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Project Category Task Type Priority Severity Summary  desc Status Progress
Software DevelopmentGeneralImplementation RequestVery HighHigh Port Iceape to UXP platform  Closed
Task Description

Historically, Iceape was a re-branding of Seamonkey by the Debian project, with minimal modifications, in order to resolve branding disputes.

As of December 2013 , Iceape was no longer being maintained by the Debian project and users were encouraged to migrate to other alternatives for security patches.

However, since Seamonkey is being maintained from Thunderbird source and Hyperbola is porting Icedove to UXP platform , it could be built on the UXP platform which contains multiple security and privacy improvements.

TODO list:

  • Change Iceape-UXP logo typeface from the non-free “Libertad Book” to free “DejaVU Sans”.
  • Rename Iceape to Iceape-UXP in logo typeface.
  • Check “Seamonkey” remaining references.
  • Fix/adapt to UXP-based applications. (eg. MOZ_APP_VERSION=52.9.`date –utc ‘+%Y%m%d’`)
Software DevelopmentGeneralImplementation RequestVery HighCritical POWER (ppc64le) porting Closed
Task Description

The unfortunate reality is that x86 computers come encumbered with built-in low-level backdoors like the Intel Management Engine , as well as nonfree boot firmware. This means that users can’t gain full control over their computers, even if they install a free operating system such as Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre .

Hyperbola is working hard to fix these issues and getting closer every day, but for the time being, this is why many current Respects Your Freedom (RYF) offerings are refurbished older devices.

For the future of free computing, we need support architectures that do not come with such malware pre-installed, and the Power9-based Talos II promises to be a great architecture example for workstations and servers environments where Hyperbola is focused since is a fully free long-term support distribution.

Devices like this are the future of computing that Respects Your Freedom and for that reason it’s a high priority for Hyperbola port all packages for the POWER architecture (power64le).

NOTE: POWER porting is focused only for Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre .

Software DevelopmentHyperBKImplementation RequestVery HighCriticalDevelop a BSD descendant kernel for HyperbolaBSDIn Progress
Task Description

Develop HyperBK (Hyper Berkeley Kernel), a BSD descendant kernel with GPL-compatible licenses preserved, non-compatible ones removed, and new code written under GPL-3 for HyperbolaBSD.


  • Download OpenBSD kernel source code from OpenBSD siteDONE
  • Download LibertyBSD scripts to deblob and rebrand kernel from their scripts. → DONE
  • Push source to HyperBK’s project. → DONE
  • Rebrand OpenBSD kernel to HyperbolaBSD with LibertyBSD scripts. → DONE
  • Rebrand entire code (functions, variable, pointers, etc) under HyperbolaBSD → DONE
  • Remove files under non GPL-compatible licenses → DONE
  • Import code from another BSD systems under GPL-compatible licenses → IN PROGRESS
  • Write new code under GPL-3 → IN PROGRESS
  • Package HyperBK for HyperbolaBSD.


When the check concerns kernel, we obviously want to match with HyperbolaBSD.

Example of triplet check:	hyperbolabsd)
Example of uname -s check:	HyperbolaBSD)
Example of uname -r check:	0.1)
Example of C macro check:	defined(__HyperbolaBSD__)
Software DevelopmentGeneralImplementation RequestMediumHigh Develop GNU/HyperBK patchset Closed
Task Description

Develop GNU/HyperBK patchset for toolchain (Glibc, Binutils and GCC) and packages.


Make sure the definitions are not simply duplicated from GNU/Linux' because that will eventually result in
out-of-sync definitions that break for us.

Example of triplet check:	linux*-gnu | gnu* | hyperbk-gnu)
Example of uname check:		Linux|GNU|GNU/*)
Example of C macro check:	defined(__linux__) || defined(__GNU__) || defined(__GLIBC__)
				[note: GNU/Hurd defines __GNU__, and GNU/HyperBK define __GLIBC__ as hardcoded macro]
Example of makefile check:	ifneq (, $(filter Linux GNU GNU_%, $(shell uname -s)))
				[note1: findstring matches subwords, use filter instead]
				[note2: list must be the first parameter, otherwise matching fails]
				[note3: "%" is make's wildcard]
ServicesFlyspray BrandingImplementation RequestMediumMedium Add Hyperbola branding to HyperTask Closed
Task Description

Add Hyperbola branding to HyperTask such as HyperWiki and HyperForum for prolixity reasons.

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