- Status Closed
- Percent Complete
- Task Type Freedom Issue
- Category Any
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Emulatorman - Operating System Hyperbola GNU/Linux-libre
- Severity Critical
- Priority Very High
- Reported Version Milky Way v0.3
- Due in Version Starfix
Due Date
- Votes
- Private
FS#1437 - [clementine] using non-free services and interfaces
The audioplayer clementine uses interfaces for non-free services like Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive, Subsonic and VK.com regarding storage and accessing files. So of course the software is licensed under the GPL, therefore Copyleft and free, libre software in the first place, but is also using anti-features with those interfaces to mentioned unfree services later on.
So the proposal would be: Creating a fork with removing those interfaces or otherwise removal of the whole package.
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