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Project Category  asc Task Type Priority Severity Summary Status Progress
ServicesPunBB IssueBug ReportMediumMedium pun bot bugs Closed
Task Description

Pun bot rejects correct answer and then asks the same question again.

This error is maddening...

PackagesStableBug ReportMediumHigh [gufw][firewalld] have errors Closed
Task Description

Gufw doesn’t stay on like it usually does when you leave the GUI.

FirewallD doesn’t turn on automatically, and won’t turn on period.

Gufw will not allow me to add any rules.

FirewallD is non-functional in general

That sums up my experiences and thoughts.

PackagesStableUpdate RequestHighHigh [qt5] upgrade Qt project to the 5.6 LTS version, requir ...Closed
Task Description

Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0×50800) with this library (version 0×50904)

./Nextcloud-2.3.3-x86_64.AppImage: /usr/lib/ version `Qt_5.9’ not found (required by /tmp/.mount_NextclpprMnG/usr/bin/../lib/

These two packages are directly affected by an older qt5...

Could you update all the qt packages to the LTS version available?

PackagesStableFeature RequestMediumMedium [aqemu] add package Closed
Task Description

This package makes virtualization very simple for newbies. It would be nice to have it in the near future.

PackagesStableFeature RequestMediumMedium [laptop-mode-tools] add package Closed
Task Description

I would greatly appreciate it as it really increases my computer’s battery life a lot.

PackagesStableImplementation RequestHighMedium [nitrokey-app] add package Closed
Task Description

This package is in debian, and it allows the use of hardware encrypted flash drives.

PackagesStableUpdate RequestHighMedium [xscreensaver] needs an update, since there is a bugfix ...Closed
Task Description

We seem to have a very old version of xscreensaver... Could you possibly update it?

this may be a security issue/privacy issue.

PackagesStableFeature RequestVery LowLow [linux-libre-lts-xtreme] add package Closed
Task Description

It would be awesome to have a kernel like this imported to hyperbola.

PackagesStableBug ReportVery LowLow Mupen64plus acts buggy Closed
Task Description

the screen moves back and forth from left to right randomly, no matter what I do, any games any adapters do not work.

I wanted to have some fun with some old games...

Has anyone used mupen64plus successfully on hyperbola 0.2? I cannot get it to work without being completely confusing for the reasons I have mentioned and also, the glaring of the screen. Which only happens with mupen64plus...

PackagesTestingBug ReportHighCritical Runit errors, Closed
Task Description

/sbin/openrc-run: bad interpreter: No such file or directory

I get this error whenever I try to start dhcpcd with sv /etc/runit/

And for sndiod I get this doing the same guide,

warning: sndiod: unable to open supervise/ok: file does not exist

Although rather ironically, If I type sndiod or dhcpcd into root, it works just fine.

Maybe its an FHS issue or possibly, I am screwing up? I am not sure. Feedback is welcome.

This is what I did:

=⇒ Add a service:

ln -s /etc/sv/<service> /var/service
==> Start/stop/restart a service:
sv <start/stop/restart> <service>

more or less, I used this guide.

PackagesTestingImplementation RequestVery LowHigh Hplip for printing, Closed
Task Description

Does not need any insane depends, such as dbus, as far as the website says:

its optional,

I would like to see it readded in the future...

I need it for printing, only one of my laptops is on 0.3, for this purpose at this time.

PackagesTestingReplace RequestVery LowMedium  replace request: NetworkManager with wpa_cute Closed
Task Description

I know there are plans to remove NetworkManager. I wondered if we could replace it in 0.4 with Wpa_Cute. seen in the above link.

I haven’t been able to compile it, but it has been updated as recent as 2018 december (stable)

or 2019 january. :)

WPA_GUI doesn’t seem to work well for me, it runs into weird errors when I start it. Long story short, I run into this issue with wpa_supplicant when i do it manually:

Password-related problems

wpa_supplicant may not work properly if directly passed via stdin particularly long or complex passphrases which include special characters. This may lead to errors such as failed 4-way WPA handshake, PSK may be wrong when launching wpa_supplicant.

In order to solve this try using here strings wpa_passphrase <MYSSID> «< “<passphrase>” or passing a file to the -c flag instead:

# wpa_supplicant -i <interface> -c /etc/wpa_supplicant/example.conf

In some instances it was found that storing the passphrase cleartext in the psk key of the wpa_supplicant.conf network block gave positive results (see [2]). However, this approach is rather insecure. Using wpa_cli to create this file instead of manually writing it gives the best results most of the time and therefore is the recommended way to proceed.
Problems with eduroam and other MSCHAPv2 connections

This is my issue with wpa_supplicant sadly... and I do not know how to workaround that without a GUI.

but Wpa_Supplicant_gui does not fix it either, it doesn’t even load properly on my other laptop.

It says it cannot get the status of wpa_supplicant when I load it.

This could be an issue if you get rid of NetworkManager for some users.

So yeah, please take a look at my request okay? Wait for 0.3 to be released to add this if possible. I know you guys are overworked, etc... and it doesn’t need to be done now anyhow. ;)

Software DevelopmentUXP applicationsImplementation RequestVery LowVery Low a libre version of Navigator,  Closed
Task Description

unlike Navigator though, it needs two things: compatibility with seamonkey addons, (the ones that effect web browsing, not the mail email parts)

and to be based off of the latest version of seamonkey, only obviously just the navigator part. I understand this might be hard to implement now, so I can wait if need be, Just thought I would show this to you.

PS, if you ever make HyperBK, port it to that too, but until then, just the os that I mentioned.

Also, last thing, any seamonkey addons that I have already asked for seamonkey, again that aren’t email/mail based, implement them for this too. :)

I will put the severity at very low if that’s okay, just until you have actual time/whatever...

Let me know if this is even remotely possible with this build.

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