closed | |
Task Description
Since Hyperbola follows the Init Freedom Campaign, systemd unit files removal is required or add OpenRC init scripts to replace it.
Additional info: * package version(s)
extra/gpsd 3.16-3 [installed]
GPS daemon and library to support USB/serial GPS devices
* config and/or log files etc.
Additional info:
Steps to reproduce: install it
Any | Bug Report | Medium | High | [xf86-video-intel] windows are not rendered correctly i ... | Closed | |
Task Description
I’m encountering this bug when using latest Pale Moon (version
The bug doesn’t only affect the preferences dialog - other windows are not rendered correctly either such as DownThemAll! add-on (see attached image).
The suggested fix is to update the intel driver (the about:config suggested change makes the preference dialog usable but other windows such as DownThemAll! still aren’t displayed correctly).
I’m using a T60 with intel graphics.
Any | Update Request | Very Low | High | ufw update/ufw bug | Closed | |
Task Description
There appears to be a bug with the current version of ufw, 0.35-2
Dunno if updating it would fix it, but it is kind of annoying and possibly security issue.
it says ufw is inactive when I reboot despite it being installed in the runlevel.
Any | Update Request | Very Low | High | [proj]: please update to latest version | Closed | |
Task Description
This package have valuable geodetic applications, and I intend to present Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre soon in universities and schools in East Africa.
The coordinate system there is not WGS84 and this package only in new version is providing the conversion from East African geographic coordinates to WGS84, and will be very usable in many industrial and private applications.
Any | Bug Report | Very Low | High | [iceweasel-uxp] windows don't render correctly in add-o ... | Closed | |
Task Description
I can’t switch windows in add-ons such as session manager.
It’s probably the same bug which appears in palemoon (inherited from UXP). See here:
Any | Feature Request | Very High | High | [dovecot] needs OpenRC init script and contains systemd ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Additional info:
dovecot /usr/lib/systemd/system/dovecot.service
dovecot /usr/lib/systemd/system/dovecot.socket
dovecot /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/dovecot.conf
Steps to reproduce:
Any | Feature Request | Very High | High | [onioncat] needs OpenRC init script | Closed | |
Task Description
Additional info:
Steps to reproduce:
Any | Feature Request | Very High | High | [umurmur] needs OpenRC init script and contains systemd ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Additional info:
umurmur /usr/lib/systemd/system/umurmur.service
Steps to reproduce:
Any | Feature Request | Very High | High | [prosody] needs OpenRC init script and contains systemd ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Additional info:
prosody /usr/lib/systemd/system/prosody.service
prosody /usr/lib/sysusers.d/prosody.conf
prosody /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/prosody.conf
Steps to reproduce:
Any | Feature Request | Very High | High | [unrealircd] needs OpenRC init script and contains syst ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Additional info:
unrealircd /usr/lib/systemd/system/unrealircd.service
unrealircd /usr/lib/tmpfiles.d/unrealircd.conf
Steps to reproduce:
Any | Feature Request | Very High | High | [mcelog] needs OpenRC init script and contains systemd ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Additional info:
mcelog /usr/lib/systemd/system/mcelog.service
Steps to reproduce:
Any | Bug Report | Very High | High | [openrc] needs a minor fix | Closed | |
Task Description
Additional info:
openrc /usr/lib/rc/sh/init.sh
- mount -n -t proc -o noexec,nosuid,nodev,gid=proc,hidepid=2 proc /proc
+ mount -n -t proc -o noexec,nosuid,nodev proc /proc
+ mount -n /proc -o remount,gid=26,hidepid=2
Steps to reproduce:
Any | Feature Request | Very High | High | [bzr] needs OpenRC init script (bzr serve) | Closed | |
Task Description
Additional info:
Note: needs a provide: bazaar
Steps to reproduce:
Any | Feature Request | Very High | High | [mercurial] needs OpenRC init scripts (hg serve and chg ... | Closed | |
Any | Implementation Request | Very High | High | [murmur-headless] add a Murmur package capable of worki ... | Closed | |
Any | Implementation Request | Very High | High | [asterisk-headless] add an Asterisk package capable of ... | Closed | |
Any | Security Issue | Very Low | High | [octopi] requires su | Closed | |
Any | Bug Report | Very Low | High | [nginx]: cannot start if NetworkManager is not started | Closed | |
Any | Bug Report | High | High | [filesystem] contains systemd references and files | Closed | |
Any | Feature Request | High | High | [acpi_call-lts] adapt package in accordance with the Hy ... | Closed | |
Any | Feature Request | High | High | [bbswitch-lts] adapt package in accordance with the Hyp ... | Closed | |
Any | Feature Request | High | High | [bbswitch-dkms-lts] adapt package in accordance with th ... | Closed | |
Any | Feature Request | High | High | [tp_smapi-lts] adapt package in accordance with the Hyp ... | Closed | |
Any | Feature Request | High | High | [vhba-module-lts] adapt package in accordance with the ... | Closed | |
Any | Security Issue | High | High | [certbot] version 0.23 is not giving the option to keep ... | Closed | |
Any | Bug Report | Very High | High | [mkinitcpio] consolefont and keymap hooks is adapted to ... | Closed | |
Any | Bug Report | Very Low | High | [kdelibs4support] XDG_RUNTIME_DIR not set | Closed | |
Any | Bug Report | Very Low | High | [blueman] org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NameHasNoOwner | Closed | |
Any | Bug Report | Very Low | High | error: extract: not overwriting dir with file /usr/loca ... | Closed | |
Any | Feature Request | High | High | [lib32-glibc] adapt package in accordance with the Hype ... | Closed | |
Any | Feature Request | High | High | [gcc-multilib] adapt package in accordance with the Hyp ... | Closed | |
Any | Feature Request | High | High | [gcc-libs-multilib] adapt package in accordance with th ... | Closed | |
Any | Feature Request | High | High | [lib32-gcc-libs] adapt package in accordance with the H ... | Closed | |
Any | Feature Request | High | High | [gcc-fortran-multilib] adapt package in accordance with ... | Closed | |
Any | Feature Request | High | High | [gcc-objc-multilib] adapt package in accordance with th ... | Closed | |
Any | Feature Request | High | High | [gcc-ada-multilib] adapt package in accordance with the ... | Closed | |
Any | Feature Request | High | High | [gcc-go-multilib] adapt package in accordance with the ... | Closed | |
Any | Feature Request | High | High | [quilt] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola ... | Closed | |