- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Update Request
- Category Any
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heckyel - Operating System All
- Severity High
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version 1.0
- Due in Version Milky Way v0.4
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- Private
FS#1483 - [mpv] request for package bump
Would it be possible to get a package bump for mpv ?
Currently, Debian Buster (stable) uses 0.29.1-1. This would be great as it introduces many fixes and support for lua scripts I heavily use.
0.29.* requires a ffmpeg to 4.x series as well.
Closed by heckyel
27.10.2021 21:12
Reason for closing: Implemented
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27.10.2021 21:12
Reason for closing: Implemented
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