- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Bug Report
- Category Stable
Assigned To
heckyel - Operating System Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre
- Severity Medium
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version Milky Way v0.3
- Due in Version Milky Way v0.4
Due Date
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- Private
FS#1526 - Untrsuted gpg key
There is an issue with Christian Rebischke key, i’ve tried to delete /etc/pacman.d/gnupg/ and repopulate it but it doesn’t fix the issue.
error: ascii: signature from “Christian Rebischke (Arch Linux Security Team-Member) Chris.Rebischke@archlinux.org” is unknown trust
File /var/cache/pacman/pkg/ascii-3.15-2-x86_64.pkg.tar.xz is corrupted (invalid or corrupted package (PGP signature)).
Steps to reproduce:
sudo pacman -S ascii
Closed by heckyel
26.11.2021 16:21
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing:
26.11.2021 16:21
Reason for closing: Fixed
Additional comments about closing:
Hyperbola Milky Way 0.4 used only 1 PGP
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