FS#1514 - [gtk-2] Severe problems with GTK2-applications
Description: Since the migration to xenocara there seems to be a bug with applications using GTK-2. From time to time there are crashes with assertion `!xcb_xlib_threads_sequence_lost’.
Looking into this a little bit more deep there are also other distributions affected and this is an upstream-bug. But the concrete situation is not that easy, while it could be also part of the library libX11 itself. Looking therefore here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pcmanfm/+bug/1782984
Affected are for example LXDE in general, icedove, iceweasel and many more!
Closed by heckyel
18.11.2021 01:15
Reason for closing: Already fixed
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18.11.2021 01:15
Reason for closing: Already fixed
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Solved with verson 0.4.
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Solved with verson 0.4.