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Project  asc Category Task Type Priority Severity Summary Status Progress
InstallationGeneralFeature RequestVery LowLow [calamares] add graphical installer with FDE support Closed
Task Description

Package Request:

Original Bug Report:
— I would also like to test the beta isos when they are ready through qemu. If it looks good I plan to fully install them onto my laptop. My libreboot x200.

I don’t know if I should make a separate feature for this, but xfce is a good stable desktop environment for such a choice. that and lxde.

Though lxde is going to die…

InstallationGeneralFreedom IssueVery LowHigh [openbox] provides nonfree software support in the menu Closed
Task Description

my recommended fix, make it reflect the applications that are actually installed on the system after removing non-free software support.

InstallationGeneralFreedom IssueVery LowLow [jwm] provides nonfree software support in the menu  Closed
Task Description

my recommended fix, make it reflect the applications that are actually installed on the system after removing non-free software support.

InstallationGeneralFreedom IssueVery LowHigh FS#1445 - [fluxbox] provides nonfree software support i ...Closed
Task Description

recommended fix, remove non-free software entries in menu and replace them with applications that actually exist.

InstallationGeneralBug ReportVery LowLow installation successful, but buggy Closed
Task Description

This was the guide I followed, but there was one small issue:

The issue is attached within a picture. You will notice that a bunch of unneeded shortcuts are on my desktop right? well... I wondered how I can remove them. multiple filesystem root(s) and home(s) and boot(s)

but yeah, its extremely weird and messed up. a bit funny but troublesome and annoying.

Should I email the user who made that guide or leave it here? That’s what I am wondering.

PackagesStableUpdate RequestHighHigh [qt5] upgrade Qt project to the 5.6 LTS version, requir ...Closed
Task Description

Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0×50800) with this library (version 0×50904)

./Nextcloud-2.3.3-x86_64.AppImage: /usr/lib/ version `Qt_5.9’ not found (required by /tmp/.mount_NextclpprMnG/usr/bin/../lib/

These two packages are directly affected by an older qt5...

Could you update all the qt packages to the LTS version available?

PackagesAnyBackport RequestVery LowLow Ublock Origin for Iceape Closed
Task Description

The version I desire is this:

PackagesTestingBug ReportHighCritical Runit errors, Closed
Task Description

/sbin/openrc-run: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

I get this error whenever I try to start dhcpcd with sv /etc/runit/

And for sndiod I get this doing the same guide,

warning: sndiod: unable to open supervise/ok: file does not exist

Although rather ironically, If I type sndiod or dhcpcd into root, it works just fine.

Maybe its an FHS issue or possibly, I am screwing up? I am not sure. Feedback is welcome.

This is what I did:

=⇒ Add a service:

ln -s /etc/sv/<service> /var/service
==> Start/stop/restart a service:
sv <start/stop/restart> <service>

more or less, I used this guide.

PackagesStableFeature RequestMediumMedium [aqemu] add package Closed
Task Description

This package makes virtualization very simple for newbies. It would be nice to have it in the near future.

PackagesStableFeature RequestMediumMedium [laptop-mode-tools] add package Closed
Task Description

I would greatly appreciate it as it really increases my computer’s battery life a lot.

PackagesAnyBug ReportMediumMedium [wine] doesn't allow sound. + all wine versions =2.7 Closed
Task Description

I wondered if anyone else has experienced this, I cannot use sound on one of my games which has no drm on it. It’s not exactly, free as in freedom, (the game I want to play) but it has no drm. I could get it working on trisquel, debian, devuan, fedora... but not hyperbola for some reason.

The other problem though is that I know there are some errors with the packaging, because wine-staging and wine both say 2.7 version. Which absolutely cannot be right because wine stable hasn’t even released ver 2.1! yet... xD

Anyways though, This would be nice if you could fix it. sound won’t initalize and the versions are wrong at the moment...

PackagesStableImplementation RequestHighMedium [nitrokey-app] add package Closed
Task Description

This package is in debian, and it allows the use of hardware encrypted flash drives.

PackagesStableUpdate RequestHighMedium [xscreensaver] needs an update, since there is a bugfix ...Closed
Task Description

We seem to have a very old version of xscreensaver... Could you possibly update it?

this may be a security issue/privacy issue.

PackagesAnyBug ReportHighHigh [firetools] doesn't show up as being sandboxed in sandb ...Closed
Task Description

Firetools sandbox list shows nothing whenever I use icedove-hardened or iceweasel-uxp-hardened. or vlc, or anything at this point.

Firejail still works, but the sandbox list on the applet, shows nothing.

I don’t really know why though. may need to updated.

dunno. I can wait on this one if need be, but it is kind of annoying.

PackagesAnyBug ReportLowHigh [xfce4-power-manager] locking session issue Closed
Task Description

I probably should’ve mentioned this before, but if it is set to suspend when lid is closed, it should automatically lock. if the security option: lock screen with system is set to sleep is tweaked on it doesn’t lock always.

This is word for word what I wrote in the forums, but yeah... it is a problem say if someone wants to use your laptop without your permission and can do so.

But it is also a problem if you set it to lock instead because it is more prone to overheating when your not using it, and it doesn’t suspend quickly enough.

I have tried this many times and the same story can be told, again and again.

I think this issue should be considered high or critical merely because of the privacy risk if someone gets their hands on your laptop while its on. Even if you have been away... :/

I wonder if anyone else has this issue... well you guys will tell me I am sure. if critical doesn’t match what you think I am sure you will change it. ;)

PackagesAnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow Add Lumina Desktop Closed
Task Description

A Desktop Enivronment mostly focused on BSD, but also one that is very lightweight and easily customized. Would love to see this desktop on Hyperbola and later whenever Emulatorman makes it, Hyperbola/GNU/HyperBK

Version is the latest one in above link of stable.

PackagesAnyFeature RequestVery LowMedium Add Draco Desktop Closed
Task Description

its like Lumina Desktop, but its more lightweight and better for Gnu/Linux


Matter of fact, I hope its okay, but the latest stable build, of Draco is vastly better than Lumina. And for this reason I wanted to know if you could put higher priority on this than the Lumina Desktop request.

PackagesAnyBug ReportVery LowMedium [abiword] flickers Closed
Task Description

the top part of any document it opens flickers like crazy like a strobing effect. I would appreciate it if this was fixed so that it wouldn’t do that. :)

In fact, just opening a blank document does this. ;/

PackagesAnyBug ReportVery LowMedium sndio doesn't autostart on all my comps... Closed
Task Description

doesn’t work automatically, not sure why, but then again, I just reset it using openrc, like this...

doas rc-service sndiod restart

Then it works again, although this bug doesn’t happen on all my Hyperbola 0.4 laptops, which is odd...

For most of my laptops it works automatically, but one of them it doesn’t, might be misconfigured maybe? Idk...

Anywho, I am curious if anyone else has the same problem.

PackagesTestingImplementation RequestVery LowHigh Hplip for printing, Closed
Task Description

Does not need any insane depends, such as dbus, as far as the website says:

its optional,

I would like to see it readded in the future...

I need it for printing, only one of my laptops is on 0.3, for this purpose at this time.

PackagesStableBug ReportMediumHigh [gufw][firewalld] have errors Closed
Task Description

Gufw doesn’t stay on like it usually does when you leave the GUI.

FirewallD doesn’t turn on automatically, and won’t turn on period.

Gufw will not allow me to add any rules.

FirewallD is non-functional in general

That sums up my experiences and thoughts.

PackagesAnyUpdate RequestVery LowHigh ufw update/ufw bug Closed
Task Description

There appears to be a bug with the current version of ufw, 0.35-2

Dunno if updating it would fix it, but it is kind of annoying and possibly security issue.

it says ufw is inactive when I reboot despite it being installed in the runlevel.

PackagesAnyBackport RequestVery LowVery Low Icetray for Iceape-uxp Closed
Task Description

This already works for it, but I just thought I would request it to be put in.

PackagesStableFeature RequestVery LowLow [linux-libre-lts-xtreme] add package Closed
Task Description

It would be awesome to have a kernel like this imported to hyperbola.

PackagesAnyFeature RequestVery LowLow [nextcloud-client] add package Closed
Task Description

I use Nextcloud for syncing, although, I would normally not ask for this, due to Nextcloud’s appimage being available, but for some reason the latest version doesn’t work on hyperbola. So... yeah.

Usually Nextcloud’s appimage works regardless of what packages you have, so I guess in essence... add Nextcloud-client package to this system is my request.

PackagesAnyImplementation RequestVery LowMedium Qemu Documentation Request Closed
PackagesStableBug ReportVery LowLow Mupen64plus acts buggy Closed
PackagesAnySecurity IssueVery LowHigh Iceweasel ESR request, Closed
PackagesAnyFeature RequestVery LowVery Low Dreamchess package wanted Closed
PackagesAnyBackport RequestVery LowMedium [iceweasel-uxp] Privacy Possum continuous support for I ...Closed
PackagesAnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow Ublock origin continous support Closed
PackagesAnyFeature RequestVery LowMedium Qemu-kvm package request Closed
PackagesAnyBug ReportHighHigh [firetools] doesn't show up as being sandboxed in sandb ...Closed
PackagesAnyBackport RequestVery LowMedium [iceowl] package request Closed
PackagesAnySecurity IssueVery LowHigh [octopi] requires su Closed
PackagesAnyUpdate RequestVery LowMedium Update addon random agent spoofer Closed
PackagesAnyFeature RequestVery LowMedium Add Trinity Desktop Closed
PackagesAnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow flatpak doesn't work/Docker doesn't work Closed
PackagesAnyImplementation RequestVery LowLow addon request Closed
PackagesAnyBug ReportVery LowMedium addons compatible with seamonkey don't work with iceape ...Closed
PackagesAnyBackport RequestVery LowMedium Random Agent Spoofer for Iceape Closed
PackagesAnyBackport RequestVery LowMedium Greasemonkey For Iceape Closed
PackagesAnyImplementation RequestVery LowMedium Privacy Settings for Iceape Closed
PackagesAnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow Ssleuth for Iceape Closed
PackagesAnyBackport RequestVery LowLow Self Destructing Cookies for Iceape Closed
PackagesAnyBackport RequestVery LowMedium No Resource Url Leak for Iceape Closed
PackagesAnyFreedom IssueVery LowLow Enigmail for Iceape Closed
PackagesAnyFeature RequestVery LowLow add package powerkit Closed
PackagesTestingReplace RequestVery LowMedium  replace request: NetworkManager with wpa_cute Closed
PackagesAnyBug ReportVery LowLow Xenocara xbacklight bug Closed
Showing tasks 1 - 50 of 63 Page 1 of 2

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