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FS#716 - Iceweasel ESR request,
from the, forums I have heard you plan to base your new iceweasel version from basilisk when firefox switches to web extensions completely. I am concerned about this because noscript and many other addons will no longer support legacy after this point...
I really think you are doing a disservice if you do this. I think we should personally fix the leaks that mozilla makes, the way trisquel 8 does it. I have heard they know how to fix those leaks. Or, another way forward would be to find a way that involves forking firefox esr 60 and correcting the bugs with the help of tcpdump.
Its madness to fork from basilisk because without noscript webextensions and other such addons, any benefits you get will be very small compared to what you have lost in the process.
I doubt you want to have two different versions of iceweasel esr, one that is with webext and one without. But please don’t try to use basilisk as the base for iceweasel.
I really think its a bad idea long term. Do I dislike mozilla’s new plan? Yes... of course. But do I think using basilisk will solve it? Not unless mozilla angers enough people to make their addons for basilisk instead... Which I really, really doubt very highly.
Please hear this request and don’t just close it. Rather, instead discuss it for a long time. Without noscript, firefox is immensely insecure. And Firefox’s legacy noscript version will die in the future. In the NEAR FUTURE I MIGHT ADD
Of course, there are other firefox addons I want that are webext. So yeah... Nano Adblocker, Privacy Settings, Privacy Possum/Privacy Badger, Viewtube, Decentraleyes to name a few.
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We won't maintain browsers based on Quantum in Hyperbola since it violates our Social Contract. Accept it is accept implement Chromium parts to Hyperbola and unblacklist a lot of packages such as Electron, WebEngine, etc. If we should "fix the leaks" in the next ESR, it means we should remove entire Quantum from the source first; in short, develop it from scratch with a new project, similar to Basilisk. g4jc explained you about Quantum issue.
If other distros are using Chromium-based projects such as Quantum it isn't our problem because Hyperbola is following its own development path and is an independent distro.