- Status Closed
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Emulatorman - Operating System All
- Severity High
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- Due in Version Starfix
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Attached to Project: Packages
Opened by bugmen0t - 20/11/2017
Last edited by Emulatorman - 22/11/2017
Opened by bugmen0t - 20/11/2017
Last edited by Emulatorman - 22/11/2017
FS#145 - [busybox] CVE-2017-16544: autocompletion vulnerability
Package: https://www.hyperbola.info/packages/community/x86_64/busybox/
In the add_match function in libbb/lineedit.c in BusyBox through 1.27.2, the tab autocomplete feature of the shell, used to get a list of filenames in a directory, does not sanitize filenames and results in executing any escape sequence in the terminal. This could potentially result in code execution, arbitrary file writes, or other attacks.
Patch: https://git.busybox.net/busybox/commit/?id=c3797d40a1c57352192c6106cc0f435e7d9c11e8
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