- Status In Progress
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Implementation Request
- Category Kernel → HyperBK
Assigned To
coadde Emulatorman - Operating System HyperbolaBSD
- Severity Critical
- Priority Very High
- Reported Version Any
- Due in Version Canis Major v1.0
Due Date
- Votes
- Private
Attached to Project: Software Development
Opened by Emulatorman - 04/06/2018
Last edited by Emulatorman - 05/12/2019
Opened by Emulatorman - 04/06/2018
Last edited by Emulatorman - 05/12/2019
FS#761 - Develop a BSD descendant kernel for HyperbolaBSD
Develop HyperBK (Hyper Berkeley Kernel), a BSD descendant kernel with GPL-compatible licenses preserved, non-compatible ones removed, and new code written under GPL-3 for HyperbolaBSD.
- Download OpenBSD kernel source code from OpenBSD site → DONE
- Download LibertyBSD scripts to deblob and rebrand kernel from their scripts. → DONE
- Push source to HyperBK’s project. → DONE
- Rebrand OpenBSD kernel to HyperbolaBSD with LibertyBSD scripts. → DONE
- Rebrand entire code (functions, variable, pointers, etc) under HyperbolaBSD → DONE
- Remove files under non GPL-compatible licenses → DONE
- Import code from another BSD systems under GPL-compatible licenses → IN PROGRESS
- Remove remaining nonfree files don't found from LibertyBSD scripts → IN PROGRESS
- Write new code under GPL-3 → IN PROGRESS
- Package HyperBK for HyperbolaBSD.
When the check concerns kernel, we obviously want to match with HyperbolaBSD. Example of triplet check: hyperbolabsd) Example of uname -s check: HyperbolaBSD) Example of uname -r check: 0.1) Example of C macro check: defined(__HyperbolaBSD__)
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IF you guys ever develop a testing grade version, meaning its not stable or unstable, let me know.
I am interested in trying it to see what its like. I am all about the lightweight, :)
ps, you may need an FDE guide for libreboot for this too someday.
I am fully supporting this effort! Please continue doing so.
@Jean, it sounds like it will be only the core modules initally, at least until some later date,
I would guess its 5+ before it will be like a full featured BSD, aka, having a third of the packages as Hyperbola GNU/Linux-Libre.
That's just a guess, it could be sooner, but rest assured, it will be usable for routers probably within more like 3 years from what I heard.
I may be wrong about all of this, but that aside, Emulatorman did say that it will cost a huge amount of money to maintain Hyperbola GNU/Linux-Libre and HyperbolaBSD simutaneously on the same level.
I look forward to it though! Five years or not, Hyperbola GNU/Linux-Libre he hopes will be half as secure as OpenBSD in the future at some point.
if Emulatorman sees this, I hope he will correct me where its needed.
Some of this, I am just guessing on and the rest he has said himself.
Meh, I may have been wrong about my last comment, ignore all who see this... :P
Btw, as a mega huge update, I don't see making all of it gpl as a need, more than stabilizing it, given it is based on OpenBSD anyhow. Also, gpl licenses are good for applications, but can be dangerous for anything regarding the core system, meaning:
Libraries of sorts, programming languages included… the kernel itself also
package manager
stuff similar
However, I understand if you guys disagree. But that being said, even if you can't do the gpl licensing now, I think its more important, just have a libre operating system at this point, with permissive licensing if needed then to seek the gpl changes right now.
If specific code is under gpl already, no worries.
But if it isn't, no need to go out of your way to change, unless it is has massive incompatibilities and/or non-free issues or other DRM and/or other serious similar issues.
Point being, I don't want another redhat situation happening down the road. I believe you guys have mega awesome potential to become greater than GNU ever was or FSF, for that matter.
Man do I want to bless you guys.
I only wish I could do so, without issues.
This being said, I look forward to HyperbolaBSD.
When it is alpha and especially beta and even more so stable, let me know! To say I am huge fan, is the most massive understatement ever.
Peace to you all and bless your dreamer hearts! We need you all!