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Project Category Task Type Priority Severity Summary Status Progress  desc
PackagesStableUpdate RequestHighCritical [system-config-printer] update to 1.5.11 Closed
Task Description


this release is mostly bugfix, updated translations, removed some deprecated parts in code (abandoning libgnome-keyring and starting using libsecret) and in UI and added Till’s patches from Ubuntu (Thank you, Till!).

Additional info:
* package version(s)

# pacman -Si system-config-printer
Repositorio               : extra
Nombre                    : system-config-printer
Versión                   : 1.5.9-2
Descripción               : A CUPS printer configuration tool and status applet
Arquitectura              : x86_64
URL                       :
Licencias                 : GPL
Grupos                    : Nada
Provee                    : Nada
Depende de                : python-pycups  python-dbus  python-pycurl  libnotify  python-requests  python-gobject  gtk3  python-cairo
Dependencias opcionales   : python-pysmbc: SMB browser support
                            python-packagekit: to install drivers with PackageKit
                            cups-pk-helper: PolicyKit helper to configure cups with fine-grained privileges
En conflicto con          : Nada
Remplaza a                : Nada
Tamaño de la descarga     : 908,59 KiB
Tamaño de la instalación  : 7159,00 KiB
Encargado                 : Andreas Radke <>
Fecha de creación         : vie 27 ene 2017 04:18:24 -03
Validado por              : Suma MD5  Suma SHA-256  Firma

* config and/or log files etc.

Steps to reproduce:

ServicesPunBB IssueLicense IssueVery LowHigh Requirement for web-site-hyperbola compatibility with L ...Closed
Task Description


Hello developers of Hyperbola, I have recently joined the
They have done a good job.

However, I have some doubts and wanted to register in the forum
Hyperbola, but the web does not work properly with LibreJS. Could
to fix it?, maybe you already know the link of how to configure
correctly the JavaScript files.

Additional info:

It would be very nice if the whole web works with LibreJS.
Greetings, thank you very much for the distro

PackagesAnyBackport RequestVery HighHigh [nodejs] backporting to nodejs LTS 8.11.3 Closed
Task Description


Hi dear developers of Hyperbola. I work in the field of web development. I use a lot of javascript and nodejs to compile.
Could they do the nodejs update?. I also mention this because Hyperbola works with LTS packages.

Additional info:

* package version(s)

$ sudo pacman -Si nodejs
Repositorio               : community
Nombre                    : nodejs
Versión                   : 7.10.0-1
Descripción               : Evented I/O for V8 javascript
Arquitectura              : x86_64
URL                       :
Licencias                 : MIT
Grupos                    : Nada
Provee                    : Nada
Depende de                : openssl-1.0  zlib  icu  libuv  http-parser  c-ares
Dependencias opcionales   : npm: nodejs package manager
En conflicto con          : Nada
Remplaza a                : Nada
Tamaño de la descarga     : 4,55 MiB
Tamaño de la instalación  : 18,49 MiB
Encargado                 : Felix Yan <>
Fecha de creación         : mié 03 may 2017 09:50:26 -05
Validado por              : Suma MD5  Suma SHA-256  Firma
$ sudo pacman -Si npm
Repositorio               : community
Nombre                    : npm
Versión                   : 4.5.0-1
Descripción               : A package manager for javascript
Arquitectura              : any
URL                       :
Licencias                 : custom:Artistic
Grupos                    : Nada
Provee                    : nodejs-node-gyp
Depende de                : nodejs  semver
Dependencias opcionales   : python2: for node-gyp
En conflicto con          : Nada
Remplaza a                : Nada
Tamaño de la descarga     : 2,72 MiB
Tamaño de la instalación  : 13,98 MiB
Encargado                 : Felix Yan <>
Fecha de creación         : mié 12 abr 2017 22:08:06 -05
Validado por              : Suma MD5  Suma SHA-256  Firma

- NodeJS LTS (includes npm 5.6.0):



Some errors that I suffer when compiling:

PackagesAnyUpdate RequestVery LowHigh [php] update to old stable PHP 7.1.32 Closed
Task Description


Version 7.1.32

29 Aug 2019

* Fixed CVE-2019-13224 (don’t allow different encodings for onig_new_deluxe) (stas)
* pcre: Fixed bug #75457 (heap use-after-free in pcrelib) (cmb)

PackagesAnyBug ReportMediumHigh [gstreamer] needed rebuild Closed
Task Description

(gst-plugin-scanner:17336): GStreamer-WARNING : Failed to load plugin ‘/usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0/’: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
(gst-plugin-scanner:17336): GStreamer-WARNING
: Failed to load plugin ‘/usr/lib/gstreamer-1.0/’: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

Repositorio : extra
Nombre : gstreamer
Versión : 1.12.0-1
Descripción : GStreamer open-source multimedia framework core library
Arquitectura : x86_64
URL : Licencias : LGPL Grupos : Nada
Provee : Nada
Depende de : libxml2 glib2 libunwind libcap libelf
Dependencias opcionales : Nada
En conflicto con : Nada
Remplaza a : Nada
Tamaño de la descarga : 1897,45 KiB
Tamaño de la instalación : 17241,00 KiB
Encargado : Jan Alexander Steffens (heftig) Fecha de creación : jue 04 may 2017 14:13:05 -05
Validado por : Suma MD5 Suma SHA-256 Firma

PackagesStableBug ReportVery LowHigh [ispell] require FHS Closed
Task Description


cant open /usr/local/lib/english.hash

Additional info:

Repository      : extra
Name            : ispell
Version         : 3.3.02-7
Description     : An interactive spell-checking program for Unix
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             :
Licenses        : BSD
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : ncurses
Optional Deps   : None
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Download Size   : 321.26 KiB
Installed Size  : 1336.00 KiB
Packager        : Evangelos Foutras <>
Build Date      : Sun Sep 6 12:07:06 2015
Validated By    : MD5 Sum  SHA-256 Sum  Signature

Steps to reproduce:

- Install package

PackagesAnyImplementation RequestVery LowMedium [peertube] Add new Package Closed
Task Description


Hi guys. Could they add PeerTube to Hyperbola?

It’s on AUR.

Under the AGPLv3 license

Additional info:

I see that the PeerTube help configuration with an init.d

PackagesAnyReplace RequestMediumMedium [hypervideo] stop the development of Hypervideo Closed
Task Description


I used to be under the
impression that youtube-dl executes proprietary JavaScript, but I now
understand that it only *parses* the JavaScript to find the URL for some
videos. It doesn’t actually run the JavaScript, so it’s not a freedom

Youtube-dl only executes regular expressions [0][1][2]

you also remove the files that are just for testing [3][4][5][6][7]
and when compiling the program with libretools the test files are not placed[8]

I have consulted with other programmers and we have reached the same conclusion. Youtube-dl does not execute JS non-free, it only extracts the JS to read through python the URL‘s of some videos.[9][10]

The issues that I see with youtube-dl are rather in their form of development because it changes at every moment

Additional info:

- [0]:

- [1]:

- [2]:

- [3]:

- [4]:

- [5]:

- [6]:

- [7]:

- [8]:

$ tree -d

├── bin
├── lib
│   └── python3.6
│       └── site-packages
│           ├── youtube_dl
│           │   ├── downloader
│           │   │   └── __pycache__
│           │   ├── extractor
│           │   │   └── __pycache__
│           │   ├── postprocessor
│           │   │   └── __pycache__
│           │   └── __pycache__
│           └── youtube_dl-2019.5.11-py3.6.egg-info
└── share
    ├── bash-completion
    │   └── completions
    ├── doc
    │   └── youtube_dl
    ├── fish
    │   └── completions
    ├── licenses
    │   └── youtube-dl
    ├── man
    │   └── man1
    └── zsh
        └── site-functions

26 directories

- [9]: - [10]:

PackagesAnyBug ReportLowLow [crystal] error build Invidious Closed
Task Description


crystal build src/ –release

Error in src/ while requiring "kemal"

require "kemal"

in lib/kemal/src/ while requiring "./kemal/*"

require "./kemal/*"

in lib/kemal/src/kemal/ expanding macro

    property static_headers : (HTTP::Server::Response, String, File::Info -> Void)?

in lib/kemal/src/kemal/ expanding macro

    property static_headers : (HTTP::Server::Response, String, File::Info -> Void)?

in macro 'property' expanded macro: macro_48177600:567, line 4:

>  4.             @static_headers : (HTTP::Server::Response, String, File::Info -> Void) | ::Nil
   6.             def static_headers : (HTTP::Server::Response, String, File::Info -> Void) | ::Nil
   7.               @static_headers
   8.             end
  10.             def static_headers=(@static_headers : (HTTP::Server::Response, String, File::Info -> Void) | ::Nil)
  11.             end

undefined constant File::Info

Additional info:
* package version(s)

Crystal 0.22.0 (2017-04-22) LLVM 4.0.0

Steps to reproduce:

PackagesAnyImplementation RequestVery LowLow [SafeEyes] add new package Closed
Task Description

Safe Eyes is a program to manage breaks in front of the computer. It has many features that help us adapt it to our needs.

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