Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [openldap] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbo ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [openrc] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [openrc-settingsd] adapt package in accordance with the ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [openrc-sysvcompat] adapt package in accordance with th ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [openssh] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbol ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [openvpn] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbol ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [p11-kit] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbol ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [pacman] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [pacman-debug] adapt package in accordance with the Hyp ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [pam] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Pa ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [patch] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [pciutils] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbo ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [pcmciautils] adapt package in accordance with the Hype ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [pcre] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola P ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [perl] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola P ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [pinentry] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbo ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [pkcs11-helper] adapt package in accordance with the Hy ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [pkg-config] adapt package in accordance with the Hyper ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [popt] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola P ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [ppp] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Pa ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [procinfo-ng] adapt package in accordance with the Hype ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [procps-ng] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperb ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [psmisc] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [pth] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Pa ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [python-gpgme] adapt package in accordance with the Hyp ... | Closed | |
Task Description
Adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Packaging Guidelines to follow the Hyperbola Social Contract .
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [qgpgme] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [readline] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbo ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [reiserfsprogs] adapt package in accordance with the Hy ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [rfkill] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [rpcbind] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbol ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [run-parts] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperb ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [s-nail] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [sdparm] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [sed] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Pa ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [shadow] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [sqlite] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [sqlite-analyzer] adapt package in accordance with the ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [sqlite-tcl] adapt package in accordance with the Hyper ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [sudo] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola P ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [sysfsutils] adapt package in accordance with the Hyper ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [syslinux] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbo ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [tar] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Pa ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [texinfo] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbol ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [thin-provisioning-tools] adapt package in accordance w ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [traceroute] adapt package in accordance with the Hyper ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [usbutils] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbo ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [util-linux] adapt package in accordance with the Hyper ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [util-linux-debug] adapt package in accordance with the ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [vi] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola Pac ... | Closed | |
Packages | Any | Feature Request | High | High | [which] adapt package in accordance with the Hyperbola ... | Closed | |