- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Freedom Issue
- Category Any
Assigned To
Emulatorman heckyel - Operating System Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre
- Severity Critical
- Priority Very Low
- Reported Version Milky Way v0.3
- Due in Version Milky Way v0.4
Due Date
- Votes
- Private
Attached to Project: Packages
Opened by HarvettFox96 - 05/11/2019
Last edited by heckyel - 28/07/2021
Opened by HarvettFox96 - 05/11/2019
Last edited by heckyel - 28/07/2021
FS#1474 - [conky] Some serious issues
I’m writing here about the package Conky. It is the useful widget of system monitor into your desktop, but there are some serious issues:
Config variables
- distribution outputs the string “Arch Linux” instead of “Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre”.
- eve requires users to use API for non-libre/free video game EVE Online, and should be removed.
- All Beep Media Player (BMPx) related variables (including bmpx_album, bmpx_artist, bmpx_bitrate, bmpx_title, bmpx_track and bmpx_uri) are obselete and useless, and should be removed because the package BMPx isn’t present on Arch and Hyperbola official repositories but Arch User Repository (AUR).
- [For Milky Way version 0.4.x only] All PulseAudio related variables (including if_pa_sink_muted, pa_sink_volume, pa_sink_volumebar, pa_sink_description, pa_card_name and pa_card_active_profile) are no longer used, and should be removed due replaced the default audio server with sndio.
- Contains non-FDSG compliant distros.
- Contains vague terminology.
- Requires users to use API for non-libre/free weather network service(s) (including The Weather Channel).
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